parents: do you supervise your child

Ok if you take your child somewhere kid friendly like the park or play place how closely do you watch them?

I personally like to stay with my son age 2 and play with him. Ill swing with him, go down the slide at park, chase him around...whatever he wants to do.

Well evrerywhere I go it seems we are about to get trampled by 'big kids' who have no one watching. I mean we were in the play area of the chick fil a and this ladies 5 kids are karate chopping each other and climbing up the sides of thr equipment while the parents are sitting on the other side of the restaurant. At the park a lady left her 5 yr old daughter in the park while she went to smoke ciggarettes in the ac of her car.

So my question is am I being over protective? Do you let your kids do whatever in a child safe zone? Ages of kids would be helpful. Any stories about chaotic unsupervised kids also welcome.


  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I usually sit close by them, or play with them. I get so angry when I see unsupervised children.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Um, your child is two. That's not being over protective. That's being a parent.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Um, your child is two. That's not being over protective. That's being a parent.
    ^This :smile:
  • sarahbethrn18
    sarahbethrn18 Posts: 127 Member
    I stay pretty close to my 3 year old, but I know what you mean. I have been surprised at the park that I seem to be the only parent hovering over my kid while other children his age play all around. Granted the parents are sitting on the benches right off of the playground, but I'm just not comfortable letting him play in public without being pretty close to him. Sometimes I feel like I'm being overprotective and I try to give him a little bit more space, but it makes me anxious.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Sounds like good behavior with a 2 year old! Little guys should definitely be helped while they're playing like that. My 3 nephs are a bit older (4, 7, 8) and I definitely did that when they were the smallest kids on the playground. Now that they are bigger they know to be very careful around the little kids. I was so proud of the 4 yo yesterday, he waited patiently every time for two little girls to go up the stairs ahead of him (they were tiny toddlers, just walking) and then made sure to not slide down until they had gotten off the slide and walked away from the landing area.

    ETA: I typically sit on the bench as close as possible, or I'll push them on the swings or help them on the monkey bars. They don't go too far from me.
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    Um, your child is two. That's not being over protective. That's being a parent.
    ^This :smile:

    Agreed. It changes as your kids get older. I let my 8 yr old play where i can keep an eye on him (in public) but i am right there with my 20 month old and my 3 yr old usually stays pretty close on his own.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    I too stay close to my 2 year old. I let my 10, 7 and 6 year old have more od a free reign. I do watch them though and if they put a toe out of line you can bet your @$$ I am all over them like white on rice. I have made my children apologize and then we left the park.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I look AF my 5 years old from the side or I play with her.....not because I am an helicopter parent but because I am a big kid at heart and love playground. My 12 years old use the city bus to go to school. As children grow up it is our duty as parents to teach them to be self sufficient.... otherwise we are not doing our job right.

    Great read
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I didn't take my kid to the playground at places like chick fi le or McD's when she was 2, to many kids to run her over. We went to regular play grounds, when she was 3 and bigger, I took her there and loved playing along side her. As she got older I stayed further and further back. I also taught them that you don't run over little kids. It was so cute, mine were always there making sure the smallest kids didn't get run over

    **One hard and fast rule we always had was no climbing up the slide. That's just begging for someone to kick your teeth out!
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My son is also 2 and my daughter is 6. I watch them like a hawk and play with them all the time at the park. You are being a great mom!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    No you're not being're doing what you should be doing. I'm a school bus driver...I see the parental neglect all the time and also the results of that neglect! Keep doing what you're doing!
  • peles_fire
    I try to ride the edge of being close enough to nip bad or unsafe behavior in the bud, but far enough to give the kid a sense of freedom. I like to engage and play with my kids at the park, but I don't like to be a helicopter mom either!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Depends on the age of the kid... I have a 5 year old, an almost 2 year old and a 6 month old... I obviously won't leave any of them but my 5 year old can play a little more freely now that she's getting bigger. I'm always watching though.
  • Sojaided34
    I always stay within arms length of the kids. When they are younger like yours I was with them like that all the time. Right now we live on a cul de sac but the cars come flying down. There are kids who are 3 to 8 just running around like crazy. One almost got hit by a car. Parents in the house, doors and windows closed. I am the only parent on the street watching my kids.

    You're a mom and I don't think anyone should question your ability to parent. Not with all the crazies in the world.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Um, your child is two. That's not being over protective. That's being a parent.

  • hmb63383
    I am a mother of four children Wyatt 15, Faith 12, Hannah-Grace 7, and Nathaniel (Nate) 5. I think I can be a bit over protective but what that stems from is a long story with my 15 year old. He has ADHD, PTSD, and was abused in many ways by his father. So I am usually in visual distance of my children, all of them, in public places or anywhere. I worry too much. I also don't want them to bother other adults. I try to stay as involved with them as possible, till I hear "Mom you can sit there with the other moms, we will be fine!" It breaks my heart but they are all growing up! I think it is great to let your kids know from birth that you are there and will be there. I see too many children who are unsupervised a good chunk of their days and wind up vandalizing other people's property because there is no respect. So very sad, I wanna just hug them and tell them that they are loved, but I would probably be seen as a weirdo! LOL
  • Irish_eyes75
    For most people supervising a 2 year old is common sense but believe me when I tell you it DOESN'T always happen.

    I take my 7 year old to the park a lot - I don't always play with him, it depends if he's playing with his friends or not. There is a group of women who gather together under this one tree and gossip the whole time (I've eavesdropped so I know they're gossiping). Many times I've seen one or two of them with sheer panic on their faces because they can't find their kid.....that's when I swoop in (all judgey of course) and tell them "she's over there on the slide". Of course they laugh and proceed to yell at the 2 year old for leaving their sight!
    Believe me when I tell you this has happened more than once!!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    This happens everywhere. Its so sad. I don't trust no one I do not know. Kids can get hurt or taken with the quickness. I am not saying they should live in a bubble, but reality is they are children, they can only help themselves so much. And sometimes even other kids can harm them, My kids are my responsibility.
  • nataliefamily3
    I am glad we all agree! At the pool last week a woman was letting her 3 yr old daughter play in the pool alone with water wings while she tanned with eyes closed! Really??!? I know there are life guards but jeeze.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    When I take my kids (2yrs and 1yr) to the regular park my youngest stays in the stroller while the oldest plays and we are right with her. While I can't climb up with her we follow her from the ground. When it is time to swing. I load both into the swings and push them.

    That being said there is a toddler park not too far away that is completely fenced in and there has never been another child/parent there when we are. I let my daughter run and I play with my son. All the equiptment is low to the ground and perfect for 2-4 yr olds. The only reason I am okay with this is the fence is tall (you are not going to be able to just pop over it) plus the one and only gate needs oil bad. It sends up a high pitch screech when you open it.

    We also have two rules she has to follow: #1. Respect. If she can not respect others or what she is playing on/with we appoligize and leave. #2. Listening. For a 2 yr old I have to say she is really really good at listening to me and when she can't/won't we appoligize and leave.

    I know that both rules and the consequences seem harsh but I REFUSE to be the parent of the children who everyone looks at and wonders why the parents are not doing anything about their behavior.