
I've actually been a member since January, but haven't really been using the site regularly like I should be. My girlfriend uses the app on her phone with every meal and is seeing good progress, so I've been trying to get in the habit of using it myself. I've managed to go a week of proper use, so far so good.

But yeah, I'm 42 and an IT geek, so physical activity isn't a strong point for me. Trying to change that as well. I finally accepted the fact that I'm going to be around for quite some time thanks to my Grandad's genes, so I want to be more like him, active and relatively healthy for the first 100 years of his life. (He passed away in 2003 at the age of 102)

Current weight: 257
Height: 6'3" (ish)
Goal: Well, I'd like to see 220 or lower, but I really just want to get back to size 34 jeans. :)


  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    Welcome (officially)! This site is a great tool and full of (mostly) great people! Best of luck to you!

    Add me if you like. Sometimes I'm funny...but I'm always awesome.
  • jessica1464
    Hello, add me if you'd like.
  • Danardeener
    Hi there, I am very close to my goal weight (only 1 pound away) and then I go on maintenance. However, I am committed to using this site continuously now and when I go on maintenance. I workout 5-6 days per week and can be a supportive friend if you can be. It is afterall a two way street.
  • melodyfrommars
    howdy right back atcha. i'm a relative newbie around here too. i will send you a friend request and the rest is up to you :)
  • banks89202
    Im a newbie too, anyone can add me, I need some friends that are ready to get this party started!!
  • krystico
    Hi! I've been a member for a while, too. I'm recently trying to get active on the site (again), too! Always looking for new friends!
  • Fat2Fit4Life
    Fat2Fit4Life Posts: 599 Member
    Been here for a minute - feel free to add!