Breastfeeding and Calorie Intake

I'm breastfeeding my 5 month old almost exclusively. She just started on cereal which I mix with breast milk that I pump (she still only takes maybe 2 tablespoons a day of mixed cereal). I've been adding the calories for breastfeeding, but I am finding it very easy to stay within the limit. I'm not really eating much differently than I usually do? Should I skip adding calories for breastfeeding and stick to the 1200?


  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    You could stick to 1200 and not log your breastfeeding, just consider it a bonus? But 1200 is low for a nursing mother. Just listen to your body and don't allow yourself to go hungry. I'm nursing a 2 year old and I'm hungry all the time even at 2000 calories a day.
  • No! The sad truth is that in the absence of enough to go round for mum and baby, baby gets the bulk of the nutrition. You need to make sure you are eating enough otherwise you run the risk of malnutrition on your part which in turn could affect your BM. BFing mums are not advised to lose any more than 1lb a week from dieting.
  • arosethorn
    arosethorn Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks. Maybe I was snacking when I was bored more than I had realized.... I think I'll stick to the breastfeeding amount for another week or so and if I'm not losing then I'll cut a few more calories. I'm kind of scared I could start to lose my milk supply if I cut too many calories too fast. :ohwell:
  • arosethorn
    arosethorn Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks. I guess it is best to try to lose it slowly
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    You should be adding 300-500 cals for the breastfeeding. You are nourishing your little one with wonderful milk and you want to make sure you and baby are getting proper nutrition. To be honest I did not lose weight while breastfeeding:( Maybe eat at 1500-1600 and see how you feel, keep an eye on your supply to make sure you are still making enough milk for baby :)
  • I also Breastfeed exclusively. I've been eating 500 calories because that's what I've been taught to do honestly. But after two weeks if I dont see a lb of movement on that scale then I'm gonna cut down to 400. I know they sAy you burn between 300 and 500 calories but I'm not sure what my body does. And I eat my calories I burn exercising so to me it also seems like I'm eating a lot. But I'm just going to toy with it and adjust the numbers accordingly. I just want to know I'm eating as much as I possibly can while still losing weight.
  • arosethorn
    arosethorn Posts: 41 Member
    That sounds like a god plan. I am doing the same.
  • Same here I am exclusively nursing my three month old...I was using the extra 500 calories to cheat lol...i dropped the first 20 in a matter or two months now I am stuck at 135... Boo!!! I finally figured out how to use the app on my phone...I am finishing up my first week of the Insanity program... I hope to stay on track :)) Good Luck Guys