
May I ask a question. I keep going over on my protein. Is this bad? I thought protein was one of the keys to weight loss.

Any suggestions?


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Protein is not the key to weight loss. Though a healthy diet is key to weight loss. If you go over you're fine as long as you aren't doubling it or anything and taking those calories up that should be for other nutrients.
  • dhenderson1966
    dhenderson1966 Posts: 4 Member
    I went over by 39 today. That is the most in the last week. I think it is because I drank a protein shake for breakfast instead of my usual 1 slice 45 cal Sara Lee bread. I am also going over on my fat. I know I need to adjust but I thought I was eating healthy.

    Thanks for the feedback
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    I am over almost every day on here. MFP has the protein numbers set way low. i do drink protein shakes, usually one or two a day. depends on my workouts.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I used to go way over on fat. Look at your foods that contain the most fat and try and cut back on them. I'm usually under on fat, but that's because I cut out dairy.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Are you saying that all you usually eat for breakfast is one slice of bread? That is not enough fuel for your body.

    When I visited a dietician, one of the biggest surprises is that she actually asked me to eat MORE food. Here's what happened.

    I walked in expecting that she was going to give me a very specific prescription for eating and admonish me for the the way I ate at the time. Instead, she asked me a lot of questions about what I usually ate, how much, I ate, when I ate, how much I exercised and for how long, when I exercised, etc. After listening, she got out one sheet of paper and drew a graph for me showing me visually how I expended energy throughout the day and how I took in energy (ate) throughout the day. There was a striking contrast. I was expending the vast majority of my energy during the first half of the day (I usually am most active and do my exercise workouts then). However, I was eating the vast majority of my food in the later half of the day. So for the first part of the day I was in a caloric deficit, but in the later half of the day I was in an energy storage (read FAT storage) mode, right before my body was going to use the least amount of energy in the whole 24 hour day (sleeping). She asked me to shift my caloric intake to better match my energy expenditure.

    So now I actually eat a way bigger breakfast than I ever did before. I used to just eat a Lean Cuisine for lunch. But she said that was not enough and asked me to add a salad or vegetables, and add fruit and milk, etc.

    Now, I am no longer grazing all afternoon and evening. However, if I do become hungry for a snack, I always make sure to pair protein with carbohydrate. The carbohydrate gives your body the quick blood sugar fix it wants, but the protein gives your body fuel that takes longer to digest and actually works to stave off hunger later.

    Figure out when you are expending your calories and then match your intake to that time of day. Whatever you are doing and when, though as an adult woman of any size a 45 calorie slice of bread is not enough fuel after you have been without food all night.

    Don't worry about the odd day here and there where you have more intake of protein than myfitnesspal expects you to have. As long as you are not eating only protein to the exclusion of carbohydrates and fat you'll be fine. You can see the ratios that myfitnesspal suggests by clciking on Goals from your homepage and then clicking customize. I think myfitnesspal suggests around 55% carbohydrate, around 30% fat and around 15% protein. But other diet sites have different ratio prescriptions. It's okay to fluctuate from day to day.
  • Cassandrat83
    I am so glad you asked this. I am exactly the same, continuously going over with my protein but staying just under on everything else. From what I have researched, you are fine as long as it is not excessive and you are eating a balanced diet. I have a meal replacement shake for breakfast and dinner, with my main meal (usually Lean cuisine/weight watchers meal) at lunch, then 3 snacks in between meals.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    No not bad you need protein even more so if you are toning up at the same time you need extra! x :bigsmile:
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    MFP, by default, has the protein ratio set to 15%. It's not at all bad to go over this, in fact, I suggest it. I try to eat over 100g of protein a day. I *believe* it helps minimize the lose of muscle.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I have at least 100 g per day and often quite a lot more, and other than the fact that I am never hungrey, it seems to be fine for me. I exercise 6 days a week, and 3 times a week I do strenght training on top of cardio, so usually around 120 mins on those days, so I need the extra.
  • samlankford
    Yeah because of the exercise I do I typically will eat about 200 grams of protein, about 120 grams of carbs and about 30 grams of fat... usually no more then that... protein is not terrible to go over on, just make sure that your getting exercise... you can play with the macro's as well, set you protein higher and you carbs/fat lower..
  • langecornu
    langecornu Posts: 40 Member
    You can read this very interesting article on Wikipedia about Zone Diet.

    The diet centers on a "40:30:30" ratio of calories obtained daily from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, respectively.
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    I am so glad you asked this I just started this on Monday and have been over on protein three of my four days but below my calories.
  • dhenderson1966
    dhenderson1966 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes. I was only eating a slice of 45 cal bread with i can't believe it's not butter and cinnamon. I have decided that a protein shake is better.

    I will not worry about my proteins but I am going to have to figure out where my fat and once in a while my calories are going over.

    Thank you.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Yes. I was only eating a slice of 45 cal bread with i can't believe it's not butter and cinnamon. I have decided that a protein shake is better.

    I will not worry about my proteins but I am going to have to figure out where my fat and once in a while my calories are going over.

    Thank you.

    I like to make breakfast smoothies, it's an easy way to get a serving or two of fruits and greens in and you can add other things like chia seeds in. I add in soy milk for protein and extra calcium.