Setting a goal weight

Male, 6', 34yo. My first goal weight was to lose 50 pounds, starting at 232. Now I'm getting close to that goal and feel the need to reevaluate. I still have a gut and small love handles. (Edit: I recently moved my goal to 175).

I am reading a training book and read something I'd never considered before. That is, "competitive male athletes are generally 2.1 to 2.3 pounds per inch."

So I figure my goal will lie somewhere between "normal" BMI for my height of 184, and a "heavy" elite athlete at 165. That's quite a range. I've mostly been running which is something I enjoy and want to keep training for.

I plan to exercise and lose weight until I look and perform the way I want. But, I like goals. How did everyone else settle on a goal weight and how often have you moved the target?



  • Homa24
    My initial goal was arbitrary, I suppose. I did look up the BMI range for my height (5'6" or so), age & gender (29/f) and realized 134 was in the middle and would mean 30 lbs. "30 lbs. before I turn 30" had a nice ring to it! Now, 18 lbs. down I know I want to hit 130 instead and see how I feel. I actually feel flabbier now than I did when I started, I'm guessing I lost some supporting flab? :) I think the scale is silly sometimes but all this counting makes it feel important. Maybe see how you feel in 5-10 lb. increments? Or set a date goal to see how much you can lose? In the latter situation you'd have data at that point to see if loss stagnated. Read last night on reddit that one diets to lose weight and exercises to build muscle so you will want to switch gears as your new goal nears, I'd imagine!
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    I have set the same sort of way as above looked at the charts and figured I had a lot to lose so I choose the higher end of the spectrum but I also know that this number may not be what I'm looking for. So once I lose 100 then I will re-evaluate and see if I have the results I desire. I suspect I will want to lose a little more, and then definalty tighten and tone for the defination I crave. My "end" will be determined by feel/look as opposed to #.
    Enjoy your journey. Goals are ment to be edited and re-edited. Once you achieve a goal you make a new goal.
  • susyw_2003
    My initial goal was around 9 stone - im around 4lbs away from my goal and although that's a 2 stone loss, i agree that you to re-evaluate because you don't realise what change the loss will have on your body.

    I too need to focus on my stomach because its not as flat as i thought it would be. I think you just assume losing a certain amount of weight will get you to the way you want too look - my legs are toned and so are my arms but my stomach isnt how i want it - its so annoying you cant choose where you want to fix!

    Congrats on your weight loss and i feel the same as you; i want to continue exercising because i enjoy it and it DOES make a difference on your whole life, not just the way you look.

    Hope this helps? x
  • Homa24
    I think that is a great point, we all assume losing the weight will change our bodies and it does of course but then you notice areas you want to work on. And there are always new goals, too. :)
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I have a general idea (probably a hair under 140 would be good for me) but mostly I figure that if I keep under my largeish calorie allowance and work out hard, I'll get to whatever my ideal weight is. I want to be pretty muscular so it's hard to pinpoint an exact weight.