Becoming a Vegan?

So, as of right now I'm vegetarian. I have been for 9 months now, and wish to be vegan by the start of 2013. It's actually my New Years resolution.
I've been trying to just do a day here and there being vegan, but I always end up forgetting and drink milk or something. Today's one of those days were I'm gonna try again. (I know some vegans go all out with not wearing, or having anything with animal products, but at my age I'm not able to pay for those type of things. So, I'm going to make my eating style vegan.)

Annnyyyyywaaayyy, Can anyone give me any tips for how to remain vegan? Or if I have a craving for chocolate or cheese, what's a good replacement?

Thank you. <3.


  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    Hi I properly became vegan at the start of the year for health reasons and not for animal cruelty. I think there are pretty good farming practices and I don't condone people for eating or wearing animal products.

    I however was pretty much vegan without fully coming out :D I point blank refused to become vegan when I had to give up lactose a few number of years ago but what I learnt was that I don't particularly like meat unless its masked in salt and flavourings. I am not a big fan of the texture or taste. So rather than telling everyone what I couldn't have and feeling negative about the eating experience I decided to make it more positive. (it sort of worked!!)

    Anyway what worked for me is not stocking animal products. Get rid of the foods you don't need or want, there is not risk of temptation or forgetting.

    Also for shopping you don't have to buy products that say vegan- read the packet- alot of the time its made in factories that handle dairy products.

    Make sure your cupboards are stocked with the basics, have a few recipes or books (I recommend the ppk website)

    And most of all take one day at a time. Stay strong on a daily basis and it won't be long before you realise you have gone months.

    Also don't worry if mistakes happen. I have accidently drank honey in a drink a few times but I don't beat myself up about it.

    Good replacements-

    Chocolate- any vegan or dark chocolate, flavoured chocolates are good at hiding soya based chocolates. Or just buy good dark chocolate that doesn't have dairy.

    Cheese- I very rarely use substitutes, nutritional yeast is good for cooking and say its an alternative but nothing will ever compensate for the real thing. However there are soya ice cream that I think taste like the real thing!!! My dairy loving OH even likes it...

    There are some fake cheeses out there but I wouldn't eat it straight or have it in a sandwich, it is good for melting or mixing into recipes.

    Hope this helps. You are welcome to friend me if you wish.
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    High Raw/High Fiber/Near Vegan here...looking for like-minded friends and such :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Most good chocolate is vegan anyway, so you don't need to deprive yourself! I am eating mostly vegan at the moment, though I do eat cheese. I have replaced normal milk with Alpro soya light as it has more protein than cows milk. I have found my shopping is so so much cheaper not buying dairy for the last couple of weeks! About £35 a week rather than the usual £70 or so. It's great. Lots of beans, seeded bread, tofu and vegetables.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Buy a nut milk instead. Personally I get silk but almond milk is good too. Also cheese replacements like daiya or galaxy foods. These make the transition easier.