bf VS me?



  • tempest501
    tempest501 Posts: 329 Member
    You are looking really good to me. Maybe tried and add some muscle and once that starts to come through you will get more of what you are thinking. Also, check this girls channel out my wife has been using her as a sort of role model and seems to be working for her. She idles bikini competition etc

    hey guys, im having a little trouble understanding why i look fat at 20.8% body fat, when im appaerntly in the 'athletic female' range. my goal was to get down to 18%, because i felt like thats where i would need to be to get the 'look' i want.

    age 28
    height 5'7
    weight 145(at time of test)
    body fat % 20.8 (116lbs of lean mass)

    the 7site skinfold test came out like this..
    chest: 7mm
    midaxillary: 14mm
    tricep: 18.5mm
    subscapular: 13mm
    abdomen: 19mm
    suprailiac: 17mm
    thigh: 22mm

    i found this and this i seriously think i look in the 30% range. im not looking for compliments here or for someone to tell me to love myself, so save that, lol...and ya, i understand that not everyone looks the same and we all carry it differently. BUT im wondering what other ppl look like at the same % as me. shoot me! lol. bonus if u match my height and weight, but i know that would be alot to ask for.

    comparrision, challenge and competition is really motivating to me. so im hoping someone around here will step up and show me what theyve got! lol
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    hey guys, im having a little trouble understanding why i look fat at 20.8% body fat

    I'm totally not seeing it.