Skeletal strength vs. muscular tolerance

I have been doing New Rules Of Lifting For Women for several months now, and LOVE lifting, but I have dislocated my shoulder, and my chiropractor suggested that my upper body skeletal frame is not built for lifting the amounts of weight I was up to. Have any of you had this happen, and what do you think about having to drop weights due to bone structure vs. muscle tolerance.



  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    idk about what the chrio said, but I'd take it slow, build up your stabilizers. Dislocation has nothing to do with skeletal strength. Trust me, I dislocated my right shoulder 20+ times playing football until I had it fixed.
  • morninglilli
    Thank you for responding, I have been working on my stabilizers. I will look into it a bit more though. How did you have your shoulder fixed?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You didn't break any bones but he's saying your skeletal strength isn't up to par? What does dislocating a shoulder have to do with skeletal strength?

    What exactly did you dislocate your shoulder doing, anyway?

    Without knowing any specifics, I will say that you can definitely push your body too far, just like in any sport. The only other option is to sit on the couch and die of a heart attack at 50. So there really is no purely safe activity you can do, there is always the risk of injury or death. Heal up and move on...
  • morninglilli
    Na, I used the term skeletal strength, he actually said my frame is not built for heavy lifting, and that the weight was causing my shoulders to dislocate. It has not slipped out of joint, the bones have just shifted down and forward in my right shoulder, causing a nasty pinched nerve feeling to run down my arm.
    I think it was either deadlifts or one point rows that threw me off.
    I will continue to lift, I am just going to back track a bit, and spend more time stretching and balancing with yoga also.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Thank you for responding, I have been working on my stabilizers. I will look into it a bit more though. How did you have your shoulder fixed?

    I had surgery. Bankart repair. Done by some of the best in Rhode Island. I have full mobility in my shoulder, and no lingering issues.