Winter Exercise Idea's

I used to go on walks every day during the warm months, but now with it being winter I can't really do that. I need idea's of things I can do at home for little to no cost. It is a hard time for my family right now so I can't go and join any gyms or go and buy programs for home. I can't do my usual outdoor activities because I have no babysitter for my daughter.

I just need help with some ideas of things I can do to exercise inside at home. If you could help me I would really appreciate it because I'm at a loss of what to do besides playing Wii Sports Tennis and Boxing. Sure those burn calories but I feel I need something more.


  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    Hello there!
    Here are a couple suggestions for you:
    -Winsor Pilates DVDs
    -Jillian Michaels 30-day Shred (and many of her other videos)
    Best of luck to you finding something that works for you!
    :flowerforyou: T
  • marujita
    Look at the library for a good work-out video. Look on-line, too. You could dance for 20-30 minutes at your target heart rate, if you like to dance. Get your daughter to dance with you. She'll love it, and get her energy out in the meantime. Remember, doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING, even if that something isn't your "ideal" workout. But I totally hear ya on wanting to walk. That's what I love to do, too.
  • ctimmb01
    Zumba.... I just returned home from my first class. It was intense. I know you can buy DVD's. I searched online for calories burned and found on average 500-800 in an hour.
  • goalnsight
    If you aren't able to buy any work out tapes, then what I would do is just look some up on YouTube. Find different work out videos and just put your computer where you can see it while you work out. You could also just do simple stuff like be a mall walker :-) My other idea that I do is whenever I clean house I try to really stay moving, and do everything a little quicker and more exaggerated so I can burn more calories while doing stuff I already have to do.
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    If you aren't able to buy any work out tapes, then what I would do is just look some up on YouTube. Find different work out videos and just put your computer where you can see it while you work out. You could also just do simple stuff like be a mall walker :-) My other idea that I do is whenever I clean house I try to really stay moving, and do everything a little quicker and more exaggerated so I can burn more calories while doing stuff I already have to do.

    I never really thought about cleaning as an exercise, but as a chore. lol. I will definitely hussle around a little bit more to try to burn those calories. I already due hussle pretty fast anyways because I don't have much time for cleaning with a toddler running around. lol
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    Look at the library for a good work-out video. Look on-line, too. You could dance for 20-30 minutes at your target heart rate, if you like to dance. Get your daughter to dance with you. She'll love it, and get her energy out in the meantime. Remember, doing SOMETHING is better than doing NOTHING, even if that something isn't your "ideal" workout. But I totally hear ya on wanting to walk. That's what I love to do, too.

    I love dancing around! I do it to make my daughter laugh, lol.

    I do have to remember that doing something is better than nothing. I always get myself by thinking that I'm not doing enough. I've been pretty stuck when it comes to my weight no matter what I've tried, but this time around I'm determined so much more. One problem for me is I have always thought if it as a diet instead of a lifestyle change. I just really need to surround myself with a good support system too. My husband is no help there as he stands at 6'2'' and 155lbs and eats like a pig without gaining an ounce.
  • s_parziale
    I completely understand - I'm a stay-at-home mom of 4 and finding time/money for the gym or workout equipment is low on the list. I started running the stairs in our home while I was waiting for laundry in the basement!! Not sure if that's an option for you - but it helped me lose a bunch of weight last summer!! Plus, the kids think it's fun to count how many times I go up/down to see if they can beat me!! Good Luck!!
  • 89brilewis
    89brilewis Posts: 27 Member
    I completely understand - I'm a stay-at-home mom of 4 and finding time/money for the gym or workout equipment is low on the list. I started running the stairs in our home while I was waiting for laundry in the basement!! Not sure if that's an option for you - but it helped me lose a bunch of weight last summer!! Plus, the kids think it's fun to count how many times I go up/down to see if they can beat me!! Good Luck!!

    That's actually a really good idea! I call the stairs here the stairs of doom because I hate them so much, lol. I never really thought of using them as a tool to help me instead of thinking of them as the devil. Thank you!!!