Do you ever get over the hunger??

Good Afternoon!

I'm Anissa, 23 years old and new to this website. I'm looking to make friends that can help support and motivate me as much as I can for them. I'm currently trying to lose weight to be healthy, not to look good. The hardest part that I'm noticing is being HUNGRY! Does it ever go away? Do we get used to it? What are the right snacks to just help curve the "hungry" feeling? I recently started Weight Watchers yesterday and I hope it'll help me alongside using fitness pal. The hardest part of WW is calculating the points before I eat something. It seems a little tedious, but I think I can manage!

I'm a very spiritual person and look to get fit physically so that both of those sides can match up. I look forward to meeting more of you, starting groups and just giving moral support all around. I will also end by saying that I believe in prayer and anyone who's interested in starting a prayer group can contact me!

God bless, many blessings and namaste!


  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Try upping your protein, it will fill you up for longer. I can say that I am rarely ever hungry and out of calories. Another big thing is to start cooking your own food, and throw in as many vegetables as you can. Vegetables alone are great, very filling and very low calorie. Try making up an egg scramble, only use a couple of eggs but throw in bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, whatever you have.
    It gets easier, as you adjust to a new way of eating it won't even feel like work.
    Good luck!!
  • Eating more fat can keep you fill longer.

    My favourite snacks right now are almonds and cucumbers :)
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Protein! I love cheese sticks or almonds for snacks. Also... weight watchers is great, thats how I lost the majority of my weight, but be careful with the zero point fruits. I would still track all fruit in MFP so youre aware of how they add up.

    As far as the "hunger"... try drinking fluids first when you feel hungry. Most of the time when I think im hungry, im really just thirsty. But yes, 2 years in Im still always thinking about food, and I still track everything before I eat it.

    Good luck and feel free to add me for support :) my diary is open too.
  • when i lost weight last year...i ate a LOT of popcorn as like an after dinner snack because it has almost no calories. but you need to make ur own the kernals and pop them on the stove with light olive oil and little or no salt, or like some kind of popcorn you can pop in the microwave that doesnt have butter or sugar and stuff..I ate a lot of soybeans as can get a tub mixed with fruit and nuts at costco...drink a cup of water before every meal...and...sleep earlier if u cant handle the hunger after dinner ...does that help?
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Sugar-free jello always satisfies my hunger. It's Extremely low in calories, is very filling.. but has absolutely No nutritional value. So, if you eat healthily during the day and you still feel hungry, an entire box is only 80 calories (that's a lot of jello). You can also make your own jello with gelatin and your choice of fruit juice. It doesn't take much fruit juice. I hope this helps.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    As some others have mentioned, protein and fat will help alot. Don't be afraid of healthy fats (do some research to be sure what are, in fact, healthy). I eat 65% fat, 25% protein, and 10% carb, while I'm not telling you to eat this way, it has cleared up all my health issues with included constant hunger, craving, binging, depression, dizziness, on and on. And there's a bonus; I'm losing weight steadily.

    Edit: I have life-long experience with WW. It's a waste of money and you will get far more from this site. Macros and calories offer more information than "points". (The macro goals can be changed on MFP.) Since I eat high fat and protein, WW likes to penalize those foods with higher points (for the same calorie value) while allowing zero points for fruits (which I MUST eat in moderation for my health) and less points (for the same calorie value) for grain products. Also, I can't support their organization when they market such unhealthy food and give less than optimal nutritional guidance imo.
  • Honestly, I wouldn't waste your money on WW. just log your food here, track your protein and fiber and make sure you hit those numbers and you won't be hungry. I eat just under 1300 cals a day and I'm never hungry.
  • bosoxjenn
    bosoxjenn Posts: 12 Member
    I find that high fiber snacks help - grapes and beans, for example. I just finished a salad with a bunch of veggies and a serving of garbanzo beans (dressing was non-fat yogurt and salsa...yum!)...I am FULL. I don't think I've ever been actually full on salad before! I like things like black bean soup, low fat hummus, etc. I'm a snacky person, so these are some of the things that fill me up.

    I think part of it for me, too, is psychological. I have to really assess whether I'm hungry or wanting to eat out of boredom or habit.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Foods that keep you full longer are those with fat and protein. I eat about 50% of my calories as fat, but it's all healthy fat in real food like eggs, fish, meat, poultry, homemade salad dressing made with olive oil. Also take a cod liver oil supplement. Of course fat is not everything :-) and eat lots of vegetables and some fruit. I could never handle being hungry when I tried the 'moderation' approach, and would lose it and eat a whole box of crackers with cheese and red pepper jelly, or a pint of ice cream, or well, anything that didn't move haha! When I started eating more fat, not only was food tastier, but filling and no more raging hungers. A good book It Starts With Food is a start, and the website has lots of downloads to help with meal planning

    Another resource if one wants to follow a Dr. monitored weight loss is
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    As others have said, foods with (healthy) fat and protein will create a feeling of satiety that will last longer. Sometimes you might have hunger pangs; you won't die from them. You have to learn to ignore them.
  • Okay so I know what you are going through! The key? cut out soda and drink TONS of water! If you find yourself without a water bottle of some sort nearby throughout the day find one. I think one of the big parts of my loss thus far is that switch. (in terms of hunger) Now I do just fine with under 2000 calories per day.
  • brownbadger
    brownbadger Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain. Along with the other advice you've been given, "be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Losing weight is work. Gaining weight is easy because it's mindless eating...without purpose. I'm writing now to keep my mind off of eating. This too shall pass (smile)!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Okay so I know what you are going through! The key? cut out soda and drink TONS of water! If you find yourself without a water bottle of some sort nearby throughout the day find one. I think one of the big parts of my loss thus far is that switch. (in terms of hunger) Now I do just fine with under 2000 calories per day.

    I'm not sure if this is a wive's tale or not, but from my experience you don't recognize the difference between hunger and thirst. They both feel like hunger. If you find yourself hungry drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes. If you're still hungry then you're hungry.

    Edit: Not a wife's tale. I was completely accurate.

    "The hypothalamus controls both hunger and thirst, so it sends the same signal whether you are hungry or thirsty....The next time you feel hunger pangs, drink an 8 oz. glass of water. It might take up to 15 minutes for your hypothalamus to send a signal letting your nervous system know that the body was merely thirsty and that the thirst has been satisfied. If after that time, you still feel hungry, then eat.
  • I also brush my teeth if I feel like I am going to binge. Also I will chew gum. I definately will have something to drink. I also designate a snack each day. If I am good and don't binge on something I get my snack. I actually am so happy when I reach that goal. My snack lately has been Pop Secret 100 calorie Pop Corn. I like that it fills up a bowl. I also like to snack on carrots. To stay away from the kids snacks I put a symbol on it and cross of Mom this way I won't touch it. I am thankful that I have been binge free for 5 days. I lost three pounds and now I am at 160. I can't wait to be in the 150's. I promised myself I would never go back to 160ish so hopefully this will never happen again.
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    High Protein and Fiber rich foods, plus lots of water...and frequent, small meals...are key! Your body does eventually adjust! :) Good luck! I'll add you as a buddy! :-)
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member

    I'm not sure if this is a wive's tale or not, but from my experience you don't recognize the difference between hunger and thirst.

    Edit: Not a wife's tale. I was completely accurate.

    "The hypothalamus controls both hunger and thirst, so it sends the same signal whether you are hungry or thirsty....The next time you feel hunger pangs, drink an 8 oz. glass of water. It might take up to 15 minutes for your hypothalamus to send a signal letting your nervous system know that the body was merely thirsty and that the thirst has been satisfied. If after that time, you still feel hungry, then eat.

    I can tell the difference...

    I worked with a guy who couldn't tell if he had to #1 or #2 potty. He was a trip....
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I do the low carb diet and so I mainly watch carbs... I find that I'm never hungry and when I'm simply craving something.... a good hot cup of tea fools my tummy into thinking it got something :) ...

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • seximami79
    seximami79 Posts: 156 Member
    Sometimes, I totally do. When I first started, I had my calorie goal set to 1200, and I was hungry constantly. I adjusted my goal based on activity level and feel a little better. Sometimes, especially after dinner and when I stay up late, I get famished...especially if I had a really rich or decadent food or drank alcohol earlier and so ate less calories to still be under.

    If I still have calories, left, I will eat popcorn or seaweed snacks, or a can of vegetables, all which can be super low cal. If I don't I will workout to have some more calories or just drink lots of water or 0 calorie tea.

    Not wasting my calories on huge calorie items (such as an over 800 calorie foot long chili cheese dog from Sonic) as well as combining proteins with fiber (think apples and cheese/peanut butter or fruit with nuts/yogurt) helps me.
  • Sounds like a good idea!
  • ACosby1108
    ACosby1108 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for allll the advice! It's definitely been helping! I've been drinking tons of water and trying to avoid snacking. I noticed by keeping my food diary that I snack a whole LOT. I need to start reducing the snacking and make better choices. I am taking the WW because it's free at my job but I've been using this site more than the WW. It's definitely a lot better and such an eye opener on my eating habits!

    Thank you again for all the support! I continue to look out for them! =)

    Many blessings!