I'm new today...

Today is my first day on this site. I have actually been losing since Jan 2nd and have lost 13lbs. Got a ways to go but this is a good start. I am working out on my Wii Fit and cutting calories.

What other ways are you losing?


  • ema21043
    Welcome to the MFP familiy. It is a great place for motivation and support. Good luck on your goals.
  • doddiebird
    I'm new also. do you work out with the regular wii fit. the one with the yoga and hula hoops?
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello Meehansbride welcome to MFP. I do stationary bike, walking & ofcourse eat healthy wheat rice- bread- Cheerios, also whatever meats, fish. I basically eat well & exercise a good amount.:smile: