
Trying to lose weight and I already have lost 18lbs but at the moment I am at a stand still. 16 more pounds is my current goal and it happens everytime I try but I lose motivation to go to the gym. I for the most part have stuck to my diet firm and cut out ALOT of calories (kind of disgusts me how many calories I was taking in before). But I guess what I am asking it what keeps you motivated what would be a good motivation for me? Any insight or help would be great! Thanks everyone!


  • askcupid117
    askcupid117 Posts: 126 Member
    I dont know if this works for everyone, but I put up pictures of me at my heaviest weight in strategic places around the house, like on the fridge and next to my alarm clock. It helps remind me to not eat badly and to get out of bed when the alarm goes off so I have time to work out in the morning.
  • mmmb300
    mmmb300 Posts: 10 Member
    Sad to say... I use other people to motivate me. I'm a mother of 4 ranging from 11 yrs to 1 yr and I'll be damned if I'll be the heavy mom at groups and gatherings.... that and my co-worker is the same build as I am and currently running 1/2 marathons etc... if she can do it so can 9 :)
  • gzdesar
    Thanks, those are both good advice! Will see what I can do to use them both!
  • selzam2
    I use my previous successes to motivate me. Once I lost 5 pounds, I knew that losing even more was possible. Every day I just look at myself naked in front of the mirror and feel proud of how far I've come while also being conscious of how far I have to go. Right now I am actually at my goal weight and am just focusing on adding lean muscle. I was chubby my entire young life and have been maintaining my weight for the last 8 months. If I can do it so can you! Good luck.
  • CRB0121
    CRB0121 Posts: 1 Member
    You are giving yourself an option to go workout. Just as you must go to work everyday to take care of your daily needs. You must go to the gym to take care of your health needs. Don't give yourself an option to go. Tell yourself you must go to the gym today and say it everyday
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    When I don't feel like working out, I push through the lack of desire and go ahead with the workout anyway. Typically about 5-10 minutes in I'll regain focus and workout strong for the rest of the routine. At the end of the work out I always feel better for having put in the effort. Sometimes you have to push through the mental barriers.

    In Mark Lauren's book, You Are Your Own Gym, he writes about making a list of all the excuses not to work out. You repeat this list out loud until you become familiar with all the excuses. When these excuses rear their ugly head you know they are just excuses and you can choose to cave in to the excuse or work through it and do something positive for yourself.

    Sometimes if you're really burnt out and you've been pushing too hard you should give your body a rest for a few days. It's about listening to yourself and your body. Are you physically unable to do the work or is it mental?
  • mmiski
    mmiski Posts: 20 Member
    This is a good question,

    I used to be a gym rat in my younger days but now that I'm older, it kind of bores me (because I realize now I'll never be an Olympian with 30 inch arms). If you can get a buddy that can go with you, that makes all the difference in the world because then you'll have to depend on each other not to let the other one flake out (this actually kept me going to the gym for a year until my buddy moved).

    If you can't get a workout partner, you may want to think about changing gyms or types of workouts. I changed from an LA Fitness to an MMA gym where I do Muay Thai kickboxing - I love it, and I look forward to it every day. I've now been going for over 3 years and I know just about everyone in the place, and I miss a few days I get the "where have you been?" The place I go to also has a lot of upcoming fighters and we've had people fight in the UFC - nothing more cool than posting pics of yourself on favebook with some MMA fighters. Anyway if you're not into MMA, or martial arts, I'd give a shot. They have all kinds of clubs that meet up and do things. I think the most important part is to be social, that keeps yah going - and it's always worth a good story.

    Friend me if you'd like - Peace!

  • gzdesar
    When I don't feel like working out, I push through the lack of desire and go ahead with the workout anyway. Typically about 5-10 minutes in I'll regain focus and workout strong for the rest of the routine. At the end of the work out I always feel better for having put in the effort. Sometimes you have to push through the mental barriers.

    In Mark Lauren's book, You Are Your Own Gym, he writes about making a list of all the excuses not to work out. You repeat this list out loud until you become familiar with all the excuses. When these excuses rear their ugly head you know they are just excuses and you can choose to cave in to the excuse or work through it and do something positive for yourself.

    Sometimes if you're really burnt out and you've been pushing too hard you should give your body a rest for a few days. It's about listening to yourself and your body. Are you physically unable to do the work or is it mental?

    I definitely think it's mental, I may be heavy but I lack the mental motivation in me to keep doing the excercises. I hate to use work as an excuse but I do. I work 10hr days at work I come home at 7:30 and then I just want to relax anymore but I have trouble motivating myself to go. I usually tell myself "Oh I will just go tomorrow" and that goes on for days :|