Started today...and did terrible already!



  • Hitem20
    Hitem20 Posts: 121

    I have been an over eater for the past two decades and just started this journey in July. I was really worried about how I could manage going from a 5K+ calorie a day eating bonanza to right around 2K per day. I believe you have to do everything possible to set yourself up for success instead of failure. I set a date when I would actual start my life change. I then planned out what I need to do to get to that date and start of running. Here are a few things I have done and thus far that have helped me out.

    #1 - Get rid of all of the junk food in your house
    #2 - Pick out the bad foods you love most and see if there is a healthier alternative (I love chips and dip so I got Popchips and some spicy jalapeno yogurt dip from costco).
    #3 - Brown bag your lunch. I grill a ton of chicken every weekend to then take for lunch through out the week. A grilled chicken thigh, or half a breast on an Arnolds Sandwich thin and you have a nice low cal meal.
    #4 - Find a few veggies that you either can tolerate or if you are lucky absolutely love. I can't get enough of mushrooms (very low cal) so I toss a bunch in a pan with a little EVOO and you have a great, extremely tasty side dish for dinner.
    #5 - DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP IF YOU SLIP UP. In fact having a couple slip ups a month may actually help you lose weight. Just make sure you get right back to it.
  • SlimSlow15
    SlimSlow15 Posts: 30 Member
    My first day was really tough as well. I had strong cravings and wanted to eat. I'm only a week into this, and it's getting easier. I'm starting to adjust to eating less.

    I haven't been perfect in the week since I started, but it's an improvement over my previous eating habits. I think in your first week or two, all you can really expect of yourself is to make improvements. You can't change in one night. It takes time and you should make gradual changes that you can keep up
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    gerripho- I basically just decided i needed to start today i didnt really have an eating plan, however the excerise is something i already do very regularly i workout 6 days a week strength training 3-4 and cardio everyday. I try to run at least 15 miles a week. I just eat enough that it doesnt seem to mattter haha. Im going to start tomorrow off with a plan for eating! thank you!
    Checking in and hoping you had a good weekend.

    Your post above reminded me of something I read awhile back. Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Exercise alone isn't enough to lose weight. You already have a great start since you have an excellent exercise regimen already in place.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Well as i posted earlier i was just tracking my food today, but i was still trying to make healthier choices and i just didnt! I know it comes down to personal motivation and i dont know whats going on...i dont know that ive really struggled this hard! I just eat and eat and eat...I think i need a plan, so i have no choices no time in the kitchen deciding...Im just curious ive heard that can cause the feeling of deprieveration however i feel that might be what i have to do to stop...what helped you get started and get your motivation up?

    Also some advice - don't look at this as depriving yourself. Look at it as balancing. You need a chocolate fix? OK - add it to your food log, then eat a little less at dinner, or walk it off. I wanted a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte like nobodys business but it was 260 calories. So I waited for the weekend, ate a little less at breakfast, a little less at lunch and then went out and had my latte. I didnt deprive myself, I made room for it thats all. The only thing I completely got rid of was diet soda and that was because it was ALL i drank. So I decided to wean myself off of it and now I don't even think about it. Remember also - this gets easier in time!