33 pounds and 2 pant sizes: why don't I feel beautiful?

I had a baby in April and started my fitness pal the day I got the ok from the doctor to start working out again. I've lost 33 pounds, two pant sizes but I still feel disgusted with myself. I feel blue and I compare myself to everyone and always feel like I am so gross.
I wonder when I will start to feel beautiful and appreciate my success. I always feel second place. When I go places with my friends I never feel like I get checked out, I always feel like I'm the fat chick among the group....

Does anyone else feel like this? How do I make myself feel beautiful? Is it in my head?

I've been rejected in the past and I think I live in constant fear of not being good enough....I really don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to feel proud that I'm shrinking!

Sigh **


  • FlyingMonkey73
    Our perception of our bodies definitely takes a battering after having children. Your body, while it may not be in its original state, has done an incredible thing, it has nutured your baby and given life. Stretch marks? - start seeing them as your Mumma Medals - your badges of honour and a reminder of something incredibley beautiful you created, they will fade eventually. I would also be asking myself as to why it is important to feel like you are being checked out by others? It is up to you to tell yourself that you are worthy and look and feel great, you don't need to have that validated by anyone else apart from yourself. Be kind to yourself and enjoy your new adventure and the new you xx