not losing.

So, I've been doing MFP pal for two weeks. First week, I lost over 2 pounds. This week, I GAINED 7 pounds. I am eating healthier than EVER before (plenty of protein and an appropriate amount of fat), doing dance/zumba classes every day for 60 minutes, eating the 1440 calories MFP allows and am drinking more water than ever. I'm so confused why I am not losing and am gaining more weight than when I started. Everyone has said MFP really works, so, I'd like to understand why its not for me!? Help and suggestions are welcome!


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    It's only been 2 weeks - you don't know its not working yet. You had a great loss the first week. If you just started working out your body may be holding onto water - or just freaking out a little about all this new healthiness! I bet next week you'll start seeing a loss again. A couple days it looks like you either didn't log or ate WAY under calories. Be sure you're eating your full amount of calories and accurately logging.
  • AshLinds11
    I also track my measurements and have not gained any inches. So to gain 7 lbs in a week and no inches confuses me as well!
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    I agree with Ready2Rock206. It's only been two weeks babe! It took more than two weeks to put the pounds on and it'll take more than two weeks for them to come off! Just keep doing what your doing and track everything! You can swing 5lbs in water weight daily! When I first started I got a bit addicted to the scale and hoped on it every morning and every night. I'd get really discouraged when it went up at all... Which cause me to give up for about 6 months... This time around I'm weighing in every two weeks so I can really see what progress without the daily water weight shock.

    Good luck to you!
  • runningfromzombies
    1. Eat more--always eat your exercise calories.
    2. TOM could be around the corner, or the new exercise regime could be causing bloat--either one of these would elevate the number on the scale.
    3. Inches are what matters, so if you haven't gained there, I wouldn't worry.
    4. Sometimes scales are wonky. Is yours old?
  • AshLinds11
    It's a digital scale about 2 years old.
  • AshLinds11
    Well it was my weigh in day official today. I gained four pounds this week after last weeks loss of two pounds. I've done weight watchers and mfp now since February and have only gained 6 pounds.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Try replacing the batteries in the scale. Mine would read weird so I replaced the batteries.

    Where are you weighing? Scales are fussy. They need to be on a flat, level, hard surface (not on carpet or anything not level). If they are placed on carpet, non-level floors, etc they will read off. On carpet mine will either read 15lbs higher or lower than I actually am!

    Check out the answer in your other post for some suggestions on food and such. Switch up your exercise, ensure you drink your water.

    The weight will start to come off... just keep going and you will see results eventually.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    It's only been two weeks. Give your body some time to adjust. When you start a new food/exercise routine, bodies tend to retain more water. This is most likely water weight. Just keep doing what you're doing -- it'll go down.
  • brensie
    Okay, well first of all, it's only been two weeks. Give it a month, change doesn't happen immediately. Also, if you are taking your measurements you may find that you are actually getting smaller. Because you are doing a relatively large amount of exercise and eating well you are gaining muscle and losing fat.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I'd suggest you start looking at your Fiber intake daily. Also I notice you don't drink enough water. Try to get 8-10 cups of water in a day. It helps your body so much its not funny. Just give it more time every body is different.
  • Tasy64
    :smile: :smile: :smile: No worries, my weight can flex up to 10 pounds in a week, but I know that it is because I'm not drinking enough water and taking in too much sodium. EAT to lose, that is the hardest thing to get your mind around. I have lost 13 pounds, but 2 dress sizes, mainly because I am more toned. Don't beat yourself up because you don't make progress on the scale, it is a journey... a life style change to get healthy. The loss will come just keep up the work.