I need A LOT of motivation and encouragement... Help?

I have 150lbs to lose and it feels hopeless to me. I need someone who can give me some encouragement... kind of just someone to talk to about it... Anyone?


  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    Sure, PM me.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I am always free to talk if you like :)
  • trooUPnorthe
    trooUPnorthe Posts: 4 Member
    me too. You've got this!
  • titchE
    Hi, im Jackie i have struggled weight all my life, i need to lose 40 lbs for my health,now almost age 40 yrs old,i want to get the weight off for good.
    I would love to have a friend who totally gets were im at and been any trying to achieve,its not easy but we can do it together!!
    best of luck to you , hope to have you as a friend,Jackie.
  • undertow46_2
    My biggest problem is that my awesome southern cook 53 year old mother lives with me. The majority in the house side with wanting to keep the cooking her way, because it tastes so good, but the calories are killing me. I've tried the discussions, I've tried putting my foot down, but its not going to change. My mother just thinks I need portion control, but if I ate healthy portions of what she cooked I'd be starving all the time. Everything is butter, salt, grease, and frying. Mac n cheese, and hamburger, and noodles... I don't know what to do.
  • birdiedahhling
    Maybe start cooking for yourself?
  • skudera27
    Here's what YOU need to do: make your own foods. I'm sure that's not what you want to hear, but if your mother will not change the way she cooks, then YOU and only YOU can change what you're eating. While that southern cooking is damn good, there's enough calories in dinner alone to max you out for the day. One day while she's cooking, try to log all the ingredients and try to estimate caloric intake. Not only will you be absolutely surprised, but show it to your mother. We're here with ya. This board does nothing but offer wonderful advice and support. You can do it!
  • katrinamclamb
    Add me as a friend. I am often in the same boat but I'm the cook. :) I have kids and they want other things then myself, which isn't always an issue but do like to make them the occassional treat (cookies, cakes and pies). The trick that I have found is before being exposed to some of this foods, i find a snack that will 'fill' me so that way I don't eat as much and I am still under my calorie count. Introduce a salad to the mix and don't allow yourself to eat any other food until the salad is done. the first step is to set a goal. This week I am going to enter all my foods, good bad and ugly. Then next week my goal is to replace one food in that list with something better for me. I also introduced more water to my life as I found that helped me with my appetite and flushed out my system. Hope this helps :)
  • Empress62
    Empress62 Posts: 91 Member
    That is tough, you have to ask yourself, can you bear to sit at the same table and eat something else, or does that take too much willpower? Does the family eat all meals together, or just dinner? Maybe you can go extra wholesome and lean for breakfast and lunch, and small portions for dinner? Or maybe not eat with the family every other night and just have a protein shake for dinner and go for a walk the other night?
  • birdiedahhling
    For motivation, go to youtube and search for : My 120 Pound Journey. Also look at the website: http://bendoeslife.com. It will inspire all of you, I'm pretty positive.

    Learn how to love your body by learning about nutrition and exercises that help you reclaim control over your body. Set realistic goals and find someone locally to keep you accountable.
  • stacey1981
    stacey1981 Posts: 39 Member
    I am here as well if you need encouragement!:)
  • debslily
    debslily Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with birdie, you should cook your own healthy meals. Maybe pick one day a week to make several
    nutritional meals and store them in the freezer, so when the family sits down to eat, you can have your own plate of
    delicious food. It is hard to make others realize the danger in eating high fat, high calorie meals until it directly effects
    them (unfortunately).
    I have been dealing with my big body all my life. I have lost a good amount of weight before joining
    this site and hope to lose more. I have gone from wearing a size 22/24 jean to a size 12. It took a long time to completely change my way of thinking about food and how to determine what was best for me.
    Feel free to add me as a friend, and I look forward to your future success!!!!
  • asiabacus1
    You can message me if you like, and I can help you. (:
  • Courtney_7790
    You an do it! no matter how big or small the goal, I think it always seems hard!
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Can you maybe have a small portion of the yummy food your mom makes once or twice a week and add a salad to help fill you up? Then try making your own meals the other days. This way you get to enjoy both worlds. Just an idea... I refuse to eliminate things that taste good so whenever i want it im armed with my measuring spoons and food scale.

    Add me if you like :)
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    Hit me up. I have a lot to lose as well. Motivation is key when our goals are as big as they are. :)
  • banks89202
    Add me, I am online everyday and I comment on everyone's status.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had right around 150 lbs to lose when I started. My HUGE thing was eating what my family ate. I had to stop doing it. It's gonna be SO hard for you with mom cooking, but if you want to succeed, then you'll either have to make your own or move out :)

    I wish you well :)
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Add me! I'm just plain awesome. True story.
  • LupaNera
    Feeling free to add me also! As formum start cooking yourself and show her that you can cook also tasty things without butter and too much salt.