Looking for Yoga DVDs for a beginner



  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    The P90x program has a yoga workout in it, I found it challenging and somewhat relevant now that I've started attending actual yoga classes. Maybe you can borrow this disc from someone who has it?

    Several years ago I bought one called Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss from Gaiam on VHS. I really liked it. It was challenging, but not TOO challenging for me to keep up with. I actually bought it later on DVD because I liked it so much.

    I absolutely HATE the P90X yoga. It's something like 90 minutes long and Tony has you "vinyasa-ing" between everything so much that I want to reach through the television and choke him if he says "vinyasa" one more time. :grumble: I actually like the 10 Minute Trainer Yoga workout, but it's obviously not long enough to use as a "full" workout.

    I've done quite a few of Jillian Michaels' DVDs and I like Yoga Meltdown, but it's not really traditional yoga. You do hold some poses, but it's mostly movement within the poses so that you're burning more calories. I enjoy some of the yoga on the Wii Fit as someone else mentioned as well.
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    I've taken yoga classes and done DVDs.

    I LOVE my Yoga Zone DVDs THE most! (Especially for beginners!) The teachers in these DVDs guide you nicely through the moves in a way that really helps you to feel your body and self correct with their tips and reminders throughout.

    I have also tried other DVDs but I have never felt that the instructors were teaching proper techniques or moving at a pace appropriate for beginners. It seems like other yoga series are more about rushing through and burning calories than building strength and flexibility.

    Also, my sister became a certified yoga instructor a couple of years ago and she started with, and often still utilizes the Yoga Zone DVDs for personal use.

    Hope this helps. :-)

    P.S. If you have Netflix delivered via snail mail you can find the DVDs there and try them before you buy.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    I remember I thought Rainbeau Mars was pretty good, not too gym-style-yoga and not all about breathing and meditation. But I'm not watching/practicing with yoga DVDs frequently.

    Oh, but when I did, I really liked David Swenson's videos. Not sure now if they are good for a beginner, as the guy himself is very advanced, but I strongly remember that he was doing a great job in explaining and making things simple for beginners and keeping the focus in the right place and not bothered if the body isn't able to fully comply yet. Something along these lines ))
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
  • twoaugustgirls
    twoaugustgirls Posts: 20 Member
    Do you need the Wii fit board for yoga?
  • bdljoos
    Rodney Yee and Mariel Hemmingway have a great beginner 15 minute workout dvd that has 4 sessions each targeting different body areas. I believe it is a Gaiam dvd.