Just starting my journey..........:)

Hi everyone! I'm Suzie.......I'm really excited to start keeping track of my food and exercise here, and also to find other friends who are starting this weight loss and healthier eating journey with me!

I have about 80 lbs. to lose, and just started Turbo Jam, and will in corporate Body Gospel as well.........will also be walking my doggie with hubby when the smoke clears...we have forest fires burning close by and I have asthma, so I can't walk outside right now. Boo! :)

I am so thankful that the Lord led me to this website, as I am TERRIBLE about writing things down.....but this will simplify things for me sooooooo much in keeping track of my food journaling, plus being able to go back and look at what my patterns of different foods and eating is, etc......also wonderful to be able to keep track of exercise, and have it figure ballpark calories burned! What a GREAT site this is!

I know we can ALL accomplish our goals, and am so thankful to have support encouragement from each other along the way! It is a lifestyle change, not a diet for me.........here's to a great transformation for us all here!

Blessings and smiles to all! Have a great day everyone! :)


  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Suzie, welcome to the site. It is a great site with lots of motivated, knowledgable people. It is a little tough at first getting into the routine of logging everything down, but definitely gets easier as you enter more things. Be honest. log all you eat down, and you will be fine. Feel free to add as a friend if you want to. My name is Norm and you can read my profile for more. Best of luck to you !!!
  • TiffanyNicole421
    TiffanyNicole421 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Suzie. I am also new here and am thanking God for leading me to this site. I have 50 to 60 pounds to loose. My thoughts and prayers are with you as we enter this journey.
  • Birdseyeview
    Birdseyeview Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Suzie, I am just starting as well, and like you, I thought I was eating fairly "healthy", until I started keeping track here. Wow, what an eye opener! I have about 20/25 pounds to lose, and hope this is the kick-start that I need. Being held accountable for everything I eat will hopefully be the answer. Wishing you all the best in your journey!
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    We all need encouragement and support - feel free to add me! Good luck :O)
  • 101hellokittys
    another good exercise program is jillian michaels' 30 day shred. just started today, but love it already. good luck!
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Susie and WELCOME to MFP.. Add me if you wish..:drinker:
  • denwilliams75
    Good Luck!!!
  • carolyn68bland
    carolyn68bland Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Carolyn. I just finished my first full week tracking my intake, and lost over 1 #. I am so thrilled that this site exists! :smile: The food journal really makes me stop and think about what I am eating. My husband is also using the site. I have about 30# to lose, he wants to lose about 40. I have used this and other sites before, but never for more than 1-2 days. This time, it's for good. thank you myfitnesspal!
  • mel72281
    mel72281 Posts: 7 Member
    Best of luck to you! I have a lot of excess weight to take off as well. If you would like support feel free to add me!:happy:
  • danoftroy
    danoftroy Posts: 7 Member
    Great to have you. Couple of things I have learned myself and from folks on MFP.

    Check with your doctor before getting very far into this. She may have some helpful advice along with any cautions unique to you.

    When you first start, it is not easy. You have a sugar addiction no different that any chemical dependency. It takes some will power, but it gets a lot easier. Those hungry little fat cells have very loud voices. They want to remain just as they are.

    Often when you feel like you can't live without that handful of potato chips, you are thirsty, not hungry. Drink a tall cool glass of water and wait ten minutes.

    Don't buy what you don't want to eat. It is easier to walk past that high calorie snack in the grocery store than to walk by it in your pantry.

    A pound of excess body fat is 3,500 calories. To loose one pound per week, you have to use 3,500 calories more than you eat. That is a bunch. Don't expect to lose a huge amount every week. Slow and steady wins.

    Like any on line social site, there are some mean people out there. Ignore them. The monitors of the site jump on any really abusive stuff. But people can make some hurtful comments. Just ignore them. Helpful people on this site out number them 1,000 to 1.

    The recipe building tool works good for home made foods you eat often. It saves a lot of time.

    Get the app on your smart phone if you have one. It makes recording daily food and activity easier. Put it on your work computer too if allowed.

    You cannot drive by a fast food restaurant without gaining weight let alone buy something in one of them. My opinion is that you have to cook for yourself more including your lunches at work and get really smart about it. MFP can really help with that.

    I started in August 2011. I'm 65. I have lost 47 pounds. I am able to ride my ancient bike for miles more and a lot faster than when I started. It was slow, but having MFP watching and encouraging you will help.

    I have learned that I can almost starve myself, and without exercise, I don't loose weight. Walking sometimes is ok for me. I don't like jogging. So I started riding my bike. I keep track of my routes and times and try to better the results every time. What ever you choose to do for exercise, it is essential I think for steady weight loss.

    Good luck
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi susie welcome, feel free to add me if you like I started 2 weeks go, have 83Ibs to lose. Had a fantastic 8Ib loss in the first week, a 2Ib loss this week, which is what I'm aiming for weekly. I find it really motivating to give and receive praise on here.
    CHERUBUMS Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! My name is Michelle and I'm a 37 year old stay at home wife and mother to 3 little ones ages 5, 3 and 4 months. I've always dealt with weight issues my entire life. I was the chubby child, awkward teen who was uncomfortable in my own excessive skin, self-concious adult with self-esteem issues. I thought I would be destined to the single life forever because who could love someone that looked like me, and then I met my now husband of 7 years. We became friends and within a year it blossomed into romance that I never dreamed possible. Four and a half years after we met, we finally got married. He loves me for me! All of me, even the parts of me I find hard to love. He always encourages me to look at myself in a more positive way and is my biggest motivator.

    Two years ago I started on a journey to lose weight and had some great success. Yes, I had my struggles along the way, but I remained on track. My goal was to lose a pound a week and I was well on my way to achieving that until I found out a year ago that I was pregnant again. My pregnancy was a very pleasant surprise and I knew it would be my last so I "enjoyed" it, a little too much, actually a lot too much. I began my journey to get healthy at a very unhealthy weight of 283 pounds on October 14, 2010. I was at my lowest weight since high school, which was 241 pounds on August 26, 2011 and found out I was pregnant on September 4, 2011. I quickly started eating whatever made me feel good and whatever I craved. On piled the pounds and I hit 298 pounds the day before I delivered my daughter.

    My pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal headaches and water retention/swelling, all of which I attribute to my gross food intake and lack of self control. I had gained over 50 pounds and felt every ounce of it straining on my achy, tired joints! To complicate things, because of my gestational diabetes I was told I was having a "large" baby. They induced me 3 weeks early because my daughter was HUGE for dates and my blood pressure was beyond control. Needless to say, baby didn't tolerate labour well and her heartrate dropped. They were worried about cord compression, so off to the OR I went for an emergency c-section after my water broke and her heartrate didn't pick back up. If any of you have ever experienced a c-section, you'll know about all of the lovely water retention and swelling. I came home 20 pounds heavier than when I went into the hospital to have her! In 3 days, my body retained nearly 35 pounds of fluids and I felt like a water-balloon about to burst. My legs were like tree trunks from the knee down and I no longer had ankles. My skin was so tight if felt like it would burst open and tear with the pressure. My toes hurt and walking was nearly unbearable. Once home I wore compression stockings and the water literally poured off of my body between the night sweats and compression. I lost those 35 pounds of fluid in 2 weeks!

    Fast forward 4 months and that brings us to today. Since losing that water weight, I've struggled to lose an ounce more, in fact I'm up 5 pounds from that. I re-joined the TOPS group that I was a part of before I was pregnant and hoped that would keep me accountable and encourage and motivate me to watch the scale move in the right direction. Instead, it has embarassed me to weigh in because I've gained, not lost any weight in the past 4 months. I didn't want to go and have other see that I was moving in the wrong direction. I'm an emotional eater, who craves salty and sweet things and I'm addicted to fast food. I'm sick and tired of all of my aches and pains, of feeling sluggish and tired, of having no clothes that fit me in a way that is flattering or make me feel attractive.

    Yesterday an online friend of mine from my daughter's May birthclub introduced me to My Fitness Pal. She had posted how she's lost nearly 20 pounds since her daughter's birth and weighs less than she did before she got pregnant. I congratulated her and asked her how she was achieving her success and making the differences she needed to lose weight. That's when told me about this great site! I checked out the tools that were available and decided it is exactly what I need to get on track and to hold myself accountable. I need to keep track of my food, every morsel I put in my mouth. I need to see just how much I move, or rather needed to move to make the difference.

    I still plan on attending TOPS, but instead of being embarassed, I'm going to go and hold my head up high and proudly step on that scale each week and I'm going to be my biggest cheering fan when I step on the scale and see the numbers drop!

    Thanks for letting me introduce myself and for sharing my story.
  • melanielb73
    melanielb73 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Susie... I am restarting with MFP.. I am looking to lose around 60-70 pounds. I am always looking for motivated friends to support and encourage. Friend Request sent