Today is a total write-off!

Does anyone else suffer from this "I'm ruined for today so I might as well eat myself into a coma" syndrome? I do SO well, but the moment I have one little thing that isn't good, I'm on a bender for the rest of the day. This day started off with a beautiful, healthy veggie omlet and then my evil husband suggested we go to a thai restaurant for lunch and that's where all Hell broke loose. I had rice and peanut chicken, spring rolls and then polished off his pad thai. Then of course I'm so far gone I might as well keep going, so I had 3 cookies and reisen chocolate and a mini kit kat bar.

I'm like a wolf that's gotten a taste for blood. NEED MORE NOW!!!

Is anyone else like this?


  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I try not to let one bad decision dictate my day...I try to go by "One decision at a time."
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Guilty as charged!! If there are french fries left at the bottom of your box.. or the bag...they are mine by default!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    As long as you know what TDEE is and stay below it you are fine.

    This always reminds me of SideSteals photo he posted months ago though...worth a laugh!

  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    yes I do it all the time and ive been told its as stupid as saying "well I dropped my cell phone so now i might as well stomp on it".
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I try not to let one bad decision dictate my day...I try to go by "One decision at a time."

    I agree with the above. I make bad choices all the time, but it does not mean I have to make a bad choice the rest of the
    day. Stay strong and make a difference with the next choice you are given.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Foods high in the glycemic index make me want to bindge. I try to eat protien and do a 30 minute workout to stop. (Or like last Saturday, I eat a piece of chocolate cake, go to bed and start fresh in the morning.)

    I havn't taken a whole day "off" yet.
  • I'm exactly like that. I'm having that kind of day today, AND my workout was totally ruined so I feel UGH!
  • That's still not an awful day--depending on the cookies 150-300 calories, the riesen 40 calories or so, and I forgot what else. It really wasn't that bad though. Keep your head up, make a better choice at the next opportunity.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    This is my quote--sums up my views on this subject:

    "Sabotaging your diet because you made one bad choice is like tripping on the top step...and then willingly throwing yourself down the whole flight of stairs. "

    Btw, I've thrown myself down the stairs many times! Attempting to stop the madness though. :flowerforyou:
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    I used to do this, almost as if my body would stop taking in the calories after a while (lol). Now if I have a stumble (like a three cupcake stumble) then I just try to get back on the wagon. I log it in too, so I'm more likely to be more careful for the rest of the day. (I used to just not log anything in those days). Sometimes I have an 'off' day (meal out, sweets at movies, booze, cupcakes etc) but I plan ahead, only do it once a month or less and do at least a 13-15 mile run in the morning so those 3500 calories are still in deficit by the end of the day.
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    I actually learned in my psych class that this is a SUPER common thing that happens with people on restricted diets. Made me feel a bit better when it happens to me!

    Edit: My book literally called it the "what the hell" effect
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    It's one meal, one bad decision why blow a WHOLE day on one meal? You had extra calories for lunch so go for an evening walk do some extra exercises that night. Don't give food that much power, it doesn't deserve that power and you can always get back on track with the next meal. Staying off track you add even more calories to burn, just do your best to get back at it and lose your weight. You CAN do it. We've all done it and I personally know how it is, I also know that I'm going to win this time food isn't. Good Luck
  • BucsGirl4Life
    BucsGirl4Life Posts: 29 Member
    I was soooo like this yesterday! I find that if I get off schedule, that's when I want to eat bad. Last night was my son's first soccer practice and even though I made a roast in the crockpot, I had to cook the sides when we got home at 7:00!! By the time the sides were done, I had eaten two snack bags of funyons and four mini powdered doughnuts. I went over my caloric goal by 400 calories. While that's not particularly horrible considering I am normally under calories every day of the week, it still really bothered me. So, tonight it's gonna be a killer workout for me!
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    Glad to see that I'm not alone... and the quotes made me giggle. It's so true. I would never stomp my cell phone or throw myself down a flight of stairs. I will keep these quotes in the back of my mind when I'm having one of these days.

    I ended up not doing too horribly for caloric intake vs. calories burned. I did a ton of fast walking, stair climbing last night... still had a bit more junk food during the evening, but I don't feel too terrible today... and I'm back on my healthy eating. I also had a chat with my hubby... I'm so new into this healthy eating thing and I am weak when it comes to junk food, so I'm not quite at the ordering salad at a restaurant phase that I would like to be at :) He's promised not to suggest restaurant food until I'm ready.

    Baby steps ;)

    Thank you all for your input. I appreciate you taking the time to read my rant :)