I need A LOT of motivation and encouragement... Help?



  • madanvineet
    I know it can be tough... here are tricks I have used that work for me...

    eat healthy portions (i know not enough) but how about
    (1) adding healthy snacks in regular intervals to kills the hunger... and sipping water keeps my mind away from food...
    (2) If you want to eat more of the same food that your mom made, just take a bite to kill the immediate hunger and then take another bite only when you feel hungry...
    (3) adding fiber supplements (I used in power form mixed in a water) that will give you the feeling that you are full

    hope this helps...
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    I'll send a friend request to ya.. I started with ~120lbs total to my final goal. I've lost about half of it. Really.. it comes down to being determined, having a "Can-Do" attitude, and never giving up. Yep.. there will be tough days.. there will be days where ya completely blow it.. shake it off, try again tomorrow.

    If you step back and look up at the magnitude of a mountain, it seems enormous from the bottom. However, if you just start the climb and concentrate on the few feet in front of you, it becomes much easier and less daunting.
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    any time girl...friend me if you want!
  • dancngdolfn
    dancngdolfn Posts: 81 Member
    I will try to help in anyway that i can if you want just friend me. :)
  • Baybbee123
    Baybbee123 Posts: 57 Member
    I have well over 100 to lose as well. You can message me or add me too if you'd like :) You can do this!
  • matroma
    I started out needing to lose 85-90. It sounded like such a big number and I have a history of yo-yoing and giving up. Been on MFP since July, and it feels like its going so slow but, I've lost 18 pounds, and just the difference I feel in my body makes me keep going and stay focused. Pick up a 5lb dumbell and see, how even losing 2 of those will be easier on your body. Don't expect it all to fall off at once, get used to long term goals, do it for yourself and no one else.

    Start preparing, measuring your own food. I rely on Lean Cuisine sometimes and it helps with portion control. Swap Country Crock for butter, cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes, and get the skin off that 3 oz. chicken breast. It doesn't have to be dreadful, but I understand how hard it is when all of that food is being waved in front of your face. With me, the more I counted calories and watching portions, I realized how out of control my eating had ben when it seemed "normal". Now even if I have a little of the "good stuff" I can't tolerate a lot of it and it doesn't taste all that fabulous. You can do it! It gets easier if you stick to it. Feel free to add me.
  • MissChievou2
    I need some inspiration too! I've got a long ways and I need some positive reinforcement :) Add me.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I know how this is, often I make 2 seperate meals in our house, one for us and one for the kids. Not that I dont think my kids should eat healthier, they just need some of the fats. They are very small, petite and calories are good for them. My husband and I not quite so much. Wish I could share some of my fat with them. LOL
    Anyways, yes it is a pain, but its a pain Im willing to deal with so my husband and I get back to our goal weight and healthy to be around for our children longer.
    You are pretty young looking and I think if you get it now, it will be easier as you go along. Good luck, you have already made the first step, joining MFP. Lots of fantastic people, with fantastic support. Cant go wrong here! :O)
  • Louiyen
    What i always find helpful is try checking out other female fitness models online. I use a lot of natural male bodybuilders as motivations. Compare yourself to the person in the magazine while you're standing in front of the mirror. How bad you want it is all in your head. You either want it or you don't. we can tell you to do this and that all we want but the final decision is up to you. I stress this with everyone that needs motivation because we can only do so much by rooting you on. GL