what motivates you?

the past year I would say I've been trying to lose weight, a mere 20 lbs. I get really motivated right at the beginning of my diet and fitness routine and stick to it, however, after many failed attempts, I keep losing my motivation. In July, I even was 4 lbs away from my goal, had done great working out and eating right for an entire month, but as I saw the scale creeping up in weight, I got discouraged because I was eating right and working out yet I was still gaining it back. so I gave up. Not only did I give up, but I gained it all back, plus some. I decided this time I would not look at the scale and just do my diet and workouts, but this morning I gave in and got on the scale. I gained 2 lbs. I'm completely lost on what to do and need help. I'm a very busy college student and lately have been fitting in a workout of some type at least 5 days a week. Im so disappointed right now and need guidance. Does anyone have any advice, some suggestions on what ways worked for them, or wants to be friends to help me along the way? Im determined this time to lose the weight. My goal is to lose 5-10 lbs by the end of october because I have a wedding to go to. Please help me!


  • MewShy
    MewShy Posts: 29 Member
    I've done the same thing 3 times, I just give up. Stress gets me all off track so my cure? meditation. I have some relaxation cd's I listen to, some of them especially for weight loss and others just to reduce stress. I also try not to panic and think too far ahead, I try to take each day as it come and 1lb at a time. Hope this helps
  • ajarmstrong92
    What are the names of the cd's you listen to? That sounds like that would help me since I'm already stress with school and weight loss. I feel like I need to relax and take it one step at a time, but being so busy, I dont always have time to cook a healthy meal.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,039 Member
    I think the main thing that keeps me motivated now that I am on maintenance is this community. Sure, I don't agree with everything posted,but I do agree with logging and being accountable and continuously challenging myself on all fronts - what/when to eat, new foods to try, new exercises, mental balance, etc.

    I do believe that you have to make a lifestyle commitment to your health and well being. The people who post here, whether it is the first moment they start doing or the day they reach their goal or how they manage to maintain are very inspiring /motivating.

    I obtained my first goal back last spring. My new goal should take me about 5 more months!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    First off, are you taking any other measurements?

    Could it be that you're actually losing fat, but gaining some muscle?

    I had a bit of a bad time a week ago with what turned out to be gastritis - ate a fair bit as this kept me feeling ok.
    However, I was doing a lot of physical exercise (running, cycling and climbing).
    Despite now weighing 3lb over my lowest weigh-in, the scales are showing the lowest body fat reading so far.

    Then; it might be worth considering trying cutting your calories further. All of the figures are just approximations, so may not be perfect for you.
    Generally 'calories in vs calories out' seems to have worked pretty well for me - and seems to for others with a fair active lifestyle.
    The 'quality' of food seems to make more difference for those that aren't so active from what I've seen.

    Feel free to add me.

    Thankfully I've been pretty succesful this year, so have been motivated by having a body I'm happy with - but I've lost a bit over 50lb with a final 10/15 to go.
    A smaller goal is often harder as you're nearer your target weight so can't make those big early losses.
  • D3vAnge1
    D3vAnge1 Posts: 104 Member
    I have changed my motivation. Instead of focusing on the weight, I focus on making changes like logging my food & exercise, eating better, moving/getting active and I measure how well I'm doing primarily by how good I feel, then after a few wks of this (6 wks to be exact), I began weighing in regularly. The scale began singing my song, believe it or not. And, boy is it a sweet song, lol. Also, constantly change, never be entirely consistent, except with logging in...if you normally jog 6mph for 30 min as cardio, try interval trg on the row machine instead. You're a big treadmill fan, consider the suggestions at http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/cardio/treadmill/. Also, if you find that you average 1400 cal daily, on occasions increase it or decrease it by 200 or so cals. Keep your body guessing what you're going to do next and keep it up for a few wks at a time to see how it responds...I'm pretty certain the scale will be singing a tune you'll truly be impressed by. :happy:
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    What motivates me..... hmmmmm.... I know going to Disney World next year. I always wanted to go back and do one of those crazy see everything in X amount of days speed run.
  • herrytews
    I have lost 47 lbs in less than 3 months, and two things motivated me;

    1) I treated this website and app (MFP) as a game. It became a daily obsession and challenge to hit my goals, and I was honest with myself and the app at all times. As each day went by, the graphs and charts became a sport that I wanted to win at. I set myself realistic goals and thanks to MFP I achieved them

    2) the real motivation that now keeps me going is my colleagues at work. Every day they gather round in fascination at the transformation and they praise me constantly. It has given my ego a big boost, and there's no way I am going back to being bigger

  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    pulling out my old size 12 jeans and comparing them to the size 4's i'm wearing now - that's motivation!
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    I've been at this 2.5 weeks now... am totally motivated by the logging and watching the numbers and making sure i"m on target... the people here and seeing their commitment... the wins I'm experiencing including the amazing feeling of complete and utter happiness... I"m under a lot of stress right now at work but because I'm walking daily and hitting my steps goal, the stress isn't getting to me at all!
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    The SCALE!
  • Ellyabell
    Ellyabell Posts: 49 Member
    I get motivated by being able to run longer & faster, clothes fitting better etc. I put the scale away for a while, because it was frustrating to see that I did not lose weight the way I wanted to. For me the best motivation is to stick to my goals. I get satisfied if I stick to my training routine and the way I wanted to eat. I am even looking forward to go running now, same for eating healthy food.

    This shows me that something in my head clicked and that I really changed my lifestyle. I feel so much better now, so even if the scale refuses to move, well, I just ignore it. Clothes that used to be too tight are now falling of and I like the way I look much better now, so it goes in the right direction. If I want to live like this for the rest of my life, it doesn't matter too much, if it takes some month more to lose the weight. I want to be fit and I am getting there, so that's what counts for me.

    Feel free to friend me, if you like.
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    I like to watch "The Biggest Loser". I finally got Netflix so I started at the very first season and will watch an episode or 3 a week for motivation to myself. It has helped me tremendously! Once I go through all of them, I will find another series pertaining to body transformation to help motivate. I saw one on abc that I can't remember the name of that I thought looked encouraging so I will have to check it out later.

    Another thing is how my clothing fits better or is getting baggier. I've only lost 8lbs so far but I can already feel a definite difference in my clothing and it is super exciting to me. :) I can't wait until I reach the point where something is just way too big & I have to take it out of my closet!
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    My motivation is the comments from people at work. I am a teacher so there are so many teachers and parents that I haven't seen since I started this new journey in June. I was at Open House last week and had parents stop in who don't even have children in my class! They just stopped in to tell me congratulations! The best was when a friend of the family came to pick up her child after school and thought I was a substitute! She didn't recognize me with my new haircut and new body (or shrinking body)! So many people know about the journey I am on, and their support and kind words have been the motivation I need to keep going.

    I also keep myself motivated with little goals along the way. I have a big weight loss goal of 109 pounds, but I set tiny goals along the way. At 20 lbs lost, I treated myself to a new pair of shoes. At 200 miles walked, I treated myself to a new pair of jeans. At 40 pounds lost, I am treating myself to a pedicure (only about 2 pounds left to get there!) The little goals make the big goal seem not so far away.