
I crave nuts and would love to know if that is a sign of my body needing somthing?

What do you crave and what do you eat to counter the cravings good and bad foods?


  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Nuts are not bad foods. In fact, people who eat nuts and nut butters regularly are shown to have a lower risk of heart disease. What you need to watch is the portions because it is easy to overdo it. I'm a vegetarian so I eat all kinds of nuts and nut butters for protein and good fats. But I always measure out 1/4 of a cup before I start eating them; that is the standard portion size. :smile:
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    I have A LOT of random cravings and it really just depends on the day. I usually give in to most of my cravings - which are usually pickles or spicy or sour things. If it's candy or sweets - take it in moderation and consider your calories you have and haven't ate. Good Luck! Oh, and also - eating ice will help cut the craving!
  • Nuts have a ton of good oils in them. You may be missing some essential fatty acids in your diet to be craving them. Also, depending on what kind of nuts you crave (roasted, salted etc) You may need a little more sodium. Either way, nuts are healthy in moderation :)
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If I crave something for more than a week, I just eat it. Otherwise I'll end up overdoing it later because of denying myself.

    Pizza and ice cream are my biggest cravings on a regular basis - obviously two foods that are less than helpful while trying to lose weight. If I feel like I *need* to eat them, I do. Then I go back to eating well the next time I'm hungry.
  • I crave most anything put veggies and protein. :( I have not answers for you, but I agree, nuts are very good for you, so you're good! :)