Need new fitnesspal friends

Everytime I post something, I end up deleting it because none of the friends I have now on here replies.
So, feel free to add me /:


  • I respond to everyone on my list :) I'll add you!
  • I'm new to fitnesspal and none of my friends are using or want to use this awesome website! Would be great to have friends on here that are wanting to loose weight and become fit and healthy! :)
  • Hey gírls I'll add you:) we all need the support
  • Hello everyone!! I'm new here too. I was using MFP for awhile but just to track my calories, nothing else. Now I'm going to use it for all of the tools. I'm determined to lose the weight!!
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me, Ive been using the site for a while now but most of the friends I had at the start have disappeared :sad:

    Im on most days and am pretty supportive (I like to think so anyway haha!!) Looking forward to getting to know you :)
  • Mkaye0618
    Mkaye0618 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me. :-) My friends that got me started on it don't use it anymore lol.
  • Hi there,

    Im shi,need help with suggestions in trimming my cals.
