I've lost all motivation and determination...

I had lost over 90 lbs about last month.
Then i went on holiday, and thats when it went wrong...
I ate like complete crap! and i gain half a stone back (7lbs), ever since then my eating is rubbish and motivation to exercise is no where to be found. I would end up sneakily eating rubbish at night times and not log it on MFP. I have been having serious issues with eating chocolate lately, i would eat ANY chocolate that is about. Now, a couple of weeks ago, i would have NEVER done that!

This is really getting me down, i cant get rid of the chocolate and foods im eating because they are my family's as well...

Please can someone help me? i dont know how, but in some way! :'(



  • SailorJerrysRum
    Sometimes you have to fall before you can rise again.
    So you hit rock bottom. A lot of us get to this point. Now you can either give up and stay on the ground, or say 'Hell no, I'm getting back up because I shall not be broken!"
    Now think of chocolate and what makes it great. It has sugar and caffeine, and that milky taste. So how about treating yourself to a small cup of coffee, make it decaf if it's the afternoon (it'll still have a wee bit of caffeine but it'll scratch the itch.) You can find low calorie coffees at any major shop, or brew it yourself.
    Hopefully this helps. I've been there and I refuse to be defeated. Hell, watch Cinderella Man if you need an icon of hard times to motivate ya.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I used to do the same thing.

    I think you just have to decide whether or not you want to do this. If you do, then put in the effort. You already know you CAN because you've done it before. Get yourself back on track. Be accountable for the decisions you make. Acknowledge the choices you are making.

    If you're content though, you can go on doing what you're doing. Give up. Decide it's not worth it. Ignore the calories and eat whatever you'd like.

    However, you're here so that probably means you're not happy this way. I suggest you stop this. You can do this. You deserve to be happy. So take the steps necessary to getting there.

    It's your choice. It's always your choice. Don't forget that :)

    Best of luck!
  • October11th
    I am the same way. When I first started my weight loss I was so into it. I didn't eat junk ever! I'm a BIG chocolate fan and lately have been eating more and more of it. I find myself saying "oh well" while eating it but then as soon as I'm done I make myself feel bad....

    One thing though is just buy yourself the 100 calorie pack chocolates. Them things helped me big time. I also found this ice cream called arctic zero (they have it at krogers or you can google it and see if they sell it some place by you) It comes in all different flavors. I really only like the vanilla then you can add like a sugar free syrup. It has 150 calories for the WHOLE pint!! Also there is the fiber one brownies (loveeee them). Just a few ideas to have when your family is eating the other stuff you can grab the other choices.

    I also need to get myself back on track. I deleted MFP a few weeks back because I got a "I don't want to count anymore" attitude. Then I started gaining and jumped right back to it.

    Start off slow because you don't want to take it all away from yourself when you've been enjoying it all so much. That will make you crabby and upset. Also if you don't know about this yet you should look into it. It's call eat more to weigh less (em2wl) it's on MFP and you just need to become part of that group and it works just like this but you eat more!! They have a facebook to. It's a big eye opener.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I eat chocolate every day! I just make sure that it fits into my calorie goals. The only difference is that I've switched from milk chocolate to dark chocolate....I don't seem to want to go back for more as much with dark. :)

    don't be discouraged! Just figure out a way to keep your calories in check and then eat what you want for a while....pretty soon you'll realize that you'll want to make healthier choices so you can eat MORE! LOL

    Also, I always eat my exercise calories back so it's been great motivation for me to get moving for those extra treats at dessert...:)

    Don't feel defeated. It's a lifestyle with ups and downs. It took me a long time to relax and trust the process and to stop looking at it as an 'all or nothing' type diet plan.
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    I find that if I commit to logging everything, no matter what, it helps me to face it, accept that i've stumbled, and start to take responsibility for my choices again.