Healthy diet/exercise completely sapping me of energy


I recently got on a quest to lose weight and be healthy. I got a new fitbit and set a goal of abt 11000 steps, 11 floors, and 4.5 miles walked per day. This generally gives me 200-400 calories adjustment. I am supposed to net about 1350 calories a day, and some days I make it and other days I don't. I can be over a little or under a little but I think overall it evens out.

I have noticed however that I have little to no energy, I am exhausted. I can barely get up in the morning after getting 6 hours of sleep, and that is usually way more than I get. I have stated drinking black coffee again when I had pretty much given that up.

I was wondering how you guys deal with the energy valleys. As an additional piece of information I am Vitamin D deficient and take prescription Vitamin D once a week.

Let me know what you guys think because I am seriously having trouble functioning at this point. I even took a day off from work because I was just too tired to go to work.


  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    if I notice that I'm feeling tired, I usually say **** MFP and eat more than it says. I'm currently over 700 cals above what it wants me to eat because I'm sick of feeling tired.

    I'm still losing fat too.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Did you cut carbs? I notice a big difference in energy levels when I don't get enough carbs. I shoot for around 150g per day. Do you feel hungry too? or just tired? Maybe you just need to eat more in general. And is there any way you can go to bed earlier to get 7 or 8 hours? I think it makes a difference.
  • I found that increasing my exercise also increased my need to have at least 7 hours of sleep. I also increase my calories when I feel fatigued. Nothing crazy but an extra 300 - 500 has been effective for me.
  • nmcgoff
    nmcgoff Posts: 1 Member
    It is probably what you are eating and when. I have the same cal intake, 1350 and exercise everyday burning about 300-400 cals. What time of day are you working out? Make sure you have some sort of protein before and after your workouts and keep your fruits in the morning and midday. And of course, lots of water...all day. Hope this helps. Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • When is the last time you had your iron checked?
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Try upping your protien, if you are doing more physical activity, your body needs more fuel and rest than you are used to.
  • you said you just recently started with the 11000 steps a day 4.5 miles... your body also needs an adjustment period as well, probably a combo of the exercise and possibly that your not eating as much as you used to (which your body is used to eating).. I was tired when I first started the crazy beachbody workouts but now I find that I cannot sleep unless I get at least 1 hr of moderate exercise... stick with it, it will subside...
  • mkzara
    mkzara Posts: 73 Member
    Alpine I have actually cut carbs but they still make up more than half my diet so I don't know if that change is doing it.

    Taylor sometimes when I just can't handle the hunger/fatigue I do end up eating more. But I wonder how much of that is mind over matter. Do I really need those extra calories or my body is tricking me because it wants them.

    Leslie/alpine I think you guys might be right, maybe I do need to sleep more because the exhaustion is ridiculous. I might just have to give up my relaxation time for more sleep time to function properly at work.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I would recommend geting 8 hours of sleep a night..that two extra hours is huge!

    After I excercise I feel sooo much better and enegized. Do you do any strenght training? Do you have a post work out protein shake?

    I take vitmine B12 and that helps me with energy..when I need it..
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Did you talk to your doctor about this? I'd start there first. Get some blood work done and see if everything is where it should be. There could be a million reasons why you're feeling this way from lack of sleep all the way up to thyroid issues.

    Talk to your doctor.
  • For me personally, when I over do it on carbs I feel sluggish or sweets, when there is a peak in your insulin-like if you have a candy bar or a very sweet fruit, you might have a peak of insulin but it will drop quickly causing you to feel sluggish-up the protein eat veggies and have healthy snacks at least 3x a day.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would eat more. MFP has very low calorie count. I was at 1200 and lost all the weight I wanted very fast. Maintained at 1400 but was still losing. Went up to 1600 now to maintain.
  • feefie04
    feefie04 Posts: 67 Member
    Double check with your doctor about your vitamin D and iron. Tell him about your new lifestyle and see if you can get another blood test.

    I had low vitamin D one fall and it hit my like a ton of bricks... I seriously couldn't do anything without feeling exhausted and I SHOULD have been able to.

    My iron gets low at the time o' the month and I feel that as well... tired, heavy limbs.

    Since your doctor is already aware of you deficiency, let him know and see if you guys can come up with a solution.

    More sleep does NOT help if it is a deficiency.

    Edit: Also, when I was deficient, I wasn't sleepy, I was just bodily exhausted. If it was a lack of sleep, I would probably have had the urge for more sleep. Your body isn't subtle, if you are sleepy, it will make you sleep :) Your amount *may* be enough for you. But if you are constantly fighting back naps, then that might be your problem. Otherwise, go see the doc.