Changes in Aerobics, but Still Plateau'd

angelnik03 Posts: 43
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Fellow MFPers:

I took a look today at the forums dedicated to plateaus, and I understand the basics, but I was hoping people could provide specific examples of how to break through, especially if they follow a regime like mine.

I've lost about 20lbs in 3 months, but since just before Christmas, I've been stuck between 152-155. Everytime I go down, I come back up and every time I come up, I manage to go back down, but I haven't been lower than 152 yet. It's starting to become frustrating as I still have 13lbs to lose before May. My exercise regimen consists of 5-6 days of working out. I do a combination of strength training and cardio tapes - all The Firm, Jillian Michaels and Biggest Loser. I don't have a gym membership, but I do have a workout room in my apartment complex that has an elliptical and treadmill, among other machines.

I usually stick with around 1200-1300 calories/day, which is under my recommended goal, but maybe it's part of the problem. I'm getting ready to start back with a lean protein/veggie dinner, in hopes that will help, too.

Does anyone have specific exercises/ideas that they could recommend for me? I prefer to stay in my house/workout room as opposed to going to a gym. I'm really hoping to push through this soon!


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • A few questions I have is how often do you eat? Also, are you reaching your target heart rate at each workout? Since you're working out that much it seems like your body may need more than 1200-1300 calories a day. You may have actually slowed your metabolism down a bit. Also, are you getting enough sleep? Finally, those who have more weight to lose actually lose weight at a higher rate. Once you get closer to your goal, the weight loss will slow down because you have less to lose. That's natural. Make sure you're eating three meals and two snacks a day, drinking lots of water, and are getting enough sleep. Oh, and also that you're reaching your target heart rate as well. You may actually have to put more effort into your training to lose that last bit of weight. Good luck!
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    You need to eat more and try a boosting technique. Every forth day, eating double the protein or carbs for dinner. The next time eat one or the other for lunch and so on. It tricks your body.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    so I see some red flags here, I'll point them out.

    1) Everytime I go down, I come back up and every time I come up, I manage to go back down, but I haven't been lower than 152 yet

    2) I usually stick with around 1200-1300 calories/day, which is under my recommended goal

    3) I've been stuck between 152-155

    so those are what I see right away.
    and here are the questions I have for you:

    1) How did you come to your goal? I.E. when you sat down and thought about where you wanted to be, what made you pick 140 (or what ever your goal is)?
    2) Why are you under your calories? Is there are specific reason? Or are you just under the impression that the bigger your deficit the more you will lose?
    3) What are your goals, I mean your real goals, not weight, weight really shouldn't be a goal, it can be a PART of your goal, but weight in and of itself shouldn't be your goal.
    A good goal example is something like "I want to fit into a size <X> dress and be able to do a 5 K in under 25 minutes, and have a body fat % of 18 by the end of 2010 by doing hard cardio 3 days a week for 45 minutes a day, and doing Anaerobic interval training 2 days a week for 30 minutes, and eating a healthy balanced diet with a small deficit.

    Remember weight is arbitrary, two people can have the EXACT same measurements, height, age, sex, and one can weigh 25 to 30 lbs more than the other one, weight shouldn't be a goal IMHO.
  • so those are what I see right away.
    and here are the questions I have for you:

    1) How did you come to your goal? I.E. when you sat down and thought about where you wanted to be, what made you pick 140 (or what ever your goal is)?
    2) Why are you under your calories? Is there are specific reason? Or are you just under the impression that the bigger your deficit the more you will lose?
    3) What are your goals, I mean your real goals, not weight, weight really shouldn't be a goal, it can be a PART of your goal, but weight in and of itself shouldn't be your goal.
    A good goal example is something like "I want to fit into a size <X> dress and be able to do a 5 K in under 25 minutes, and have a body fat % of 18 by the end of 2010 by doing hard cardio 3 days a week for 45 minutes a day, and doing Anaerobic interval training 2 days a week for 30 minutes, and eating a healthy balanced diet with a small deficit.

    Remember weight is arbitrary, two people can have the EXACT same measurements, height, age, sex, and one can weigh 25 to 30 lbs more than the other one, weight shouldn't be a goal IMHO.

    1. I chose 140 because that was (approximately) the weight I was last time I was the size I wanted to be. [To answer #3 here as well] my true goal is to be a size 8. To that end, I'm probably going to stop in between 145-150lbs, as I'm in some 8s now, but they don't fit the way they should. My other goal was to monitor portions and make better choices in what I eat...there was a point I was eating probably 3000+ calories a day! *shudder*
    2. I'm under partially because of your theory above, but partially bc I've changed my eating habits such that I'm eating 4-5 times a day and that's what I'm coming up with. So perhaps I need to restructure what I'm eating again to add more calories.
    A few questions I have is how often do you eat? Also, are you reaching your target heart rate at each workout? Since you're working out that much it seems like your body may need more than 1200-1300 calories a day. You may have actually slowed your metabolism down a bit. Also, are you getting enough sleep? Finally, those who have more weight to lose actually lose weight at a higher rate. Once you get closer to your goal, the weight loss will slow down because you have less to lose. That's natural. Make sure you're eating three meals and two snacks a day, drinking lots of water, and are getting enough sleep. Oh, and also that you're reaching your target heart rate as well. You may actually have to put more effort into your training to lose that last bit of weight. Good luck!

    I eat every 2-3 hours until dinner, then I *try* to stop eating after that, which is usually around 7pm-ish. I have a HRM, most workouts it's beeping that I'm out of the target range, but I'm not sure how consistent is, or if there's a magic number I'm supposed to be reaching. I get plenty of sleep - usually 6-7hrs/night (I loooove sleep). On the average day, I eat something like this:

    breakfast: yellow apple
    mid-morning snack: strawberry jello
    lunch: subway oven roasted chicken sandwich + lays light chips
    mid-afternoon snack: varies between jello, fruit or 5 ritz crackers
    dinner: usually - sauteed chicken + green beans or 500 calorie pasta dish, could vary depending on the night

    I think based on what SHBoss1673 and you are saying, the probably might come from calorie I still need to change my exercise or maybe just push more with the exercises I'm doing?

    Good help guys, thanks!
  • You need to eat more and try a boosting technique. Every forth day, eating double the protein or carbs for dinner. The next time eat one or the other for lunch and so on. It tricks your body.

    Just so I understand, on the fourth day, eat 2x protein for dinner, then maybe on the 8th 2x carbs for lunch, and so on?
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