Friday Morning Weigh In's



  • I'm down 3.6 lbs this week for a total of 11 lbs lost. Glad to have found this forum group. I usually weigh in every 2 fridays.
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    This is great. I like that you can get motivation, whether you had an up or down. Definitely count me in.

    This morning I was down 0.6lbs. I was a little surprised considering that I didn't have the best food day yesterday (splurged when I went out to eat with a friend). But I have been pretty good during the week, eating mostly baked chicken and drinking fruit/veggie/protein juices.

    I'm so excited about where this journey is about to lead me.
  • I weigh myself everyday, but I've done the math (MFP Reports :wink: ) and I'm down 6.4 ilbs since last Friday. :happy:
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    Down 2lbs this week, taking me to 128.2 (from my highest weight of 180lbs)...only 8 more pounds to GOAL! x
    That should feel good. I am 5 pounds from my first mini-goal. So close!
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 56 Member
    I like this Friday morning weigh in idea!!! I joined mfp last year and had good success and great support. This spring my mother was diagnosed with cancer and was gone in two months .. it was really brutal! needless to say I have been "anesthetizing" for a little while. Enough of the "sob" story... I am back and ready to re-take control! Feel free to friend me, can use all the help I can get. I have been hanging in the 160's for way too long ! I am down 2lbs this week woo hoo! 166 starting weight to 164 this am
  • I think it is a great Idea! I don't know if I am up or down for certain because I just started tracking Monday night, and found this site Wednesday and like it quite a bit so far, except that I am really overweight at this point and would love to be where most of the posters are already at..well, took 42 years to get this big so hopefully it won't take that many to slim down.

    Anyway, my first problem is finding a scale that can actually weigh me (that is cheap in price, great in accuracy); otherwise, I will have long periods in between Doctor weigh ins. I did take all the measurements so I can track them, doubt they will change weekly, but hey I bet there are other people that don't want to post their figures because of all the tiny people that are posting and maybe I can be a part of their support system. I just think it is more motivational for someone who has +/-200 pounds to go to see others that have +/-200 lbs to go (or have lost that much) then it is to see those that have only a few pounds to go and are already under what we are even striving to get to. So here is your fat guy jumping on board. :wink:
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    This was my first weigh in since I started 10 days ago. Down 2lbs although I think I'm down a little more because I gained a few pounds right before I started, but didn't bother changing the starting weight. Anyway.... Every Friday sounds good to me.
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I am down 1 pound this morning. I was very excited. It means I have 5 left until goal! I'm sure they will be the hardest 5 pounds EVER so I'd love the support. Good luck everyone!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I have been weighing in on Fridays for sometime. I enjoy it. I have lost 1lb this week.
    I just had a tooth pulled yesterday so not sure on how the eating part will go this weekend. But hopefully it's not to bad.
    I have been suck in the 160s for sometime. But I'm really hoping I can break through it this time. My goal is to get to 147.
  • awesome keep up the great work!! proud of ya!!
  • Morning All! I just joined last night, but have been "tracking points" for a while. So far loving the site and support.

    I've offically lost 25.6 pounds since I started this journey in the spring. This week I'm 2 pounds down. Really trying to increase the exercise.

    Looking forward to the support and motivation here!
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    Yay!!! Other people that weigh in on Fridays. I started my weigh ins on Fridays and then some how it got switched to Thursday but starting today I am back to Fridays!!!

    I am the same as last week ~ 211.1. But I am just recently getting back on track, so here's to a better next week. :bigsmile:
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays...but in the afternoon because I use the scale at my gym...I've done it every Friday...I stick to it..good or bad! Keep up your great attitude!
  • wluyando
    wluyando Posts: 32 Member
    Loss 1.2 and I'm super excited !!!! after weeks loosing .4 or .6 finally !!!! feel free to add me if you are doing this too !!!! love the encouragement!!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I lost 2lbs this week, and I am ecstatic!
  • Today marks my first full week with MFP, and I lost 4.5 pounds. I'm very pleased with that. Most importantly, I have exercised 4 days since starting the program. I went today even though I didn't want to go. My husband is cheering me on, so we went together today. Good to have support on the home front as well as with MFP!

    Great idea to check in with others for the Friday weigh-in!
  • good job everybody!! Just like Becca said I'm here for support and motivation and to help us all reach our goals! Together we can do this!
  • I like this Friday morning weigh in idea!!! I joined mfp last year and had good success and great support. This spring my mother was diagnosed with cancer and was gone in two months .. it was really brutal! needless to say I have been "anesthetizing" for a little while. Enough of the "sob" story... I am back and ready to re-take control! Feel free to friend me, can use all the help I can get. I have been hanging in the 160's for way too long ! I am down 2lbs this week woo hoo! 166 starting weight to 164 this am

    I know exactly how you feel! i lost my mom a few years ago and it was the worst thing that ever happened to me! i still sometimes sabotage myself when I get upset and think about it. Congrats on your loss! i'm here for support and motivation if you need me!
  • Hi Everyone -- John approached me with a great idea to turn this into an actual group as opposed to a message board! I'm going to work on getting that together to have ready for next weeks weigh in! I'll post group information on my page & on here when it's ready. Hope you all find an interest in joining the group & get the support & motivation you need from discussing it with a community of fellow pals. =]
  • I'm down 1.8 this morning.