How do you keep yourself on that treadmill?

Hey folks,

Interesting question here. Exercising can make you feel good, and helps with your diet, but anyone can admit that sometimes execising is just plain tedious. So it bares to ask, how do some of you keep yourself on there? I've heard of many creative ways folks incorperate to keep the workout without getting bored or quit.

Call me a geek with full entitlements, but I actually -game- while I'm riding my bike.That's right, slap in a game to the Xbox 360, put a controller in my hands, and I can tollerate sticking to the whole 30 minutes at a medium or light pace (or both if I'm really enjoying myself). It works for me because it keeps my attention while I'm pedaling on my bike, when the situation gets tough, I tend to find myself pedaling faster, when things ease up, I slow down a little. By the end, a good workout, and some entertainment along the way.

So what's your trick?


  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I put my ipad on the elliptical with a movie or tv show from Netflix.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I dont run on treadmill anymore move to the pavement but when I did I just would tune out listen to my music. The gym we belonged to had TVs I would watch a episode of NCIS or some other TV show/movie. I would vary the speed and or incline to see if I could keep up ect ect. Once I got past that first 15 minutes or so I was fine.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Here is the sad but true fact. Some people love to exercise and some people dont.

    If you love to exercise, you try to find MORE time to use the elliptical, run and bike. If you hate post these type of messages.

    Honestly, what you need to do is figure out what your goal is. You do NOT need to do cardio to lose weight if that is your goal. Eating at a defecit is all you need to do. Cardio helps burn calories which will in turn allow you to eat more. There are other benefits from cardio as well..ofcourse...but if weight and fat loss is your goal, cardio is not needed.

    Do whatever you can stomach and call it a day for cardio. Hopefully you like lifting weights as this will do more for you as far as looking better then cardio ever will.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, but its the truth.

    EDIT: I also want to mention that if you can do something like play a game or read a book while doing aren't putting in enough effort. Go hard or go home.
  • thedman
    I get some kick butt music going on mp3 player while I am riding stationary bike. I push myself hard for one or two songs, then take it a little easier for maybe a half of song. My thought is "I can push hard for this song". Heck, it probably is only 3 minutes long. Who can't push hard for three minutes? If you can't, then keep working at it. You will get there quick.

    When I am in a rhythm and feeling good, my breathing is heavy but controlled, my HR is up there but steady, and the song has a nice "truckin' " beat, I will repeat the song two or three times. Each time upping the resistance on the bike, This really helps build my endurance and burn the calories. After that interval, I go easy for half a song, then start the "pain" all over.

    It is a great feeling when it is done, knowing you gave it all you had for that workout. Knowing that the shower is going to feel good and the meal is going to taste even better.
  • beachgirl140
    beachgirl140 Posts: 32 Member
    My elliptical is broken right now but when it's working I find a show that I really love and I'm ONLY allowed to watch it while I"m on the elliptical. It makes me want to come back next time to find out what happened. The time goes so much faster and before I know it the workout is done!
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    Here is the sad but true fact. Some people love to exercise and some people dont.

    If you love to exercise, you try to find MORE time to use the elliptical, run and bike. If you hate post these type of messages.

    Honestly, what you need to do is figure out what your goal is. You do NOT need to do cardio to lose weight if that is your goal. Eating at a defecit is all you need to do. Cardio helps burn calories which will in turn allow you to eat more. There are other benefits from cardio as well..ofcourse...but if weight and fat loss is your goal, cardio is not needed.

    Do whatever you can stomach and call it a day for cardio. Hopefully you like lifting weights as this will do more for you as far as looking better then cardio ever will.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, but its the truth.

    EDIT: I also want to mention that if you can do something like play a game or read a book while doing aren't putting in enough effort. Go hard or go home.

    Don't take me wrong, I know some folks love the feeling of a good workout, the feeling it gives at the end. I'm just one of those folks who can't sit, walk, push there for 30 minutes of cardio and not get bored outta my mind. I'm just your average nutjob in that regard.

    But I understand what you're getting at, don't half-*kitten* it, go all the way, or just give up. My reasons are a mix. When I know my calorie intake is going to exceded (say I hit a party or perhaps a dinner out with friends), I may wanna burn off a bit more so I don't go beyond my reccomended intake too far. There are other reasons I do this, but mainly, even a minor effort will give you something in return.

    Still, makes me curious how others do it.

    P.S. - Most of the time, by half-way or almost done, I'm to the point where I can't focus on the game anymore, but by then, I'm already on my way to finishing up. So it pays off.
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Not so well this morning, I fell off while I was running. Skinned my shins and knee and hand. Those safety features are on there for a reason! Should have been using it.. LOL That plastic treadmil leaves some good "road rash" burns! :blushing:
  • victoriadw84
    victoriadw84 Posts: 77 Member
    Love the ideas!! Especially playing the game while on the bike lol! I should use that one! Sometimes when I dont have something to distract me I will envision me when I look good and showing it off to people who dont think I can do it lol or I picture myself playing my sports better. Sounds lame but it works. Iisten to a rockin song and just let my mind wander lol....
  • pooleekylie
    The more you do it, the more you'll love it. I hated running at first, but now I look for forward to 'me' time out on the track. And all these people are right. Good music helps.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I listen to a podcast. I would love it if my TV were closer! I would definitely indulge in the Xbox as a distraction. LOL Last time I checked it was all about whether or not you used the thing- not if your 'heart' was in it! Don't let anyone make yu feel guilty for gaming while doing your cardio.

    At least you are not just sitting there like a bump on a log! :D
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i run on a treadmill a few days a week and to keep myself occupied i watch either E or the food network. LOL!
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Don't take me wrong, I know some folks love the feeling of a good workout, the feeling it gives at the end. I'm just one of those folks who can't sit, walk, push there for 30 minutes of cardio and not get bored outta my mind. I'm just your average nutjob in that regard.

    But I understand what you're getting at, don't half-*kitten* it, go all the way, or just give up. My reasons are a mix. When I know my calorie intake is going to exceded (say I hit a party or perhaps a dinner out with friends), I may wanna burn off a bit more so I don't go beyond my reccomended intake too far. There are other reasons I do this, but mainly, even a minor effort will give you something in return.

    Still, makes me curious how others do it.

    P.S. - Most of the time, by half-way or almost done, I'm to the point where I can't focus on the game anymore, but by then, I'm already on my way to finishing up. So it pays off.

    Well here is the thing, if you are doing it sporadically because of the occasional party or the occasional oops I exceeded my should not be getting bored of 30 minutes or so. If you were doing an hour a day I can see it getting boring if you dident truly love it.

    I would recommend that you not exceed your calorie intake for the day so you dont need to put as much cardio time in.

    I guess I'm not a huge help in your actual question because I myself love the gym...I just wish I had more time for it.
  • yvonnemoore003
    I just got back on my treadmill last night. I watched tv on my iphone.
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    This app has changed the way I work out on the treadmill...

    You put in a few stats, tell it what kind of workout you want to do (walk, walk/jog, or run), what intensity and how long, and it not only makes a custom workout for you but also syncs up your iphone music to your workout, so it's on beat with your pace the whole time.

    It has seriously kept me on the treadmill for longer, and pushing way harder, than I ever would on my own. I'd even go so far as to say it makes treadmill workouts fun!
  • sukaera
    sukaera Posts: 53 Member
    Up-beat and hardcore music! Sometimes I imagine people cheering me on in an official race, or pretend I'm a kid again and my Mother is yelling at me to get my @$$ home fast! :laugh:
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I lie to myself, flat out. "Just 5 more minutes. Now just 5 more minutes again..." And of course all the podcast/TV/music tricks.
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    Here is the sad but true fact. Some people love to exercise and some people dont.

    If you love to exercise, you try to find MORE time to use the elliptical, run and bike. If you hate post these type of messages.

    Honestly, what you need to do is figure out what your goal is. You do NOT need to do cardio to lose weight if that is your goal. Eating at a defecit is all you need to do. Cardio helps burn calories which will in turn allow you to eat more. There are other benefits from cardio as well..ofcourse...but if weight and fat loss is your goal, cardio is not needed.

    Do whatever you can stomach and call it a day for cardio. Hopefully you like lifting weights as this will do more for you as far as looking better then cardio ever will.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, but its the truth.

    EDIT: I also want to mention that if you can do something like play a game or read a book while doing aren't putting in enough effort. Go hard or go home.

    100% AGREE!

    if you are reading, watching a show, talking on the phone, you will ALWAYS go slower because your mind is drawn elsewhere! You will not give it your all, the best option is GREAT music. Upbeat, fun music makes my time on the treadmill/bike fly by.
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Portable DVD player. Pop in a movie, plug in the ear buds and hit play! I can adjust my speed and incline if I want or just leave it at one setting.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    I don't. Bores me rigid. Weights all the way for me! Follow with 12 mins of HIIT on whatever machine is nearest, that's my cardio.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Here is the sad but true fact. Some people love to exercise and some people dont.

    If you love to exercise, you try to find MORE time to use the elliptical, run and bike. If you hate post these type of messages.

    Honestly, what you need to do is figure out what your goal is. You do NOT need to do cardio to lose weight if that is your goal. Eating at a defecit is all you need to do. Cardio helps burn calories which will in turn allow you to eat more. There are other benefits from cardio as well..ofcourse...but if weight and fat loss is your goal, cardio is not needed.

    Do whatever you can stomach and call it a day for cardio. Hopefully you like lifting weights as this will do more for you as far as looking better then cardio ever will.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear, but its the truth.

    EDIT: I also want to mention that if you can do something like play a game or read a book while doing aren't putting in enough effort. Go hard or go home.

    I disagree!!!! I LOVE to exercise, but there are days I *have* to be on the dreadmill. I have to watch a movie or zone out with my music or I can't run more than a mile. I loathe the treadmill and the ellliptical is a close 2nd.
    And - someone who may be just starting out in the exercise world may need tricks of the trade until they surpass the point of hating exercise.

    So don't speak the truth!!