Giving up diet soda

What can I say? Diet Pepsi is my weakness. I realize that it is time to kick this bad habit, but I've noticed that when I ditch the DP I reach for other snacks instead. Luckily, my snacks are almost always veggies/fruits, but even an extra 100-200 calories/day adds up. I've tried to turn to physical activities that shift my attention, but that only distracts me for so long.

Does anyone have any suggestions to nix the (reliable, zero-calorie!) diet soda habit without increasing caloric intake? Thanks! =)


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try soda water with a slice of lemon and/or lime.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I love coke zero and I dont think I can ever give up diet coke. Because when Im hungry and I have some diet coke..the bubbles help my stomach so I can put off eating for a little and it saves me calories.
  • mama22girlz
    I've been drinking the cyrstal light drinks (where you put the powder in the water) and they are about 5 - 10 cal a drink. I tend to water mine down as I find they are too sweet so I get more out of them. I used to LOVE coke zero I haven't had one in almost a month.
  • melanieann48111
    I find that I can get my caffeine from coffee or caffeinated teas and my bubble "fix" from flavored carbonated water. They have a yummy brand sold at's in the booze aisle for some reason but it has a ton of flavor and it's zero cals.
  • trmiller21
    trmiller21 Posts: 6 Member
    I've read in several places that more than one diet soda a day is not good for you, but having just one a day is okay. I have a diet soda in the morning, since I'm not a coffee drinking, to get my caffeine and then only drink water for the rest of the day. I drink bottled water and then water with a slice of lemon when I get home for variety. Another option is crystal light (0 calories also); it tastes great and is another filler. Caution: I get headaches from crystal light, so you want to see how you react to the artificial sweetner they use. Good luck :)
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    I second the Crystal Light suggestion. I went from 44 oz of Diet Pepsi to 1 packet of Crystal Light in a 20 oz bottle of water. Eventually I want to kick that too...but not yet.

    Crystal Light has a wild strawberry flavor that has caffeine. That's the one I use.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Ive tried quitting but I cant...It is just something I cant cut out....I dont drink coffee but oh well
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I approach it differently. I love soda, and I have been down that road of replacing it with sparkling water, going cold turkey, etc. What can I say? I end up going back to diet coke!

    So, I have a plan in place to limit the amount of soda that I drink. I will only allow myself one can, and that is it. I will take my can to work with me, and I will go through the process of deciding when I will drink it, and if I save it for the end of the day, then I have that to look forward to. And, sometimes, I will get so wound up in what I am doing that I totally forget to drink it, and then I end up saving it for the next day.
  • kimberlygo
    If you can figure this out, send me your secret. I love soda. It was so hard for me to switch from regular to diet, but I did that a few years ago. It takes away my craving for something sweet. And when I'm hungry the bubbles temporarily fill my stomach.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Try some flavored water. My wife has almost completely kicked the Diet Dew habit using Fruit2-O.
  • mclark83
    mclark83 Posts: 7 Member
    I gave up Diet Dr. Pepper yesterday too! It's hard, especially when the 10:30am craving hits. I just keep chugging water. I also try to read as many articles as possible about why all soda, even diet is bad to put into your system. When I think about the end all result of potentially losing more weight by cutting out my daily dose of Diet Dr. Pepper, I feel reenergized and even more committed to the cause. It's so hard to cut it out, but once you get over the intial caffeine withdraws you will feel so great.....i hope! Good luck. :wink:
  • pocostef
    I have read at least 3 studies that claim your body thinks aspartame is real sugar, and stores fat anyways when you drink it. This should motivate you! I like all natural raspberry flavor soda water from Safeway. Also, artificial sweeteners can cause headaches and diarrhea! Ewww!
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 318 Member
    I used to think I could never give up soda! At least you can drink diet, I couldn't stand the taste of diet. Since you are so used to drinking them, I would say you need to wean yourself off of them. Maybe have just one every other day and then spread it out to every two days. I drink Crystal Light packs in my water & switch with plain water. Over time you will just get in the habit of having water. Also, remember that empty calories & sugar you are wasting on diet soda that you could actually eat with food!
  • jdsaenz
    jdsaenz Posts: 5 Member
    Soda was never something I could give up...until I really needed to make some lifestyle changes after my first health problem came up a few months ago! I tried (and liked) Crystal Light -type drinks; and sometimes diet DP, but I've also realized the unnatural sweeteners that go into these kind of drinks. It's a little scary! Bottom line for me is: if I don't have it in the house, I can't drink it! So as much as I used to disliked drinking ice water, I've gotten very used to it. No calories, no sugars, sodium, can you beat it?
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    I drink diet soda myself. I don't have it all the time, but I do drink a fair amount of it. I have never had any issues with it. it doesn't cause me to hold onto any fat, isn't causing me to gain weight, isn't causing an insulin spike, etc. maybe some people don't like artificial sweeteners and that is why they avoid it. But that doesn't worry me.

    I can't speak for everyone, but personally I have never had an issue with weight loss while drinking diet soda. So I figure why get rid of something I enjoy on occasion?
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I drink diet soda myself. I don't have it all the time, but I do drink a fair amount of it. I have never had any issues with it. it doesn't cause me to hold onto any fat, isn't causing me to gain weight, isn't causing an insulin spike, etc. maybe some people don't like artificial sweeteners and that is why they avoid it. But that doesn't worry me.

    I can't speak for everyone, but personally I have never had an issue with weight loss while drinking diet soda. So I figure why get rid of something I enjoy on occasion?

    Makes sense. And, I don't get it when we cut out diet soda and replace with Crystal Lite. Either you have artificial beverages, or you don't.

    Me? I allow one soda per day, just because I enjoy it, I look forward to it, and it satisfies. Otherwise I drink water (maybe some coffee or tea in the morning).
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I don't drink diet soda because of the artificial sweetners. I drink Sunkist and unfortunately they make it with high fructose corn syrup. I wish they made it with sugar. Anyway, I'm working on weaning myself off of pop. I currently allow myself one can a day. I also keep it warm so if I want one I have to think about it, put it in the freezer and get it in an hour. I've recently purchased 12 of the 8 oz cans. I'm going to be replacing my 12 oz. cans with those and hopefully, by the time they are gone I won't feel the need to buy anymore.
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't drink diet soda because of the artificial sweetners. I drink Sunkist and unfortunately they make it with high fructose corn syrup. I wish they made it with sugar. Anyway, I'm working on weaning myself off of pop. I currently allow myself one can a day. I also keep it warm so if I want one I have to think about it, put it in the freezer and get it in an hour. I've recently purchased 12 of the 8 oz cans. I'm going to be replacing my 12 oz. cans with those and hopefully, by the time they are gone I won't feel the need to buy anymore.
    Out of curiosity, why is it you avoid zero-calorie artificial sweeteners but drink soda that's high in calories and made with HFCS? I am actually genuinely interested in knowing, since I have seen this on many occasions.
  • limurr
    limurr Posts: 3 Member
    I like cranberrycat's approach. If you want to give up diet beverages, that's great, and you're probably better off for it. I personally would feel too deprived if I did that. Limiting them makes more sense for me. My strategy not only has me drinking fewer diet cokes, but makes sure I get in more water. My "rule" is that I must drink five 8 oz glasses (or two 20 oz bottles of water) before I "treat" myself to a diet coke. So what usually happens is that I bring a bottle of water to work, drink it and refill it, then by dinner time I've had my water and can enjoy the soda with dinner and/or in the evening.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I can never give up my diet soda!!!!!! I drink cans of club soda in between cravings for my "bubble fix"

    I have never had adverse affects, unfortunately there is A TON of false info on the web about it..........I believe in moderation with sweetners......I am WAY more concerned with HFCS which is practically in EVERYTHING..l.have become a major label reader lol!

    Good luck in your quest......