HELP :( plateau??

I have not lost a single lbs. in 3 weeks!!! I know I have more weight to lose but it just won't happen, I have been told that I may be in plateau because I have not change my eating and workout routing, I need some insight, anybody please!


  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm at the same place. I know a lot of mine is that it's going to be that TOM soon..but still I'm very frustrated. The scale doesn't move and yet my pants are sliding down off my waist so I know I'm losing but I need that scale to cooperate and tell me :(
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    can you give us an idea of what your diet and exercise routine look like? Maybe open your diary?

    Sorry you're in a plateau... It happens to almost everyone, you'll get through it
  • juliedozier
    juliedozier Posts: 184 Member
    I hit a plateau every few weeks and it seems to last FOREVER. I hear different things; change it up, your diet and/or your exercise. Do something different than your body is used to. But usually I just have to wait it out then suddently I'll lose again. It's super frustraring but keep up the goood work and it'll all fall into place! :)
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    I have not lost a single lbs. in 3 weeks!!! I know I have more weight to lose but it just won't happen, I have been told that I may be in plateau because I have not change my eating and workout routing, I need some insight, anybody please!

    yes, it's very frustrating! I've dealt with the same issue and I changed up my workout routine as well as added a few more calories to my daily intake. BUT i had to make sure those calories were clean. I had a couple of wipe out days but i got back on track. haha!

    don't give up, keep striving!
  • changing the eating and training habbit might help

    f.e. if you are a runner => do bodyweight-training for a week
    if you do low-carb diet => eat a potato or some rice .....
  • I agree with Julie ^^

    I find i lose weight for a few weeks, then i stay the same within a 1lb and i seen to feel clothes getting a little more comfy.. then hey presto after a few weeks it drops again pretty quickly.

    its very weird.

    But i also find it slows/stops when i dont get enough water, i read somewhere than when your dehydrated your kidney's dont work propperly, so your liver lends a hand which means it doesnt have time to help burn fat. So i make sure i drink plenty of water n plough on. On a similar note pay extra attention to salt intake as that could counteract your water intake.

    Hope you kick it soon! (back to hammering my plateau :(
  • I do Boot Camp 2 times a week and Pilates once, my breakfast are the same from Mon-Sat, cottage cheese, whole wheat bread and coffee, lunch varies between tuna and veggies or Tilapia and mixed greens I have a fruit for snack in the afternoon and a 4-eeg-white omelet for dinner, this is 90% of the times not much variation except for some dinners which are just a soup or nothing at all...
  • I know plateaus are frustrating, we all want that scale to move. but NSVs are awesome too, don't lose sight of that :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    How many calories do you usually get? Although the quality of your food sounds excellent, those are mostly very low calorie foods. I plateaued too, when I was eating only 1200 calories a day with an active lifestyle.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I went through a plateau and I ate more calories then I dropped weight.
  • How many calories do you usually get? That sounds very low

    between 950 ish and 1150, I know is low but I eat a protein shake or bar the boot camp days because of the many calories a burned
  • I went through a plateau and I ate more calories then I dropped weight.

    OMG no way! I would be afraid to try that, but for how long should I do it?
  • I'm at the same place. I know a lot of mine is that it's going to be that TOM soon..but still I'm very frustrated. The scale doesn't move and yet my pants are sliding down off my waist so I know I'm losing but I need that scale to cooperate and tell me :(

    I know :( tell me about it, at least you pants are sliding down, that has to be a good thing
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    between 950 ish and 1150, I know is low but I eat a protein shake or bar the boot camp days because of the many calories a burned

    Unless you are 100+lbs overweight and under medical supervision, it's way, way too low. If you start eating even 1400-1500 calories a day, I guarantee you will not see a (permanent) weight gain. Eating more may FEEL counterintuitive, but honestly, damaging your metabolism is a big deal, and you can't be happy eating like that. You don't have to eat that little to lose weight. I totally get that your brain is in "eat as little as possible and lose weight" mode... Been there done that... But you're really damaging yourself with this calorie intake
  • I do Boot Camp 2 times a week and Pilates once, my breakfast are the same from Mon-Sat, cottage cheese, whole wheat bread and coffee, lunch varies between tuna and veggies or Tilapia and mixed greens I have a fruit for snack in the afternoon and a 4-eeg-white omelet for dinner, this is 90% of the times not much variation except for some dinners which are just a soup or nothing at all...

    Attention, this is not meant as serious as it will look like

    - you eat every day the same and think your body is to lazy to know and add the perfect "storing"-process?? Cause that's what bodies do :-)
    - you eat cheese (350 kcal/100g) and carbs for brakfast
    - thuna (240 kcals/100g) instead of salmon, trout or flounder (50 kcals and less /100g)
    - 4-eegs (4 x 160 kcals/100g) ....

    You really should get some diversity into your meals
    if you wan't you might try, only for a week to go paleo/primal

    but attention: you will have to eat much more to get your BMR
    NEVER EVER EAT UNDER 1.200 cals/day

  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    plateaus are often broken with varying your workouts even if its done on a different day then usual. Theres also adding some calories or cycling them. Really though, put that scale away and grab the tape measure and see that progress. Not sure how often you weigh in but just keep working hard and doing what you do. It will happen but have patience cause stressing about it can aid that dreaded plateau