Advice needed from you guys



  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Stay true to yourself first. If you do meet a guy, let him get to know you for who you really are. This will help prevent some problems later down the road.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Believe me, there are millions of guys who would fall all over themselves if they knew that you were a gamer. So, to echo all the other responses, be yourself and enjoy who you are. Do that and the guys will flock to you - then you can pick the one you like best.
  • You have to be who you are, not who you think other people want you to be, because you take yourself wherever you go.

    If you havent found the right one yet, then stop looking. He will find you.

    Its all down to the Universe and how she does things :smile:
  • Believe me, he was just dumbfounded. Usually guys who play video games are overweight, like me. Typically shy around pretty girls. And with you being a gamer nerd, it makes it seem like it's even a larger gap of ever having a chance with you. That's why guys are even more shy around you, because a pretty gamer girl is intimidating because it is so rare. It's like you reached supermodel mode.
  • Believe me, there are millions of guys who would fall all over themselves if they knew that you were a gamer. So, to echo all the other responses, be yourself and enjoy who you are. Do that and the guys will flock to you - then you can pick the one you like best.

    I find it really depressing that strangers like you guys on MFP can be so supportive and just plain nice, whereas my own friends judge me for less. Thanks for the kind words <3
  • Believe me, he was just dumbfounded. Usually guys who play video games are overweight, like me. Typically shy around pretty girls. And with you being a gamer nerd, it makes it seem like it's even a larger gap of ever having a chance with you. That's why guys are even more shy around you, because a pretty gamer girl is intimidating because it is so rare. It's like you reached supermodel mode.

    So what I gather from this is that most gamer guys are just shy - level asian. haha
    Ugh it's really frustrating! I would love some guy friends who didn't turn it into a "she's better than me" situation.
  • haha, level asian. But yes, most guys are shy, at least from my experiences, I am a shy person. I blame most of that on my weight because I feel like I have no chance with any girl, simply because I feel like they are judging me because of my weight. But I have never been in a situation where I thought the girl was "better than me" because nobody is too good for anyone. What I hate is dishonesty. If I tell a girl I like her, and would like to take her on a date and all she can say is "You're too young for me" when in reality, I am the same gets old. I obviously know it's because of my weight and I just wish the girl would come straight out with it.
  • Fellow gamer girl here. Just remember that gaming is a hobby and not something that defines you. I agree that having similar interest with someone you date is important, but I don't think you should exclude guys that aren't into it. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and I couldn't get him to play a video game to save my life. In anything in life, it's not what you do--it's how you do it. Look for a guy with a personality compatible to your own--gamer or no gamer.

    And don't feel obligated to go on random dates or hook-ups just because you think you may be missing out on something. That will lead to nothing but awkwardness and bad memories. 19 is young. You aren't in any rush.
  • This seems like a silly question... I can't even take this seriously...
    Obviously guys don't care about girly crap...

    Do you honestly think that guys like you for youtubing make up videos?
    Or would they rather a girl they could have fun with playing videogames with?

    This super adorable guy at my work, who is also unfortunately very conceited, made a face when I mentioned that I played Skyrim to one of the other guys, and legit it was like all respect was lost from his voice when he said "you play video games?"
    Pretty humiliating :\

    I take it you lost all respect for that guy right then and there, because i would have. What kind of guy gets surprised that a girl plays video games in this day and age?!?
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I know I'm not a guy, but seriously, be yourself!!!

    You sound like me a bit. And I never dated until I was 20.

    Just enjoy life, be yourself and have a tonne of fun! You will meet a guy who wants you! Just don't worry about it.
  • Defo be yourself....Dont let guys change who you really are. you sound AWESOME :)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    And don't be afraid to wait. :)

    I dated some pretty big *kitten* in my early 20s, moved to a different city in my mid 20s and kept getting asked out by married *kitten*.

    2 years ago, at age 30, I met the love of my life.

    Now I look back at my 20s and I laugh at the bad blind dates/set ups, the guy I thought I loved (it wasn't) and the married jerks. Those things are what led me to my BF and helped me decide what I want/deserve. If I hadn't moved I would have probably settled. No one should have to settle.

    My BF and I don't play video games together but we are uber-competitive about everything else. So there are guys who will be competitive with you and not be sore losers. I beat him all the time at words with friends. haha
  • Ok. what I want you to do is go to this link
    This is Luna Shovegood. She's an epically talented derby player. She's 6 foot tall and has one of the hottest bodies I have ever seen. She drives a car covered in barbie stickers and often turns up to games wearing animal ear headbands and tiny pants.
    She is also one of the BIGGEST GAMERS GIRLS ON THE PLANET!
    She's also one of the sweetest and least stuck up people I know.

    You are not alone. She has a steady boyfriend who plays games with her too.
  • Ok. what I want you to do is go to this link
    This is Luna Shovegood. She's an epically talented derby player. She's 6 foot tall and has one of the hottest bodies I have ever seen. She drives a car covered in barbie stickers and often turns up to games wearing animal ear headbands and tiny pants.
    She is also one of the BIGGEST GAMERS GIRLS ON THE PLANET!
    She's also one of the sweetest and least stuck up people I know.

    You are not alone. She has a steady boyfriend who plays games with her too.

    haha she looks awesome, I'd never even heard of roller derby until now!
  • And don't be afraid to wait. :)

    I dated some pretty big *kitten* in my early 20s, moved to a different city in my mid 20s and kept getting asked out by married *kitten*.

    2 years ago, at age 30, I met the love of my life.

    Now I look back at my 20s and I laugh at the bad blind dates/set ups, the guy I thought I loved (it wasn't) and the married jerks. Those things are what led me to my BF and helped me decide what I want/deserve. If I hadn't moved I would have probably settled. No one should have to settle.

    My BF and I don't play video games together but we are uber-competitive about everything else. So there are guys who will be competitive with you and not be sore losers. I beat him all the time at words with friends. haha

    Sounds like you're very happy, congrats on finding him! I know 19 is young, it just feels like it's never gonna happen you know? Like maybe I'm too picky or come across as standoffish or something :\
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    As already stated a few times, just be yourself. Last thing you want is to have to keep being someone you're not.

    PS - girl gamers rock :p
  • So I've seriously never had a boyfriend and considering I'm 19 it's a pretty sad life haha I always get told to be myself and I'll find the "right one". I couldn't care less if he is "the One" right now, I have the rest of my life to figure that one out. But I don't even have many guy friends who would be willing to answer this one for me. I'm not a regular girl, I love my xbox, am currently working my way through the original stargate series considering I finished Atlantis a while ago, own skyrim, Halo and am about to go buy Left 4 Dead. Is this all a complete turn off? I usually don't talk about what I do in my spare time because all my girlfriends either watch make-up videos on youtube or gossip girl and are hell girly. I like that stuff too but not 24/7. So I guess my question is, should I really be myself when around guys my own age or keep this stuff to myself and just get drunk and hook up with randoms like my friends seem to enjoy?

    Off subject but Left 4 Dead is AWESOME!!! =)
  • I find it really depressing that strangers like you guys on MFP can be so supportive and just plain nice, whereas my own friends judge me for less. Thanks for the kind words <3

    Sometimes friends just are too involved in your life to give you an unbiased opinion. I've learned from previous experiences.

    Believe me, there are millions of guys who would fall all over themselves if they knew that you were a gamer. So, to echo all the other responses, be yourself and enjoy who you are. Do that and the guys will flock to you - then you can pick the one you like best.

    This advice is awesome!!! =D
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    And don't be afraid to wait. :)

    I dated some pretty big *kitten* in my early 20s, moved to a different city in my mid 20s and kept getting asked out by married *kitten*.

    2 years ago, at age 30, I met the love of my life.

    Now I look back at my 20s and I laugh at the bad blind dates/set ups, the guy I thought I loved (it wasn't) and the married jerks. Those things are what led me to my BF and helped me decide what I want/deserve. If I hadn't moved I would have probably settled. No one should have to settle.

    My BF and I don't play video games together but we are uber-competitive about everything else. So there are guys who will be competitive with you and not be sore losers. I beat him all the time at words with friends. haha

    Sounds like you're very happy, congrats on finding him! I know 19 is young, it just feels like it's never gonna happen you know? Like maybe I'm too picky or come across as standoffish or something :\

    That was me pretty much through my 20's, especially late 20's. I assumed I'd never find someone because I had such high standards, you know, like not dating a married man. :P

    A lot of people have been there. Sometimes it just takes time. Sometimes when you are least expecting/not looking you will find what you need/want. Just keep being your awesome self and live your life for you.
  • Ok. what I want you to do is go to this link
    This is Luna Shovegood. She's an epically talented derby player. She's 6 foot tall and has one of the hottest bodies I have ever seen. She drives a car covered in barbie stickers and often turns up to games wearing animal ear headbands and tiny pants.
    She is also one of the BIGGEST GAMERS GIRLS ON THE PLANET!
    She's also one of the sweetest and least stuck up people I know.

    You are not alone. She has a steady boyfriend who plays games with her too.

    haha she looks awesome, I'd never even heard of roller derby until now!

    Roller derby kicks *kitten*! And attracts it's fair share of nerds too *raises eyebrows* maybe you should go along to a few bouts of your local league or even volunteers for them! You get to be involved in games off the track and most of their events. It's heaps of fun and we are all really lovely! Plus, there's those nerdy fans I mentioned....