6 weeks in and haven't seen results!!

I've been doing this for 6 weeks and I haven't seen results yet! I weight and measure once a week. Sometimes I will lose half a pound 1 week but then gain it back the next so I am at the same weight as when I started. I measure my waist and have not seen the numbers go down at all. Any tips please?????


  • aanderson5500
    Don't give up.
    Make sure you have a deficit in calories at the end of each day - remember that you need to burn 500 calories more than you eat per day in order to lose 1 lb per week. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Maybe talk to your physician & get some tips.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Pie? Cake? Pricessed foods? Chinese? Sodium? Need I go on?

    THAT is what you are doing wrong.

    Now, im all for eating what regular people eat, but regular people dont eat out every dang day!

    Its mostly about calories OUT than calories IN, but sodium seems to be a HUGE culprit here..

    Good luck!
  • bbelnap2
    bbelnap2 Posts: 6 Member
    Your Exercise is really good. Your food log has a few problems. What are you drinking? Increasing water helps a lot. Also you seem to have a dessert item almost every day. I have a bad case of metabolic syndrome and if I have ANY processed sugar it usually messes up my insulin levels so I have no weight loss for at least that day.

    Just curious, What are the results you are looking for? Improved speed, better heart rate, lifting more, or just weight loss. Give yourself many things to feel good about, not just weight.
  • DaphneAtx
    Definitely way too many processed foods. You can't eat pie and candy most days and expect to lose weight. You also go over on carbs a lot. You are already set eating at least 50-60% carbs, which is very high.

    If you are counting calories burned on this site and eating them back, that is also a problem. MFP way overestimates calories burned. Get a heart rate monitor and use that to find out how many you're really burning.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    Erm...you're eating junk food almost every day! Chinese, cake? If you like rice, make your own dishes and freeze them. If you like sweet food, stew some apples and rhubarb and add cold non fat yogurt with come cinnamon and almond flakes. There is a lot of processed sugar and sodium in there, it needs to be cut out! Believe me, I've been where you are and much worse. Cut it our, except for one day a week when you can have a treat. You will gain more appreciation for good food and you will feel much healthier.