Has anyone tried Body by VI?



  • myriahj84
    I personally don't agree with it - even more so after I read this article.


    This article pretty much sums up the reasons that I did not start using Body By Vi. It is very popular in my area and one of my friends wanted me to try it. The biggest downside for me was that they use soy and maltodextrin is one of the first ingredients listed. I try to eat only all natural food products and these shakes are definitely not healthy for short or long term use. I ended up starting an Isagenix program instead. Thier shakes are 100% organic whey protein (NO soy used at all) and is a great source of fiber and minerals. I actually got a full body scan done yesterday (it scans for bone density, body fat and some other super scientific stuff that I didn't really understand...I was more interested in the body fat part haha) and the lady asked me if I drink a lot of milk because my bones are so strong. I told her I don't drink cows milk, just the Isagenix shakes and vitamins! Many people have experienced success with Isagenix and I can't say enough how much better it is for your body to drink these shakes instead of Vi. Visalus has a great marketing platform, but the nutritional value is lacking big time. For people saying shakes aren't as good as real food, I don't have a lot of time to cook meals so having a shake for breakfast/lunch is easier and cheaper than buying foods and cooking them. I would much rather drink a shake compared to going to a drive thru! Also, Isagenix shakes only need water instead of buying milk which is an added cost. I could go on for days about why people shouldn't do Body By Vi but I will stop now lol.
  • Aisha_E
    Aisha_E Posts: 9 Member
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Tried it for 2.5 months. I lost 2 pounds.
    I was hungry. I was cranky.

    I was also busy as I travel a lot for work. I took the powder with me, and it was still difficult to follow because by the night time, I was STARVING.

    I sold the last bag and cancelled my shipments.

    Stopped trying to lose weight for a while, started here, and in 2 weeks, I'm down 10 pounds and am not hungry!

    I think that I dropped too many calories for my weight.

    Maybe if I get to the point where I can function on 1200 calories a day, I may pick it up and try for a month. MAYBE
  • pilipok73
    pilipok73 Posts: 7 Member
    I have researched Body by Vi products and decided against it because of the costs. ANY protein shakes , if you substitute one of your meals with them, will do exactly the same as Visalus . BSN, Optimum Nutrition, and many other companies are making great products and it is way cheaper than Visalus.
    BSN Lean Dessert protein powders, which what I am currently using, has many different flavors and you can add water or milk to make them.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I was at a Challenge party given by a coworker who became a promoter for BBV. She made a very delicous shake and this is what I gathered about this product. You make whatever type of shake you want and then add a packet of ??? by BBV to the shake. The packet is just a flavoring or vitamins, or something like that. It's a waste of money. I'm sticking to my Pure Whey Protein shakes for Breakfast and Lunch and I'll keep taking my multivitamin. I don't feel hungry, I'm energized, and I eat a really good dinner with some healthy snacks. Why would you enroll in a BBV Challenge when you can do the same thing on your own?
  • Girl_Bomb
    My sister is on it, I think it's ridiculous, You can get 10 times the amount of nutrients and protein with a protien shake and a greens shot for a quarter of the price. I personaLy think it's a gimmic, another fad. She's getting like 600cals a day and she's been so pissed off and angry, sleeping all the time. Bat option is to teach yourself how to eat properly rather then resorting to 300$ shakes, not to mention it has sucralose and chemicals in it.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    What is up with all of these threads the past two days? Is there some incentive program going on to get new recruits?

    -You don't need the shakes and can be equally successful without them.
    -They are a waste of money. Pyramid schemes make the people on top a lot of money while blinding the people at bottom.
    -Drinking your food is not sustainable and will be difficult to adjust to later.

    Basically, too many people want an easy fix or a quick fix. Neither will bring you long-term success. Be smart, eat healthy and get exercise. That is all it takes.

    Sorry peeps but THIS POST times 1,000 :drinker: I usually wouldn't post and would just walk away shaking my head, but lately EVERYONE seems to be talking about Body By VI like it is some miracle. I simply cannot imagine it... A shake in replace of REAL food for ...ever? Not for ME thanks, but if it works for you GREAT. Interested to know if it works for you after a year though, keep us posted! and GOOD LUCK to you!
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I personally don't agree with it - even more so after I read this article.


    This article pretty much sums up the reasons that I did not start using Body By Vi. It is very popular in my area and one of my friends wanted me to try it. The biggest downside for me was that they use soy and maltodextrin is one of the first ingredients listed. I try to eat only all natural food products and these shakes are definitely not healthy for short or long term use. I ended up starting an Isagenix program instead. Thier shakes are 100% organic whey protein (NO soy used at all) and is a great source of fiber and minerals. I actually got a full body scan done yesterday (it scans for bone density, body fat and some other super scientific stuff that I didn't really understand...I was more interested in the body fat part haha) and the lady asked me if I drink a lot of milk because my bones are so strong. I told her I don't drink cows milk, just the Isagenix shakes and vitamins! Many people have experienced success with Isagenix and I can't say enough how much better it is for your body to drink these shakes instead of Vi. Visalus has a great marketing platform, but the nutritional value is lacking big time. For people saying shakes aren't as good as real food, I don't have a lot of time to cook meals so having a shake for breakfast/lunch is easier and cheaper than buying foods and cooking them. I would much rather drink a shake compared to going to a drive thru! Also, Isagenix shakes only need water instead of buying milk which is an added cost. I could go on for days about why people shouldn't do Body By Vi but I will stop now lol.

    ^^ This! I do whey protein shakes, not soy protein! I also don't agree with the MLM scheme of it.
  • amclaws25
    amclaws25 Posts: 128 Member
    I myself do not think it's worth it. Just eat cleaner, watch your calories, and exercise. It really isn't that hard and so much cheaper. My biggest rant with this product is that it doesn't teach a healthy lifestyle change, but instead a quick replacement. When they stop, I almost bet many people will gain again because they haven't learned anything about nutrition. ANNNNNDDDD....... I just heard it's sweetened with Splenda! ICK! Not sure if that is true or not but if so, it's just one more reason why I wouldn't want to try it. I know several people using it. I have lost the same, if not more, than them by really focusing on my nutrition and watching calories in, calories out, and getting off my butt to exercise. And hey, I actually get to EAT my food. LOL. Just my opinion though.

    On a good note, I have heard it's full of fiber and probiotics. For someone with slow digestion like me, that does kinda intrigue me. Sometimes I struggle trying to get 30 grams of fiber a day (which is my goal).
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    The shakes work out to be less than $2 a day

    Wow. That's about how much I spend on ALL my food for one day!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I don't believe in anything for weight loss that I don't plan on doing for the rest of my life.
    I wouldn't want to drink meal replacements for the rest of my life.

    THIS!! I love food...real food...that I can chew and taste without adding "flavour"...I use protein shakes, but only to reach my protein macros and after weight training....
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I like the protein powder, it tastes great. You can just buy the protein powder without all the packets of pills and powders!
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
    luv the BBV..... I do at least one a day (breakfast), then one for dinner....makes me feel like i'm having a big ol bowl of ice cream (when you blend it with ice and use one of the yummy recipes).... highly recommend..
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Yes the shakes taste good....but it's not teaching you how to eat better or portion control and its still a PROCESSED product. I'm willing to bet you could find these same ingredients in a much cheaper shake.

    Plus do some research on the effects of soy on the a woman's body. It can have a negative effect on your hormones, thyroid, and more.


    Not seeing what's sooooo great about the nutritional content....take a multi-vitamin....
  • bwdcjk
    bwdcjk Posts: 96 Member
    Plus do some research on the effects of soy on the a woman's body. It can have a negative effect on your hormones, thyroid, and more.

    I use BBV and was not aware until your post of the possible side effects of soy. I have hypothyroidism and just yesterday learned I need to up my meds as my levels are down (or up - whatever the case may be). I also just found this online and I have been having these digestive issues from time to time. For sure will be discussing this all with my doctor.

    People with kidney disease and hypothyroidism should consult a physician, as soy components may interact with the body to exacerbate these problems. Some women may experience digestive discomfort, including nausea, constipation or diarrhea, when consuming soy. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/461439-soy-side-effects-for-women/#ixzz26S3aNZhB
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I dislike MLM schemes on principle. EVERYONE is your best friend and has had 'great results' in a MLM

    That being said, you can buy protein shakes/nutrition way cheaper. Online or in stores. Many stores offer returns if you don't like the product, even if it's open.

    I've heard they're very delish tho, so I guess that's one good thing..probably the only good thing I've heard, LOL
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Plus do some research on the effects of soy on the a woman's body. It can have a negative effect on your hormones, thyroid, and more.

    I use BBV and was not aware until your post of the possible side effects of soy. I have hypothyroidism and just yesterday learned I need to up my meds as my levels are down (or up - whatever the case may be). I also just found this online and I have been having these digestive issues from time to time. For sure will be discussing this all with my doctor.

    People with kidney disease and hypothyroidism should consult a physician, as soy components may interact with the body to exacerbate these problems. Some women may experience digestive discomfort, including nausea, constipation or diarrhea, when consuming soy. Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/461439-soy-side-effects-for-women/#ixzz26S3aNZhB

    I didn't know either until I tried the shakes and started having some weird issues. Only thing new to my diet and that's when I started doing some research
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    The shakes work out to be less than $2 a day

    Wow. That's about how much I spend on ALL my food for one day!

    Wow, I'd love to see your diary and see what you eat for $2 a day...
  • Amybowen614
    Amybowen614 Posts: 9 Member
    I just started my second 90 day challenge. I lost 21 lbs on the first . I actually lost the 21 lbs in 2 months. I have maintained the loss. After summer vacation, i have just coasted. However, with the Vi diet, i incorporated a lot of excercise (Zumba and running). My goal is to lose another 20 lbs. over the next 90 day challenge. There are so many recipes you can use for the shakes, it is hard to get bored. Having a community to help cheer you on is also great! Good luck.