'ello everyone!

So, I'm Nikki and just joined the site. Supportive friends would be amazing! I don't have a very good support system in place at home so, while the idea of trying to lose weight is in my head,but my life style and the life style of people around me don't mesh well at all. I feel like I'm always missing out on so much in life because I have always been fatter then everyone else, even as a young kid. My whole life as my age went up so did my waist line. No one in my family does any kind of exercise (except it being part of their job) so don't really know where to start in all this so any help/advice would be great!


  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    would love to be a part of your friends list...uyent It does make things harder when people around you don't workout as well.
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to add me! The support here is AWESOME! :-)
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    HI :D Feel free to add me if you like
  • WickedDancerr
    WickedDancerr Posts: 11 Member
    I have to say that changing the diet first - then exercise will follow. You will want to exercise even. That's how it worked for me anyway. So good luck. Stay focused. Small steps!!! small steps!!!! do not get discouraged. Take each day at a time. We are all here for each other!!!
  • debslily
    debslily Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am kinda new and know what it is like to not have much support at home. You can add me, I try to stay positive
    but sometimes need some support too :)
  • feel free to add me as well if you like
  • ClophusM
    ClophusM Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Murphy and I am a type 1.5 diabetic. (For those that are diabetes, then 1.5 isn't something new.) This is my first day being on myfitnesspal and I downloaded the apps for my iphone and ipad. I am looking to drop about 20 pounds by thanksgiving. I am looking forward to being friends with lots of people that are going through the same that I am. Also those that are not diabetics and just want to make a life change and lose weight.

    P.S. I almost also started crossfit last week and it is crazy intense. I recommend it for those who are looking for a challenge when it comes to exercising.
  • Hi Nicki,
    I'm Amanda, I am on most every day. I have loved the support system that develops here at MFP. Sure has helped me, and I pass on the support! lol. Feel free to add me. :)
  • stacey1981
    stacey1981 Posts: 39 Member
    Add me:)
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    I just added you! :)
  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    Would love if you added me! I have been on this site since the beginning of June and I just love it. I love to get advice and I can sometimes give good advice. Good luck to you.
  • bopanee
    bopanee Posts: 43 Member
    I just added you! :)