First Half Marathon tomorrow!!

I am so excited for the Air Force HM tomorrow. It's my very first one! I know it's going to be just like my long run, but with a LOT more people, but I can't help being nervous. :) Do any veterans have any advice or tips for me?


  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    Don't start out too fast, its easy to get caught up in the excitement and burn out quickly. Eat carbs tonight, and a light breakfast an hour before the race.

    Most of all have fun!
  • lroconner
    lroconner Posts: 28 Member
    Good Luck!
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    No advice here. Good luck, have fun and be proud of yourself! :bigsmile: I know I couldn't do a HM anytime soon!
  • PJSparkles1
    Yay Bagel!!! So excited to hear how it goes!!
  • tri10806
    tri10806 Posts: 192 Member
    Maintain the pace you feel like you've trained for and don't show up and try something different race day. If you've trained a walk/run method stick to it. Also, break your race into segments mentally. For me I look at a half like 5 miles, 5 miles, then a 10K. Focus on one segment at at time and forget about the next one. Good luck!
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    No advice as no where near HM standard yet, but just to say all the best for tomorrow, you'll be fine & enjoy the experience. Oh, and don't forget to let us know how you do :)
  • fitontherun
    fitontherun Posts: 90 Member
    I've only done one so far. I would say:

    1. Don't try anything new on race day.
    2. Stay hydrated. If the water stops have both water and gatorade, I would alternate.
    3. Don't start off too fast.
    4. Don't be afraid to take walk breaks.
    5. Remember to have fun!

    Good luck! You'll do great! :smile:
  • G_Wiz87
    You guys are so awesome. I absolutely LOVE being a part of the running community. :) Does anyone use Endomondo? I will have mine running for tomorrow so you track me during the race and send me pep-talks if you are my friend! My profile is here: Also, I will be sure to update everyone on how it goes. :):)
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Get to the venue early.
    Don't forget your race bib/chip. It should be included with your race packet.
    Get plenty of rest tonight.
    Don't eat or drink anything exotic.
    Don't wear shoes, socks, clothing you haven't trained in.
    Start out mid pack and run your own race, it's your first race so your adrenaline will be pumping.
    Take advantage of all the water stations.
    HAVE FUN! You put in the roadwork, now enjoy the view!
    Good luck!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Don't start out too fast, its easy to get caught up in the excitement and burn out quickly. Eat carbs tonight, and a light breakfast an hour before the race.

    Most of all have fun!

    ^^ This. Go get it!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Free of charge, my top three tips:

    1) don't go out too fast!
    2) don't go out too fast!
    3) don't go out too fast!
  • EdgyMcSterious
    Have a plan and stick to it. If you've done the training you should do fine. Oh and have fun!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Get to the venue early.
    Don't forget your race bib/chip. It should be included with your race packet.
    Get plenty of rest tonight.
    Don't eat or drink anything exotic.
    Don't wear shoes, socks, clothing you haven't trained in.
    Start out mid pack and run your own race, it's your first race so your adrenaline will be pumping.
    Take advantage of all the water stations.
    HAVE FUN! You put in the roadwork, now enjoy the view!
    Good luck!

    All of this and make sure that you go to the bathroom before you start. And pay attention to the port-o-potty lines, they get longer the closer it gets to the start of the race, so get in line at least 30 minutes before the start. Even if you don't think you have to go, go. It's better than having to stop along the way.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Maintain the pace you feel like you've trained for and don't show up and try something different race day. If you've trained a walk/run method stick to it. Also, break your race into segments mentally. For me I look at a half like 5 miles, 5 miles, then a 10K. Focus on one segment at at time and forget about the next one. Good luck!

    :laugh: - and if you do this you'll have run 3.1 extra miles!!!! :laugh: (Philosophy is cool. Just picking on his 10k instead of 5k).

    Also, key thing is here is don't do anything different. No new shoes, clothing, food, drinks, warm-ups. Keep it as familiar as possible.

    Think about your pace early. It should feel easy, but ask yourself early if you can maintain that effort throughout the race. If not, slow down a tad bit.

    Oh, and most important. Just have a good time. You'll set a PR in effect no matter how fast or slow you go. So push as much as you want, but make sure you enjoy it.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Totally rock it! Let us know how you do!

    Can't wait for mine in October!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    And if you followed the advice to stick to training pace at first, half way through you may have energy to increase ever so slightly the pace. Then mile 12, go as fast as you think you can maintain for a mile.

    Feels really good to have gone the distance and still feel some energy left you can use.

    And don't let anyone talk you into the new Mexican restaurant tonight because rice has carbs!
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi, I ran the Prague Half Marathon earlier this year and it was my first one too. This is what I learnt:

    Try and keep your speed at a constant level. Having a watch with a tracker helps a lot because there'll be times when you might be going at, eg, 8 minute a mile and others when you are going at 10 minutes a mile. Try and keep yourself focused at all times to avoid losing concentration because you are more likely to change your speed when you lose focus.

    Drink water at every opportunity, even if it's a sip, because that sip will help over the race. I didn't take any of the the energy drinks, capsules or pod things they gave out, but friends who did said they helped a lot. It's just a sugary drink like Powerade, Gaterode or Lucozade (or the equivalent of whatever one is sponsoring the event).

    Make sure your shoes and in good shape and your laces are tied to your EXACT preference. I stopped 3 times to redo them.

    I actually fell at about 18 or 19km (11 miles-ish) because my legs just gone and smashed my right knee onto the ground! And I fell to the ground and a lot of people just ran past and didn't help me up (still can't believe how unbelievably selfish those people were when they saw my lying on the ground) but a woman came towards me and helped me up because I couldn't do so on my own (I'll NEVER forget that). So if you see someone lying down or feeling sick, don’t be afraid to help them or pat them on the back and say “You can do it”. I said that to a completely random guy who was walking and he started running again.

    Music helped me so much, but that's personal preference. Don't put songs on there that you aren't familiar with but songs that you actually like and enjoy listening to without wanting to skip them whenever (we all have those tracks!).

    Eat plenty of complex carbs the day and night before and simple and complex carbs the morning of the race. Drink PLENTY of water throughout the day.

    One strange thing to note is that at the end of the race, your body will be EXTREMELY COLD, and I mean literally freezing at the end (at least everyone in my race was) and we were given an aluminium sheet to warm us up. So gather together at the end with your friends and get home, get warm and make sure that you STRETCH as soon as you can and EAT as soon as you can. They gave us all fruit at the end and you should eat AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. You lose about 100 calories for every mile, so if you lose roughly 1300 calories, you need to replenish your glycogen levels and avoid further muscle breakdown. Take the entire week off if you feel you need to after woods. I think I took 5 days off and then started training again normaly but I was still exhausted. It hurt to walk up the steps to get to the hotel reception. All our legs were completely and utterly shattered.

    Good luck!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Good luck and enjoy ALL OF IT! My friend gave me a list of 14 things (well 15 if you count "don't do anything stupid the week before the race") -- you can check it out in the Runner's group on the forum. My first half is Sunday --- I think it'll hit tomorrow once I go to the Expo. AHHH!!!! =) Good luck!!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    And don't let anyone talk you into the new Mexican restaurant tonight because rice has carbs!

    :laugh: So much this!! :laugh:
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Good luck!