Milestone achieved this morning!

This morning I stepped on the scale and had "167.5" looking up at me. Although my original goal I set for myself was 160 pounds, getting to this point along the way is a big deal for me.

Back in 2006, I had myself all the way down to 168 but that was as far as I got before things started going the other way. I never saw anything lower than "168" and I couldn't tell you how many years before that point I was above that weight......probably high school. After that, I hovered somewhere between 185 and 190 for a few years and then 190 and 195 for another few years. By this past December, the same scale I stepped on this morning was showing numbers as high as "201" at my heaviest. I did the whole New Years Resolution thing like everyone else and lost enough to get back to that "somewhere between 190 and 195" weight.

By the time a friend clued me in about MFP this past February, I weighed 192 pounds.....on the right track from a few weeks earlier but all I really had done was lose the "holiday" weight gain. The knowledge you gain logging in your food on here is a real eye opener. It's been a very gradual weight loss, but I think that will help in the long run. I know what the scale says is not the only gauge of progress but it sure felt good seeing something under that "168" number. Look out "160" -- you're in my sights!


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