starting out

so i've been at this for 5 days now, continuously coming in under my calorie goals (but not by too much) and exercising everyday. swimming laps, and two days ago i started the insanity workout program. which is pretty much like the name infers.

i went in for my first weekly weigh in and... the scale hadn't budged. not an ounce. i'm not tooo disappointed because its still early in the game but my question is...

when first starting to workout and eat better, does it take a little time to 'kickstart' the weightloss? how long should i wait before i start to wonder what i'm doing wrong?


  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    you need to give yourself some time. 5 days is nothing! How much are you eating daily? If you drastically cut your calories and majorly upped your exercise your body is going to be thrown out of whack and isnt going to drop the pounds quickly. Sometimes making one change at a time is the best way to see results.
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    You have to give yourself more time, some people do not see a change on the scale for at least 2 weeks. It all depends on how much you have to lose and how much your daily calorie intake it. Dont get discouraged, everyone loses weight at a different rate. You're already doing well, by logging and working out, so keep it up! :) GOOD LUCK
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    It takes time to lose weight, just like it takes time to gain weight. It doesn't happen over night. Your body needs to get used to it and that will take a little bit of time. It is healthy to lose 0.5-1 lbs a week. Keep it up and it will pay off in the end.
  • bhitchcock92
    Everyone is different. I made my profile about a month ago, and didnt really start using it til this week. I've lost 3 pounds (since the last time i was weighed which was 9/6 at a doctors appointment).

    I've been having trouble meeting my calorie goals though. On average, I'm under the goal by 400. And I don't work out like ever, minus chasing after my 2 year old when she takes off across the yard or down the street. (which i guess could be considered working out since its multiple times a day, multiple times a week, but I just chalk it up to mom duties).

    However, some people, like my stepbrother, don't start to see any kind of results the first couple of weeks. He doesn't usually start to see results for like a month. So just keep your head up and keep at it. You'll get your results soon enough.
  • melodyfrommars
    thanks all. that's pretty much what i thought. i won't let myself get discouraged! meanwhile its off to the pool... :)
  • judybegood
    judybegood Posts: 18 Member
    It doesn't happen over night and it won't go away overnight either. Try to be patience. Set your plans and make some realistic mini goals.

    Make healthy choices and drink lots of water.

    Don't rely on the scale it is not the best indicator of progress. How you feel and how your clothes fit are better indicators as the weight comes off.

    Remember this is a marathon and not a sprint!
  • KipDrordy
    KipDrordy Posts: 169 Member
    A pound of fat has roughly 3500 calories. That's not going to come off immediately. What was your diet like before? If it was anything like mine, sodium intake was way high. Limit your sodium intake and drink lots of water. All that water retention will go away and the scale will move rather quickly. After that, don't look for big drops every week. The weight will come off. Be true to your log as well. Weigh your foods with a kitchen scale to insure proper portions.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Ditch the scale. Take picutres and measurements. Measure your progress by how your clothes fit.
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    As my doctor said to me "two months is nothing".... So 5 days is expecting too much. #1 you need to eat your calories. This program figures what you should eat to lose weight you are already at a loss on calories then. If you are coming under even that goal your deficit is way too high. It's also not sustainable. There is a lot of convo on this sight about starvation mode and what have you. If you are not eating at least 1200 calories a day you are starving yourself. I truly believe that. #2 If you want to lose the weight and keep it off the first step is to decide to be healthy. Being healthy includes eating right and exercising. You would be amazed at what happens when you truly mix the two. One without the other is not really sustainable. So you're exercising, but your body does not have enough fuel to work off the pounds. It wants to hold on because it's hungry... I can't see your diary so I can't be sure, but I would say that is probably your problem.
  • ToniC9
    ToniC9 Posts: 9 Member
    My 1st suggestion is WATER, WATER, WATER. This will make a huge impact- drop all soft drinks and drink water like there is no tomorrow. You will notice that you will be going to the bathroom A LOT... but then you body becomes used to it and begins to almost crave it. The water will help you to shed those excess pounds more quickly. Best Wishes :)