Puffy as a Puffin

Today I had an unusual 'fat day'. After waking up and being being almost +3lb I wasn't on a good roll to my day. I then proceeded to figure out what to wear and that was another torment. Outfit change after outfit change I still wasn't happy. Finally accepting that it was not going to get any better than what I had on (most likely the 8th outfit) I went on with my day feeling puffy. I noticed it most in my calves but around my body in general.

I looked at my diary and tried to figure out what was going on. I will pass it off to retaining water from salt intake.

But at the same time, do any of you guys experience this? How do you deal with it? What is the cause of these days? Is it mental, physical or any other factor in your life that you address it to?


  • selzam2
    I have those days too! Even though I know it's impossible to really put on a ton of extra weight overnight there are times when I just feel as though I've gone up a whole size. I attribute most of this to water retention (happens most often after I indulge) and then the mental paranoia that comes with it. Unfortunately I can't offer you too much helpful advice since I have the same problem, but know that you are not alone!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    i cut out most dairy from my diet and that helped with my bloat (then again i was eating a disgustingly huge amount of yoghurt ahaha) by the way you are beautiful and have nothing to be self conscious about :D just sayin.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I definitely do, for sure (I can totally relate to the "clothes have been looking better" than one day where NOTHING looks good). Is it near your time of the month? I bloat nearly the whole week before my period--I try to combat bloating by drinking 8+ cups of water a day, though I know even that doesn't do much for my period.

    I notice you don't have an open diary--what IS your sodium intake for the last few days? Sugar can also play a role in that "puffiness."
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    lol, this has been my last couple days! pms post bloat plus sodium all over the place all week and i have been, as my mother puts it, a little fluffy! my solution is usually to not worry, have a good workout of some type (long walks work too since i usually don't feel well) up the water intake a bit, and try to be aware of sodium. sometimes not enough is just as bad as too much.
  • anticheer101
    I normally have yogurt daily. I have had a problem with dairy in the past but it seem as though it was only for one summer. I have a lot of fiber intake as well and often think this may contribute to gas. Another thing I am considering is my intake of diet pop could play a big role.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Sometimes it's just the joy of being female I reckon. As if we need more ammunition to beat ourselves up about our weight. It sucks but it will pass. Dandelion tea is supposed to help with getting rid of fluid retention.
  • Culley34
    You should only drink water and see if that helps you out. Aim for 70 oz.

    Diet soda makes me feel bloated after I drink it sometimes (even thought I do like it on occasion).