I'm not losing... :(



  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    what is it your eating...... try raising your calories to 1500.... and are you also incorporating weight training and not just cardio..
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Like I always say in times like this... OPEN DIARY OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN ;)

    But if you're as TRULY accurate as you say, it could be overworking/undereating. I was doing great like this until I hit only 1lb loss for all of August, with maybe a .5 inch loss overall. Many recommended I cut back on the 60+ intense exercise I was doing EVERY day, I added strength training, and upped my calories.

    I feel way better, and people have commented on my body in the last 2-3 weeks, though I haven't retaken measurements again. It could be that!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    you need to increase your calories

    This. I didn't lose for almost the whole first month I was here. I worked out, ate 1200 calories, and did everything "right." then someone suggested I eat more. I hesitantly upped my calories to bout 1500 and everything else stayed the same. I lost 30 lbs. in about 3 months.
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    you need to increase your calories

    This. I didn't lose for almost the whole first month I was here. I worked out, ate 1200 calories, and did everything "right." then someone suggested I eat more. I hesitantly upped my calories to bout 1500 and everything else stayed the same. I lost 30 lbs. in about 3 months.

    we make such a great tag team in forums lol
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    You need to NET 1200, not just eat 1200.

    I'm doing 1200 too, and the way I'm doing it, I'm losing roughy a pound a week (give or take a couple of tenths). One week, I even lost 1.6 lbs.

    I look at the 1200 that I get every morning as CASH in my wallet, and it is all I have to SPEND (on food). Exercise is my JOB and how I earn more CASH. So, on the days I earn more CASH, I can SPEND more. Perhaps on a special treat (ie, Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches, which COST 150 calories).

    Okay, I admit, sometimes I over spend or under spend, but only by a little, and always NET close to that 1200.

    Hope this helps.:happy:
  • violet_papillon
    violet_papillon Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you all for the advice! O_O I wasn't expecting so many replies! :)

    I'm 5'1". I was 130 lbs at my heaviest ever in January but I lost about 8 lbs because of stress...I wasn't working out at all. I thought that if I started working out, I would lose more weight and get more toned, etc. I'm not very big, but I'm flabby. :P

    I will try to eat more - I struggle with hitting 1200 calories (that's without my exercise calories) as it is because I'm not usually hungry. I do eat a lot of carbs though (rice and bread). I will try to substitute with more protein.

    I do drink a lot of water and green tea. At least 2 litres of both combined.

    I was debating joining the gym in addition to my walking and 30DS but I think I'm going to hold off on that for now till I'm done the 30DS. Would 30DS be enough for weight training? Should I try and do more?

    And I don't have an eating disorder. The "throwing up" question was for when I had a stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down. To be fair, the topic was "All the questions no one wants to ask"...

    Anyway, thanks for the advice. I feel a little better about my hard work, even if my scale isn't rewarding me. :grumble:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Circuit training is good. For the greatest effectiveness, you should be incorporating hand weights, as heavy as you can without compromising your form. Finish out the Shred. If you want to after that, pick up New Rules, Stronglifts 5x5, etc. and start a lifting program. There are some good programs out there. (I'm doing New Rules at the moment.) Joining a gym would be good for this. Getting a personal trainer to work on form is good, too, just for a few sessions.

    Personally, I detested the Shred. It hurt my knees and I just hated it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE weights. I love the increased strength, I love the muscles that are popping out, and I get "lifter's high". In fact, I get cranky and stressed when I can't go lift. It's changing my body and shrinking me despite the fact that I have edema. I just feel so much better physically and mentally.

    As for how much to bump your cals, 1,500 is a pretty good start for strength training for small women from what I gather from Steve and other sources. New Rules gives you a formula to calculate calorie intake for that program. You may actually start out with more than that. Oh, and don't worry about your appetite. If you're pushing weights around you'll have days where you feel like you're starving.
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    And I don't have an eating disorder. The "throwing up" question was for when I had a stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down. To be fair, the topic was "All the questions no one wants to ask"...

    ok good! :)