


  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    add a cut up ripe mango and some cinnamon. Even better with 1/8 cup walnuts!
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    I add 50 grams of mixed blueberries and strawberry's (they come mixed and frozen from Sainsburys). I then chop a medium banana and crush them all together with a fork until they are like a paste.

    I mix the oatmeal through it when it comes off the heat and it tastes great.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Blueberries!! If I have run out of blueberries I slice a banana into mine, but blueberries is best :laugh:
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I add cinnamon, a splash of vanilla, and almond milk to mine. If I want a little more flavor, sometimes I add chopped apples, bananas, berries, walnuts, or dried cranberries.
  • zoeluiisa
    I know this won't go down well with some people here, but salt. Porridge was cooked with salt for hundreds of years - it's only recently people have started to miss this out, and the result is that it tastes bland.

    Just add a tiny bit to the pan when you're cooking it, and it brings out all the oaty flavour. You can still add a sweet topping afterwards, but you'll find you need a lot less of it to make it tasty.

    Agreed! You only need a very small amount - a little goes a long way, but really does take the bland taste away. True for most sweet things, IMO...

    Also, though my Scottish Grandparents would be horrified, I make it with milk instead of water - normally real, but sometimes almond or oat. Oat milk's great because it has the same oaty taste as the porridge.

  • smurforce
    Pick a berry that you like and add onto the oatmeal.

    I am not a morning person and am always on a rush to leave the house for work. Try to avoid skipping breakfast, but my stomach is usually not awake until I get in to the office. So, in this past month, I've been bringing 6oz of oatmeal to work along with some dried blueberry from Costco. It actually taste pretty good. Add hot water to a 12oz cup, with 355 kcal, I get 2 cups out of it and it lasted me 4-6 hours until lunch.
  • KateinSomerset
    KateinSomerset Posts: 21 Member
    Salt. Full stop!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I like Cinnamon in mine... but I have also tried AppleButter mixed in with it and it was really good and not bland at all. :)

    ^^^THIS^^^ I have also done this! Or used strawberry preserves.
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    I make mine with almond milk and then stir in 3 squares of good quality dark chocolate (I use 85% cocoa choc) and some cinnamon and then put sliced banana on top :)
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm not an oatmeal person, but I've heard rave reviews about these. Quick, easy, and delicious.

  • peg60
    peg60 Posts: 15 Member
    I agree - need to use a bit of salt
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    -Desert spoon of ground linseed
    -Handful of berries (change regularly to get a mixture of mineral/vits/anti oxidants)
    -Protein powder
    -Water to thickness you prefer

    Blend. A quick and tasty smoothie and no reason to add sugars or anything else and plenty of protein and some good clean carbs to get you going.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    -Desert spoon of ground linseed
    -Handful of berries (change regularly to get a mixture of mineral/vits/anti oxidants)
    -Protein powder
    -Water to thickness you prefer

    Blend. A quick and tasty smoothie and no reason to add sugars or anything else and plenty of protein and some good clean carbs to get you going.

    This for the most part. Though I'll use other fruit also, like banana or peach or apple in addition to berries. Also, I will use on cup of milk after cooking.
  • AGreen54
    AGreen54 Posts: 100 Member
    try adding raspberries. They are very juicy and if you mix it up the juice will add flavor along with the actual berries of course
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    1tbsp of almond butter does it, for me.

    Or jam, in a pinch. I make mine with some strawberry flavour protein powder, though, to even out the protein/carbs, so it's not really lacking in any flavour.

    Not a huge fan of oatmeal anyway, but I find it edible this way :tongue:
  • mercymarque
    I love oatmeal... very filling. I use brown sugar and cinnamon. I also add fruit. I chop up a banana and use milk instead of water.. I know more calories but it does taste better this way. U can also use almond milk or vanilla soy for added flavor. Other fruit that I have tried is blueberry, apples and strawberries. If I use strawberries I don't add cinnamon. Hope this helps.
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Great ideas shared! Oatmeal for breakfast this week. Yum!
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I also do mine the oldfashioned way.
    I boil it in water and add about 1/2 teaspoon salt.
    In the end, right before I turn the heat off I always add a dash of milk so it gets deliciously creamy :bigsmile:
  • JS268
    JS268 Posts: 83 Member
    I usually just add cinnammon and a bit of unsweetened almond milk. But if I really want something sweet I'll stir in a packet of light Hot Chocolate Powder. It's SO yummy!
  • 1234getgoing
    Cook your oatmeal with almond milk. After it is cooked add a couple spoons of sugar free french vanilla coffee creamer. You can use any of the flavors. Vanilla just happens to be my favorite.