Not sure what I'm doing wrong????

I have been watching what I eat & wrkout atleast 4x's a week. So how come the scale is not moving??? I'm nut sure what I am and not doing right?? I have had one binge day cause I was starving but that was it?? Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Give it some time, especially since you're working out so much :) Keep it up and you'll FOR SURE see results.

    How often are you weighing yourself? Did you go from NO activity to 4x a week? Your body could be in "defence" mode right now, very typical when you go from ZERO activity to tons. Don't forget too that muscle weighs more than fat!

    Trust me, there is NO WAY that you could eat well and work out and NOT lose weight, so keep it up!
  • malynch08
    You are doing the right things. It is probaly b/c you are gaining mustle, which weighs more than fat. When I first started watching my weight, it started very slow. It will happen just dont give up..u will lose weight..i long as you are eating right and working out at least 3 days a week, every week. You are doing great!!!
  • caroldavis
    Make sure you are eating all your calories for the day, other wise you will put your body into stravation mode. The main thing DON"T GIVE UP!!!
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    Are you eating some / all of your exercise calories? I found that I had a slow start until I began eating those exercise cal's.

    Have you taken your measurements? Perhaps you are losing inches, but not moving on the scale yet...

    If you are doing everything right.. Just be patient ( I know sometimes it may be discouraging) But we are all on this journey for the long haul, and some weeks your successes may be greater then others!!

    Don't lose sight of your goal and keep pushing!! Cheers to your future successes!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am in the same boat as you!! I have been doing this for 4 weeks now, the first few weeks I was only doing basic cardio (treadmill/elliptical 3 days a week) but for the last 9 days I have been doing P90x.....and I have NOT LOST ANYTHING!! It is quiet frustrating!! BUT I am not giving up! I know it will happen it is just a matter of time!
    Good luck to you!
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    Me too! I only lost 2 pounds in January:sad: and I was staying under calories and exercising. Well, this month I am going to try eating my exercise calories and see if that gets the scale moving!! Hang in there, we can't give up now!:angry:
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    True story! Just started really watching what I eat about 2 weeks ago...also started exercising daily. I have only gone over on my calories once in that time, but always come close. In 2 weeks, I have only lost 7 pounds, and 5 of those were the first week. I was starting to get discouraged because the scale has been bouncing back and forth for the past week. Well, I got measured yesterday. To my great surprise I have lost 7 inches (from 6 areas measured) and 0.7% body fat. That made it all worthwhile. Keep it up! Also get a scale that measures body fat...that is the most important measurement...I know for a fact now that I am losing fat weight, but gaining muscle weight faster!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Make sure what you're eating is actually healthy. Don't fall for the "low fat," "sugar free," "low calorie" food scams. Eat REAL food.
    It drives me up the wall reading people recommending "light" this and "fat free" that.

    Make sure you're eating enough. If you were hungry to the point of binging one day that sends up a red flag to me. I eat 1200-1400 calories most days and I'm very rarely hungry between meals. And if I am hungry, I eat.
    I LOVE food. :laugh: And I don't have to give up good REAL food to be healthy. In fact, you need good high quality real food in order to be healthy. Eating processed foods out of boxes and bags isn't good for you.

    Open your food diary to others for specific suggestions.
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    Make sure you're eating enough! Don't give up!

    Take measurements every two weeks as well. You may see results in those numbers before it actually hits the scales.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    In 2 weeks, I have only lost 7 pounds, and 5 of those were the first week.


    "In 2 weeks I have ONLY lost 7 pounds" What a ridiculous comment! Check your expectations. That is a phenomenal loss. This is my opinion of course, but at your weight (assuming you're around average height) you should expect to lose 2, MAYBE 3 pounds a week for the next 20 pounds or so, then expect it to level out around 2 pounds a week for a while, then to 1 pound, and so on. The closer you are to your goal, the slower the weight will (and should) come off. Anything more than 2-3 pounds a week is probably pretty unhealthy, even for those of us who are obese. An average of 2 pound/week loss is considered pretty aggressive and shouldn't even be expected by anyone who isn't obese.
    I've been at this since September 8th and I've lost just over 51 pounds -- this is an incredible amount of weight to lose in under 5 months doing things the healthy way (yes, toot toot -- but only to make my point more realistic).
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    Have you lost any inches instead of just looknig at the lbs?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    True story! Just started really watching what I eat about 2 weeks ago...also started exercising daily. I have only gone over on my calories once in that time, but always come close. In 2 weeks, I have only lost 7 pounds, and 5 of those were the first week. I was starting to get discouraged because the scale has been bouncing back and forth for the past week. Well, I got measured yesterday. To my great surprise I have lost 7 inches (from 6 areas measured) and 0.7% body fat. That made it all worthwhile. Keep it up! Also get a scale that measures body fat...that is the most important measurement...I know for a fact now that I am losing fat weight, but gaining muscle weight faster!

    "In two weeks I have ONLY lost 7 lbs"??? That is great weight loss!! Be happy with that!! I would love to have half of that at this point! Great Job!
  • atauds
    atauds Posts: 41
    I understand it is normal to lose a lot of weight when you are first working out and watching what you are eating, especially the first week. So I can see losing 5 lbs in the first week of starting out. I understand it is water weight. After that first week or two the rapid weight loss will slow down extremely as the body tries to hold on to fat (its kicking in to survival mode).
  • mroberts2702
    mroberts2702 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I have not been eating up my "exercise" calories. I have always been under the assumption that you needed to take in less then then was going out?? So i havent eaten my "extra cals'. My husband has noticed a change in my form persay but I guess i'm just frustrated that the lbs dont seem to be coming off. I refuse to give up. I am going on vaca to florida this yr and rufuse to go in the shape i'm in now. Agian thanks for all the great thoughts & words of encourragement, I luv this site for that!!!
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Just saw your last post made while i was tping...i guess skip first paragraph!

    If you are logging your food journal and exercise make sure you are tracking how many calories you have remaining. For example, if you are burning 250 calories as your exercise goal, the journal will credit you for what you are allowed. if you are working out 4x/week, the journal as you "may" have it, treats those off days as work out days and adds 250 to your allowed totals. If so, i recommend removing the workout goal on the journal. put your goal as 1/2 - 1lb/week which will reduce calories ~400/day(1lb = 3500/week). Aim for 300 calories during your workouts. thats equivalent to 4000/week (calories deficit + exercise). I like to aim for 4000 in case of unexpected meals or errors. You should start seeing ~1lb/week.

    The biggest thing is dont deprive yourself, eat sensible, exercise, relax, avoid stress of daily scale watching and get mentally confident. Maybe the lbs havent shed yet but think of the positive changes you have made by starting to exercise. If you slip or binge, make up to yourself by putting in a coule extra miles! Also, some folks are harder than others to get HR up. Change your routine. if you normally just walk...increase incline, if you jog....try sprint / walk / sprint. etc... Lastly...drink water and avoid other drinks, especially diet (sugar free, artificially sweetened) or commmon fruit juices unless to sqeeze it yourself!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I have not been eating up my "exercise" calories. I have always been under the assumption that you needed to take in less then then was going out?? So i havent eaten my "extra cals'.

    Yes, BUT My Fitness Pal sets you at an automatic calorie deficit based on how much weight you told it you wanted to lose each week. If you want to lose 2 pounds, you're already set at a 1000 calorie deficit, 1 pound, you're set at a 500 calorie deficit. So, eating your exercise calories just keeps you at that automatic deficit. If you don't eat your exercise calories, you're increasing the deficit, and depending on how much weight you have to lose, that could cause your body to freak out because it thinks it's starving. This means (and this is a crudely simple explanation I'm sure) your body is going to start eating your lean muscle and trying to store any and all fat. That's obviously not what anyone here wants. Please go read the pinned posts at the top of the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" forum here!
  • mirandam1076
    I'm right where you are diamondangel! I month today on this site and 1lb lost if I'm lucky! I'm going to go weigh today to see where I'm at......
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    There's no way that you're 'gaining muscle' after only four weeks, sorry to say. However, if you've recently started an exercise regime after a long period of inactivity, there's a good chance your muscles are 'shocked' and retaining water. Drink a lot of water. Once the muscles are more healed up and 'used' to the exercise, they'll let go of the water.

    Water retention also may be an issue if you're not drinking enough water in general, or if you're eating too much sodium. Check your levels- I try to keep mine at about 1500, 2000 MAX.

    Also, gross as it may sound, poop weighs a lot. Make sure you're eating enough fiber and drinking lots of water. It will 'cleanse' your system naturally, flatten your stomach a bit, and take off a bit of weight. Plus, you'll just feel better.

    Eat your exercise calories- Like jlb123 said, MFP sets you up with an automatic deficit. If you don't eat your exercise calories, you're setting yourself up for starvation mode- and your body won't want to let go of the extra pounds. If you don't want to eat ALL of them, at least try to eat half to three quarters of them. There are oodles of posts here that talk about WHY you should eat your exercise calories, and they contain way better information than I could possibly rehash here- so do a search. Ready the sticky posts in the 'General' forum and you'll see what we're talking about.

    Also, you've mentioned your husband has noticed a change in your form. I recommend getting a tape and checking your measurements. Numbers on the scale will fluctuate due to water retention, how much food is in your stomach, whether your hair is wet (don't believe me? Weigh yourself before and after you shower and you'll see), if you've gone to the bathroom, etc. If you check your measurements (once a week, bi-weekly or once a month) you'll see changes that may not be obvious on the scale.

    Lastly- don't lose hope! Keep pushing through. Changes will come, it's just a matter of persistence and perseverance.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I have been watching what I eat & wrkout atleast 4x's a week. So how come the scale is not moving??? I'm nut sure what I am and not doing right?? I have had one binge day cause I was starving but that was it?? Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

    I have a few ideas,

    Since you are working out, it could be that you are adding muscle while losing fat, which may cause the scale to look like nothing is happening. In this case, I would recommend keeping track of measurements. There are a lot of online bodyfat calculators that you can use, some are pretty close to true, and you can get an idea of whether or not you are losing some bodyfat.

    Another thing is that if you are "starving", it could be that you are elevating your body's insulin levels, which is preventing you from losing weight. Stay away from processed foods and grains, eat whole foods, fruits and veggies, make sure you are getting enough protein, and don't totally eliminate fat from your diet. If you cut out the fat, that could be causing you to get hungry too soon after a meal.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Since you are working out, it could be that you are adding muscle while losing fat, which may cause the scale to look like nothing is happening. In this case, I would recommend keeping track of measurements. There are a lot of online bodyfat calculators that you can use, some are pretty close to true, and you can get an idea of whether or not you are losing some bodyfat.

    As I understand it it's almost impossible to add muscle mass while also losing fat.

    The muscles may be 'shocked' and retaining water, though.

    The reason I mention it at all is because I hear it a lot. "Oh, you're just building muscle," but it's not always as black and white as that....

    I know that I recently read someone's blog where they explain really well why you can't build muscle mass and lose fat mass at the same time, but I can't find it.


    EDIT: Oh, here it is!