Healthy lifestyle among friends

So Im trying very hard to just turn my life around with healthy eating habits and lose weight gradually, however my 2 closest girlfriends are trying to lose weight as well. However one of them just eats whatever she wants until 12 then just stops eating for the rest of the day and she eats terrible until 12 cookies, candy, whatever then just works out excessivley in the evening. My other girlfriend diets really hard lots of fad diets then binges like once or twice a week then takes laxitives and shes big on chewing up and spitting out food. Now i know its not my place to tell what to do however i do worry about them but when i try to talk to them about it they just say that im jealous because im not losing weight as fast as them, then they want me to do it with them so i will lose weight fast. Would you just let it go? Or say something more? Or perhaps end the friendships because it does turn ugly when i dont want to try their juice diets or tell them how bad laxtives are on their binge nights...


  • Just do it the right way like you are, They may lose weight fast but they will become dependent on the laxtives possibly, and the weight will not stay off because they have no idea how to lose weight, I also used to take laxitives in my teen years, and the chewing up thing, As well as hollywood diets and tons of yo yoing and all that lifestlye gets you is struggling even harder with your weight later and eventually youll have to figure it out the right wat. Not to mention my body has gone through so much with gaining and losing weight so much it looks completly different and its even hard to lose the weight now, and the binge diet cycle isnt something you just stop it takes time and its hard. Your doing great keep it up.
  • Hopefully your friends will hear your heart. Sometimes things can sour over stuff like this. From what you have shared their habits are harmful- not healthy.

    I love these resources, maybe you can simply share these with them. Definitely stay true to yourself and real health habits.