Friends and McDonald's.

I'm having a lot of trouble keeping on a healthy diet as I have many friends who like to hang out and eat in McDonald's nearly 24/7. I have so much trouble going there with them without buying food there as well. I understand that there are healthy choices, but my instinct is to go for the yummiest choice like they do. HELP! xx


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    It depends how much you want to be healthy...maybe just once in a while have something 'bad' and exercise to help 'earn' it?
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Could you order a large plain coffee or something along those lines, and explain to them that you've already eaten? Having something hot to nurse along helps me avoid the pull of desserts when we eat out as a family. :)
  • sathor
    sathor Posts: 202 Member
    I eat Mcdonald's at least 3~5 times each week, and I am down almost 50# this year. Unsweet tea with 1 packet of sugar is 15 Cal, the $1 chicken sandwich is under 400 ( -60 if you get no mayo) and the grilled SW chicken salad is also 390 Cal with the dressing. Just don't order the fries and a shake, Water is free in tiny *kitten* cup, 25 cents in big *kitten* cup.
  • marissafox31
    marissafox31 Posts: 2 Member
    You have to want it to win it! Maybe try "budgeting" your calories if you know you will be going out later. Make sure you get your work out in, then try to be "good" all day to save your calories for a night out with friends.

    Birthday party season has begun now my little one is in school. So I am budgeting my calories on the weekend to save for birthday cake :-) Hang in there! Your new good habits might even rub off on your friends!
  • zoeluiisa
    I think your best bet option is to try to find an alternative hang-out and convince your friends to try it! Otherwise you're going to spend the next five years sitting in McDonald's feeling like you're missing out.

    Do you have any nice coffee shops/cafes near you?
  • misswager
    misswager Posts: 67 Member
    eventually you will be able to resist the temptation, trust me! It gets easier the healthier you are.

    Like everyone suggested, there are healthy options. I personally loathe McDonalds, but you can eat cleansih there.

    You could try suggesting different hangouts?