Any ladies/couples loosing weight to help conceive?



  • poetgurl2005
    I'm trying to lose weight so that we can start trying to have another baby. I was 234 when I delivered each of my sons and I don't want to be that big agian. I am also planning on actually exercising during this pregnancy, unlike the other two. I want to weigh at the most 180 when I concieve so that I am only around 200 when I deliver. I was able to only gain 15lbs with my last pegnancy though.

  • lisahale
    My husband and I have been trying a little over 2 years now. My doctor never said anything about the weight. He first put me on a folic acid and prenatal vitamin. I actually just went back today and this month we are testing my estrogen levels, if they are fine he is going to refer my husband to get tested . He said we would go from there once that is all done and fine. Good Luck :))
  • LNZimmer
    My boyfriend is not overweight at all, but I am working on losing some weight, but getting into better shape so we can have a second child. If anyone wants to add me, please do! I do my best to be supportive and a good friend :)
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    It was not the first reason for losing weight.
    But it was in the back of my mind.

    Apparently in my husband's as well. I talked to my doctor about switching birth control options. I was tired of taking the pill the same time everyday. When I went home and talked to my husband about it, he said to stop it all. We'll let nature take it's course.

    I'm sure any weight loss will increase the chances. Personally hoping for sooner rather than later...mainly because I feel old already. But the more I can lose before it happens, the better.

    Best of luck to you!
  • LNZimmer
    Oh, when I had my daughter, I went from 230ish to 270ish...lost 20 but gained 70! EWWW!

    It is more because I have no body strength. I want to be able to endure being preggo :)

    I can't wait to have another. I love being preggo, and being mommy :)
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    I am...I think I would be okay if I got pregnant now but losing weight increases your chances! I suffered a loss in march and took it hard..gained a good chunk of weight and am now working on losing it. We have been trying to conceive since June, which is when I was medically cleared. Have lost ten lbs now and I'm hoping To continue to lose until we get pregnant again. Best wishes too all that are trying...and a big kudos to those who are getting healthy so that they can give their baby his/her best chance in life! <3
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm not trying for a baby at the moment, but thinking about trying for no. 3 next year sometime, so I want to be as think as possible by then!

    I can't really say if it is a factor, but when i got pregnant with both of mine I had lost weight and was toned and fit. When i tried for my first it was just after my wedding and I'd lost about 45lbs for that and weighed about 165lbs and was a UK size 12/14. I got pregnant the 1st month of trying.

    I got pregnant the 3rd month of trying for my 2nd, and again i'd lost all of my baby weight.

    Now my pre-pregnancy jeans from child no.1 are falling down, so I'm happy with that! (he's 3, my daughter's 16 months). I'd like to experience pregnancy as a thin person!

    I think that being fit and healthy is important for pregnancy and giving birth too, and exercise is equally as helpful as a good diet. With both of mine I just used gas and air and I didn't need stitches either time. I'm sure all the exercise i'd done helped me. That and the childbearing hips :laugh:
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    Both my husband and I have been, and are, trying to lose weight and get as healthy as possible. I'm 5'1", my highest was 217ish, my lowest was 127. I'm at 193 (and slowly dropping) right now, with the hopes to get down to under 150 before my next birthday (August).
    Been TTC for over 5 years and even though we are still actively TTC we are going the fertility route too.
    Never been told our weight is an issue (or anything else for that matter, we fall into an 'unexplained' category) but we want to get as healthy as we can for our selves and for possible conception.
    Good luck to you and yours!
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    This is kinda what got me started. I read an article about a women who lost a bunch of weight. What clicked for her was miscarrying, and even though the doctor couldn't say it, she knew it was because she was already very overweight and then gained 40 pounds the first 5 months. My husband told me, honey I love you, but I want you to be healthy and not gain more with pregnancy and be even more unhealthy and unhappy. That hit home too. I think I just figured Hey I'm 25 and a family is the next step but I want to enjoy my body now and then start trying to have kids. The goal is to hit my perfect body by next year and then make sure I can maintain that weight for a year or two, then maybe when I'm 28 we will start trying. This website is great too because you can monitor your eating as your pregnant to stay healthy! So many people get the mentality 'eating for 2' when in reality you only need an extra 100-400 calories depending on how far along your are. That's like an extra snack or meal! All my friends who gained 60 pounds while pregnant gorged on food and never worked out. I want to be healthy and still workout as best I can, walks or whatever. I think its important for me and the baby. Good luck to those trying!
  • TashaB512
    Hello! One of my reasons for losing weight is to have a better chance for a healthy pregnancy and to be a better mother. I want to be able to run and play with my children-not just watch from the sidelines!

    If anyone wants-feel free to add me.

    I can understand the pregnancy journey very well. I will be as supportive as possible. It took my husband and I one year to conceive our first child but suffered a miscarriage at 12 weeks. We got pregnant again one year later and had a premature birth and lost our second child as well. Third time was a charm as we now have a healthy, happy one year old.

    I do (oddly enough) want to try again...maybe I shouldn't.

    I'm here for anyone :-)
  • Mawskittykat
    Mawskittykat Posts: 241 Member
    My husband and I tried for 5 years to conceive and never could. All tests showed no problem with either of us. My Dr. recommended I try to lose a little weight. I lost 50 lbs and got pregnant. Our Son is now 21 and I thank God for him everyday.
    I wish you the best.
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    I'm TTC #1 after a loss last year...starting acupuncture on Monday.

    For anyone who is interested, there is a TTC group on MFP...TTC for Mommies to Be (or something like that...)
  • leyte26
    leyte26 Posts: 86 Member
    i think it's great that so many are trying to get healthy for baby! My # 1 reason for losing weight was to have a baby. i was told by a couple doctors to lose weight and when i had to wait 10 months to see a specialist i decided to take charge and ended up losing 75 pounds (i didn't want to wait all that time for her to tell me to lose weight) that was two years ago i have maintianed although i do hope to lose more i have found it fustrating. my weight loss has helped me in so many ways but unfortunatly i have hit some road blocks on my ttc journey. both my tubes are blocked. i found out this week that we will finally get to start ivf in november ( i am so excited!!!)
    i love mfp and all of the wonderful and suportive friends. it is nice to know that i am not the only one on this journey. i wish everyone all the best and lots of baby dust for healthy happy babys!!!
  • aznrd
    aznrd Posts: 10 Member
    You should check out the Perfect 10 Diet by Dr Aziz. He talks about balancing hormones to help conceive. It's what I'm doing currently and though my husband and I aren't trying to have a baby yet, I can see how weight and hormones can play a big role. After reviewing my most recent bloodwork the doctor explained to me that I'm prediabetic and I also have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's one of the reasons for my weight loss journey as I fear conceiving will be difficult for me. I'm 5'5" and currently 230lbs. You should add me :-) I'd love to share in your journey! Best wishes!
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Best of luck to you and your husband! It worked for my husband and me. We TTC for 3 years and we were tested, nothing showed up, so we decided we should just cool it on trying so hard and focus on my health because at the time it was not that well at all. I was the highest weight I had ever been 260+ and my degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, depression/anxiety and ibs was taking its toll on my body. The weight gain always went up after each negative test and my depression worsened. I couldn't get through a day without crying about it. I woke up one morning in Jan 2010 and said hey I am not living like this anymore so I started working out everyday, changed my diet drastically( I was a very unhealthy vegetarian at the time but went vegan during this change), and changed my attitude. We stopped with the tests and doctor visits. I dropped major weight, went from a size 22 to a 12 by September of that year and weighed 180ish lbs. I realized I had not had my period in what seemed like months so my husband jokingly said to take a test that this was it(he thought it would be negative for sure) so we went and got one and the next thing you know I am in the doctors office having a sonogram of our 9week old baby:) I know it was the weight loss, together with the change in diet and mindset. We now have a healthy happy 15month old girl! Now this momma is trying to loss all the weight from slacking when she was born lol. (I only gained 20lb with her) If you need support in this journey please feel free to add me, that goes for anyone. I know exactly how hard it is. *hugs*
  • bquillen
    bquillen Posts: 45 Member
    That's one of my main goals in losing weight....I also have PCOS which makes it hard because I havent had a regular cycle in many years....I am down 85 pounds and still no change yet....hopefully soon it will change and we have some luck in finally having a little one....good luck and keep up all the hard work you are doing....
  • ShanaeGraf
    ShanaeGraf Posts: 8 Member
    Great thread everyone. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the same boat. I had a reality check back on August 4th on my 29th birthday when I realized I would be turning 30 in a year and I didn't want to go into another decade overweight and unhealthy. My husband and I have been married 10 months and are hoping to start trying for a baby next Summer. I am hoping to reach a healthy weight of between 150-160 by then. My mom always struggled with her weight and it had a definite effect on my body image and attitude. I want my kids to grow up with a healthy mom who sets a good example for eating well and staying active. Please feel free to add me. I would love to keep up with everyones weight loss/pregnancy journey.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    My partner and I are not ttc yet, because I am back in school this year, but we plan to start ttc in 1-2 years. It is a goal of mine to reach a healthy body weight before ttc. My reasoning behind this, is because it will be easier to conceive, and I will be less likely to have a high risk pregnancy. My mom, had preclampsia in the third trimester of her second pregnancy, she was not even overweight when she got pregnant, but had gained about 40 pounds by the time she was diagnosised with preclampsia. My mom said she gained even more weight after that due to being put on bed rest. I do not want this to happen to me!
  • mmmurphy585
    mmmurphy585 Posts: 36 Member
    I have PCOS and both of my kids (ages 9 and 4) were concieved after losing roughly 10-15 pounds. I am contemplating a third pregnancy and would like to lose at least 25 pounds before concieving. For me, the weight loss helped. Feel free to friend me if you want some encouragement, I could use some too.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I told my husband I wont get off birth control and try for another baby until i reach 150 and he has to get down to 299. It's going to be a first son, i got pregnant at 197 and it was not fun!
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