feeling hungry... good or bad?

I know this topic has most likely come up before so I'm sorry to ask again.

I have never been on a offical diet or weight loss program before. My main concern is that I am unsure if it's ok to be hungry between meals or if I should eat something when I do feel hungry. I don't want my body to think it's starving and therefore kill any metabolism I have. But, I also think the main reason I am hungry between meals is because my stomach is shrinking. I am trying to good, heathy foods as much as I can and watching my portions of the not so healthy food.

Thank you for your reply.


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Hunger is dependent on many factors, both mental and physical. Keeping a consistent calorie goal and monitoring progress will let you know if you're on the right track.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You might be hungry because you aren't getting enough unsaturated fats. Large calorie deficits usually lead to nutritional defeciencies which trigger responses that cause the body to work against your efforts.
  • angeldaae
    angeldaae Posts: 348 Member
    I think of between-meal hunger as a sign that I am *not* over-feeding myself, and that I *am* letting my body burn fat for energy.

    You're not going to go into starvation mode between meals. As long as you get the nourishment you need in a day, you're fine.

    What is the saying? "No one ever starved between meals."
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    I eat three meals a day plus a two or three snacks. I end up eating about every two to three hours until dinner. I'm usually done at dinner.

    Small meals, small snacks.

    But this way, when I start feeling hungry, it's usually time to eat something, and it takes the edge off. I don't feel deprived or starving that way.