Half Ton Teen

Watching Half Ton Teen on TV, about a teenager who weighs 800 pounds. It's so sad - he's so young and his life is in danger.

I kind of want to shake the mother for giving him 3,000 calories of junk every day, but I'm guessing she must have issues of her own.

Has anyone seen it? Do you know how his story turns out?


  • sktllmdrhmzz
    sktllmdrhmzz Posts: 189 Member
    Pretty sure he dies at the end. Hope that doesn't spoil it for you.
  • zoeluiisa
    Pretty sure he dies at the end. Hope that doesn't spoil it for you.

    Bet he doesn't. Bet it has a heart-warming Hallmark ending.
  • Presleyforpresident
    not sure if this is the correct one you're thinking about,
    but all the parts are on youtube :)
    if it's this one, it's a happy ending c:
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    3,000 calories doesn't seem like that much to me (compared to other intakes I've seen on similar shows). I remember one person who was eating 30,000 a day! No joke!
  • zoeluiisa
    not sure if this is the correct one you're thinking about,
    but all the parts are on youtube :)
    if it's this one, it's a happy ending c:

    Blocked "on copyright grounds" :mad:

    Thanks though x
  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    i saw that one! although, the kid himself seemed really whiny and entitled... maybe it's a defense mechanism, but it really got on my nerves.
  • zoeluiisa
    3,000 calories doesn't seem like that much to me (compared to other intakes I've seen on similar shows). I remember one person who was eating 30,000 a day! No joke!

    HOW could you physically eat 30,000 calories?

    3,000 still seems like a lot to feed your child when he's bedridden and not burning any calories - and at death's door because he's so overweight.
  • Presleyforpresident
    not sure if this is the correct one you're thinking about,
    but all the parts are on youtube :)
    if it's this one, it's a happy ending c:

    Blocked "on copyright grounds" :mad:

    Thanks though x

    really? it works for me!! :)
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    3,000 calories doesn't seem like that much to me (compared to other intakes I've seen on similar shows). I remember one person who was eating 30,000 a day! No joke!

    HOW could you physically eat 30,000 calories?

    3,000 still seems like a lot to feed your child when he's bedridden and not burning any calories - and at death's door because he's so overweight.

    Chronic binge eaters can consume upwards of 60,000 calories in a sitting. It's crazy.
  • zoeluiisa
    not sure if this is the correct one you're thinking about,
    but all the parts are on youtube :)
    if it's this one, it's a happy ending c:

    Blocked "on copyright grounds" :mad:

    Thanks though x

    really? it works for me!! :)

    Sometimes they block it in one country but not another, depending on what deals they've got going where.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    not sure if this is the correct one you're thinking about,
    but all the parts are on youtube :)
    if it's this one, it's a happy ending c:

    Blocked "on copyright grounds" :mad:

    Thanks though x

    Works for me. Amazing that the parents seem to give into their food demands or are even aiding them. THe mom controls every aspect of the son's life. Someone needs to shake her into reality. I don't think she sees what she's doing to her son as wrong.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    HOW could you physically eat 30,000 calories?

    3,000 still seems like a lot to feed your child when he's bedridden and not burning any calories - and at death's door because he's so overweight.
    I used to know a girl who was bulimic (she's recovering now, thank god), and she used to eat upwards of 20,000 calories a day, and then purge it all. It did horrific things to her health.
  • zoeluiisa
    i saw that one! although, the kid himself seemed really whiny and entitled... maybe it's a defense mechanism, but it really got on my nerves.

    Yep, that's the one :wink:
  • Stevensno
    The lad's mother is doing my head right in, but as I recall her other son died and she seems to smother Billy with love, sad,but really frustrating.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    Literally knew a kid that was at least 450 pounds as a young teen (15 or so) through neighbors. He had a ton of heart and lung issues, ended up having a massive heart attack, followed by coma and death. Every single one of his friends said they never saw it coming. They were all shocked. I think they had just been in denial for so long and to have it become real to them was very hard. He was a very polite, mellow young man. His friends miss him terribly. Just a very sad loss all around. I feel like it is almost a tragedy, because it could have been prevented.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    The mom says "as you can see by our size we don't control it too well" Referring to their eating habits. NO??? Really??? geee she is an absolute idiot! Buying him chips and junk then oh yeah fat free something or other or lite version. wow! She sees junk food and says oh I think he might like that. WTF!!!
  • zoeluiisa
    The lad's mother is doing my head right in, but as I recall her other son died and she seems to smother Billy with love, sad,but really frustrating.

    Ah, I thought there must be other issues at play. I guess she feels better when she's spoiling him, even though it's actually doing him harm. Maybe also enjoys the fact that he's bedridden as it means he's totally dependent on her and won't ever leave.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    "8000 calories every day" per the video. That sounds more like it. 3000 calories is not that much for a teen even a sedentary one. 3000 calories daily and no exercise may produce a chubby kid but not 1/2 ton one.

    I really feel sorry for these morbidly obese children. There is a certain amount of child abuse going on -- even when the parent "loves" their child. Everyone in the family needs help but the focus should be on the child.
  • zoeluiisa
    "8000 calories every day" per the video. That sounds more like it. 3000 calories is not that much for a teen even a sedentary one. 3000 calories daily and no exercise may produce a chubby kid but not 1/2 ton one.

    I really feel sorry for these morbidly obese children. There is a certain amount of child abuse going on -- even when the parent "loves" their child. Everyone in the family needs help but the focus should be on the child.

    Ah, that makes more sense. The description on the TV guide said 3,000 - must have been an error.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Haven't seen it-is Child Services involved? If that mom can't do right by him herself, then someone needs to step in and get them both help.