My Progress

I am a first time poster and this year I've decided to make some changes but unfortunately I only found this web site a week ago - but the changes have started to be felt and show already.

Some background of me, 35 year old male, who works in IT so spends 99% of the working day behind a desk, only drink rarely (i.e. at parties, bbq's and the odd one when I go to watch football).

I quit smoking at the beginning of this year, went from 20 a day to nothing after one hypnotherapy session, I started to understand why I smoked and that I could quit fairly easily, mainly because I had the motivation to finally change my life. Anyone who wants to quit and thinks they can't you can, just remember that you are not addicted to nicotine, you are tied into a habit, break the habit and the rest is fairly straight forward.

To keep my motivation for quitting smoking other than the kids was to put £50 a week in a pot, and not spend it but see it grow, this week there was £1,750 in there, plus I got the "Since iQuit" app for my phone to track how long I've not had a smoke (35 weeks) for and how many cigarettes (nearly 5,000) I haven't smoked. So, if I ever feel like having a cigarette (I do get urges), I just look at the app on the phone and realise, one cigarette is not worth blowing all this hard work for.

So I started going to the gym, putting in 90 minutes 4 times a week and my weight didn't change much from the 15st 7lb's I was at - there were fluctuations of course of going up and down a few pounds at a time, I could see body shape changes but the belly was still there.

But after being on holiday this year and not liking seeing myself, I decided it was time to really push, hence finding this website, and now using the 30 Day Shred plus putting in the effort in at the swimming pool, in the last week (well since Monday) I have lost over 5lbs (2.4kg) in weight. I am now under 15st for the first time in as long as I can remember. Today has been a major breakthrough in my weigh-in, and is helping me motivate more to get this down further, my long term target is 85kg (13st 7lb).

I know the weight loss won't continue at this rate for very long when it starts to plateau out, but if I keep getting fitter I will be pleased.

Sometimes we all need some motivation, and hopefully this will help others to realise they can do it too and they can make progress, I've found some of the other posts on here hugely motivational so thank you very much.


  • SoLiveItUp
    SoLiveItUp Posts: 115 Member
    Keep at it you're doing great : )
  • RobertCu
    RobertCu Posts: 33 Member
    you're doing very good. You must feel like you can breathe better now too.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking, just had my 3 year anniversary in July. Keep up the determination, you'll hit your goal before you know it!
  • Great story!! Keep up the great work!!!
  • Davelh1976
    Davelh1976 Posts: 140 Member
    Keep up the Good work
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    Thank you all for the words of encouragement it's fantastic.

    I should have also put in the last week when the changes have really happened I have cut so much out of my diet and used the site to track everything my body is taking in, and in the last week, no full fat cokes, just one diet coke as a treat last night, taken in so much water and keeping the calories low but filling.

    Its a great adventure, but so wish I had started this 5 years ago, especially the non-smoking part. I can breathe easier, can do much more exercise than I thought I ever would be able to, it's just a really good feeling.

    I even got up at 6.45 today (on a Saturday morning), and went for a 50 minute swim, I'd never have done that a year ago.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    This is working :-) Now lost nearly 7lb (3kg) in total by using this site and putting in the effort with the exercise - mainly swimming.

    My only issue is going to be next week I am away for business, and it means living out of a hotel for 3-4 days, so can't check calories or weigh out the food, and keep as close an eye on things as I would like to - so if anyone has any tips please fire them at me, I guess it will be a case of just watching what I am eating and being sensible and using some common sense. Exercise won't be an issue as I have access to a gym and pool where I am going.
  • Going away from your regular routine can be tough, especially when it’s a new routine. However, if you have the mobile iPhone or Android app, you can always guestimate the calories of a dish. Even if the guess is wrong, it can keep you roughly in the right range or at least keep you in the practice of counting which may be more useful in the long term. You can always surround yourself with low calorie portable options which can help keep binging at bay. Good luck and keep us posted! :)
  • hi, well done on all fronts, Im on year 3 of the quit smoking. I'm new on here as of this week and new to all this dieting and calories etc, I've been lucky all my life and been slim but in january I was diagnosed with thyroid problems and have since struggled to keep the weight off. Now that my thyroid is on the way to been sorted I have the motivation to loose some of these access pounds and get back into my clothes (i refuse to buy a bigger size). Can I ask what the "30 Day Shred" is please and thanks for sharing your story. As for the trip, have you got the app on your phone, I down loaded it this morning to help when we're out and about, it looks just as good as this "full size" site.

  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    stay positive and stay at it
  • wooddie14
    wooddie14 Posts: 79 Member
    Great job on quiting smoking. I'm sure it's not easy. It takes a lot of will power, if you have the will power to quit smoking you can do anything!! Keep up the good work with working out and eating right. You will reach your goal, just be patient and never look back. Try to do something everyday for your health, even if it's a short walk at lunchtime or in the evening. MFP is a great way to see what your intake is. When I started using it, it was really an eye opening experience. I coudn't believe how many calories I was eating sometimes!. Stay strong and good luck on your journey.
  • well done Goonas!!!:wink:
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Good for you and welcome to MFP
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Well done to you my friend and welcome to this wonderful site.
  • goonas
    goonas Posts: 205
    hi, well done on all fronts, Im on year 3 of the quit smoking. I'm new on here as of this week and new to all this dieting and calories etc, I've been lucky all my life and been slim but in january I was diagnosed with thyroid problems and have since struggled to keep the weight off. Now that my thyroid is on the way to been sorted I have the motivation to loose some of these access pounds and get back into my clothes (i refuse to buy a bigger size). Can I ask what the "30 Day Shred" is please and thanks for sharing your story. As for the trip, have you got the app on your phone, I down loaded it this morning to help when we're out and about, it looks just as good as this "full size" site.


    30 Day Shred is a DVD work out, loads and loads of people on here have used it with great results, I think its even on You Tube. The picture in my profile shows how much sweat came from me doing this 20 minute work out on day 1 level 1.

    I found the app before I found this site - I use that more than the site to record my calories and exercises, I tend to use the site more for motivation and this great community.
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