What made you realize you needed to lose weight?



  • RenfieldX
    RenfieldX Posts: 87 Member
    Health issues, being unable to walk around the block without getting winded or having lower back pain, noticing that my 'fat pants' were getting tight...

    The final straw was going to the doctors and getting up when I was called and having the chair come with me. Granted, these were ridiculously small plastic chairs, but still... :laugh: that was the day that I went home, cleaned out the crap food from my house, and got serious about losing weight.
  • TraceAT
    TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
    When my weight surpassed that of my partner, who is over a foot taller than me.
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    My muffin top was getting over cooked...

    plus...I need to stay in shape to live healthy & feel good!
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    What made me realize I needed to lose weight was when I realized I was almost 300 pounds and now single again (Ex and I broke up after almost 2 years). I also realized that I needed a new lifestyle change when I came home and was so worn out from my job that I just slept. 40 pounds lighter and I can’t wait to drop more!!! :)
  • Michelle81285
    Everytime I looked in the mirror...
  • stephenjmac
    stephenjmac Posts: 5 Member
    I was at the doctors for a general physical and at the end he said for someone as active as me, I was heavy which indicated a poor diet and that I should lose "10 lbs". He told me that while I was only "slightly overweight" I should stay on top of it as at my age (30), I was reaching a stage of life where people let weight pile on.

    It was a bit of a wake up to have my doctor tell me I was overweight, afterall I've run two marathons in very respectable times in recent years! So I asked a friend who I knew lost a lot of weight how he did it, he told me about MFP and 28 lbs later here I am.
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    My football coaches suggested I shed a few pounds before my senior season (I was ~315lbs), and that made me think "Am I really that large?" And then I thought about it, and I had to start getting clothes in the XXXL sizes, my watch was uncomfortably tight, and I was shocked when I stepped on a scale to find out I had put on +40 pounds since the last time I was weighed!

    After that, I lost about 60 pounds and hovered at 250 for a few years. Then I decided that I wasn't really able to get dates with the ladies because I was too large still. Picked up running, cut out soda, started to think about what I ate, and bam! Another 40 pounds down.

    And since the beginning of the year I've dropped another 20 or so, and I'm quite happy with my sub-200 weight :D That good-lookin' fella in the mirror is closing in on visible abs!
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    After I ripped through my second pair of jeans in a week. :explode:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    When I realized that I couldn't safely try to start a family with my husband - that was my wake-up call. 262 lbs on my 5'2" frame would have made any pregnancy high risk and I didn't want to leave anything to chance (because I'm a control freak) so I knew it was time for a change.
  • FitFlipRunner
    FitFlipRunner Posts: 66 Member
    It was my doctor who said "Type 2 Diabetes" that shocked me into action. Poor diet and lack of exercise were the cause. Just got my tests back from the lab and everything checks out great! If I can help it I will never look the way I used to during that time.
  • KatyCrum6969
    KatyCrum6969 Posts: 124 Member
    Final straw was having to wear size 13 jeans...I looked in the mirror at JC Penny's and started crying! I'm back on my way to size 7, trust me!
  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    i hit 285
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    The mirror every morning - but the final "straw" was the scale - when it showed I had hit 278 lbs - heaviest in my life - I actually scared myself. Attitude adjustment came right after!!

    I forgot to mention the scale as well for me. I was heavier than I had ever been. 40 lbs. heavier than high school which was only 7 very short years ago.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    My XL t-shirts were getting tight. I wouldn't dry my shirts and would also stretch them out before wearing. I was kind of down when I had to make the switch from L to XL and told myself I would never wear a XXL. Size 40 dress pants weren't helping my self confidence either.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    My football coaches suggested I shed a few pounds before my senior season (I was ~315lbs), and that made me think "Am I really that large?" And then I thought about it, and I had to start getting clothes in the XXXL sizes, my watch was uncomfortably tight, and I was shocked when I stepped on a scale to find out I had put on +40 pounds since the last time I was weighed!

    After that, I lost about 60 pounds and hovered at 250 for a few years. Then I decided that I wasn't really able to get dates with the ladies because I was too large still. Picked up running, cut out soda, started to think about what I ate, and bam! Another 40 pounds down.

    And since the beginning of the year I've dropped another 20 or so, and I'm quite happy with my sub-200 weight :D That good-lookin' fella in the mirror is closing in on visible abs!

    That's awesome guy!! I'm hanging right around 200 lbs. and can't wait to get under!
  • pooleekylie
    To be honest, I never thought I was fat or even chubby. But one day I noticed that I had cellulite on the backs of my legs and freaked out a bit.

    I am now cellulite free :bigsmile: Thank you exercise.
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    When I hit 189 and thought how close that was to 200. I had to buy a size 18 and couldn't shop any where except Lane Bryant. I am now at 150 and still have a ways to go, but it feels great to be a size 10 for the first time in years.
  • AlliH621
    AlliH621 Posts: 102 Member
    I am sick of not being able to enjoy going clothes shopping. I want to enjoy buying clothes that I can look good in! I can't WAIT to get to that point!

    My knees hurt - was told I have minor arthritis in my knees, and you can hear the grinding when I bend at the knee. Getting weight off of me will only help my knees.

    AND THE LAST STRAW........... was when someone thought I was someone else (the person she compared me to has the same hair color and hair length). I had my back turned to them, and they thought I was someone else who we both know, but that someone else is much bigger than I am - like 30 pounds heavier I would guess. Anyways, I was disgusted that someone would have thought I was this person because in my opinion, she looks much bigger than I am. So if I was starting to look like this person - I wanted to puke! That was the final thing that did it for me - NO MORE!!! The weight has to come off!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    When I saw photos of myself. I started feeling winded when I did anything. I felt ashamed of myself. I no longer wanted to be noticed or looked at.

    It was around March of last year.
  • emaildianeb
    emaildianeb Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you all for posting! Every one of your posts triggered a memory in me.

    I remember being a size 16 and absolutely refusing to go another size up. I hate the feeling of my belly sticking out over my jeans...or having to tuck it in when I sit down. I dread going to the doctors office and they have to move the bar over so far in order to weigh me. I am embarrassed about weighing more than my son (who is 6 inches taller than me, but also a stringbean).

    I could go on and on.

    I'm going to have to dig up my 'have another cheeseburger' picture and post it for motivation:noway:
    . Yuck!