What made you realize you needed to lose weight?



  • Humbugsftw
    Humbugsftw Posts: 202 Member
    Every time I looked in the mirror and I would feel miserable. I'd keep comparing myself against celebrities, feel even more miserable. My self-esteem was a complete and utter mess (still is), and I knew something had to change before I did something to myself out of sheer hate at the way I look. The moment I told myself 'I'm sick and tired of looking the way I do, time for a change'. No-one thinks I need to lose weight, people are worried about my wanting to lose a lot of weight. I felt people were lying whenever I got compliments. I still do to be honest. Maybe there is a deeper underlying problem, I don't know.
    Starting weigh was 140lbs and my height is 5'3. Which my friends don't consider fat but which I thought was disgusting on me.
    Still got another 28lbs to lose. Here's to hoping it will come off at some point. I'm still miserable about the way I look, at least I know things will be changing though. Lost 12lbs already..

    TL;DR: My self esteem was (is) down in the gutters and I'm trying to improve it by changing my appearance. Vain? Maybe. But so be it.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I was a fat *kitten* and had an uncle pass away of a heart attack in his sleep that was brought about by being overweight with sleep apnea.

    I either accepted this would be my fate or i got in shape. I then rebounded with the typical excuses after being healthy for 3 years and was put on blood pressure medication 3 years later.

    I'm now back to being healthy/fit and don't require meds. I've gone from 5'10" 280" to a fit 5'10" 230 this year, with goal of hitting 10-12% body fat (at whatever weight that is, I really don't care) by the end of the year.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I've been trying half heartedly for several years. Stuff would come up and I'd go back to my old ways. This year I trained for a half marathon. A few days before that, my oldest daughter turned 7. I had planned to get back "on the wagon" after the 1/2 marathon was over. The day my daughter turned 7, I realized that in those 7 years, I have NEVER seen my body's full "post baby" potential. I couldn't look back at pictures and say "I want to look like THIS again" because all of my skinny pics are prior to having my girls. I then saw the pictures of me running the 1/2 marathon and said that is IT! That body carried and birthed 2 children, ran a half marathon and I OWE IT to that body to have it look and feel its absolute possible BEST that it can be.
    My husband and I will celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary in April of next year. We are going on a cruise, so, by that time, I hope to have reached my goal, or at least be much much closer to being the best I can be.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I knew i'd put on lots of weight in my 2nd pregnancy, but still kind of hoped that after my baby was born I wouldn't look too awful! Well, I looked huge and none of my old clothes fit me, even my bigger clothes that had been falling off me when I first got pregnant. So I couldn't wait to get back to the gym again!

    My daughter is now 16 months old and I'm 42lbs lighter and some of my old clothes (UK size 12, so US8) fit me again now! I still want to lose around 20lbs. All I need to do is look at an old photo to stay motivated.
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    I got told I had high liver enzyme levels from weight gain and high cholesterol. I had been "trying" but after the doctor told me that and my mom went in for a sleep study for sleep apnea that was my final straw.

    Then there is the materialistic point of I couldn't fit into my Old Navy fat pants anymore. That made me mad!
  • When my really fat jeans got too tight.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I had a heart attack in February. I signed up for a nutrition class at community college right after. Best thing I ever did.

    Nice to hear you did that =)

    So many people would brush it off as a freak incident or something. Props to you! :flowerforyou:
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I've always known I should lose weight. But the moment it hit home for me was when my thesis advisor in grad school openly made fun of my weight to my program director and I overheard him. Most mortifying experience of my life.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    LOL I just posted in in my story, the guy in the back of my patrol car calling me a fat *kitten* and it was true! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/740340-i-lost-60-lbs-at-age-51-anyone-can-any-workout
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Most of my adult life but what really hit home was my Dr asking me if I wanted to die because I was border line diabetic and had extremely high blood pressure ..
  • Almost two and a half years ago, my husband had just run a marathon. At this time, I was at my highest weight (although I didn't realise it at the time!). At the end of the race, we had to walk up quite a steep hill back to our car. Well, my husband (having just completed a marathon) shot up the hill with our two sons, no problem at all and there was me puffing and panting, stopping every few minutes to catch my breath - not good, :o(. This, I think was the turning point for me!
  • lmkotch
    lmkotch Posts: 7 Member
    I moved to Paris for a couple of years (it's not only true that French women don't get fat, but the men too) and had two different doctors try to explain to me in broken English that I was "ugghh too grosse. I mean... fat!" I'd never had an American doctor address my weight before, so this was disconcerting. While there, I had problems putting down the baguettes and cheese but after I got back to the States (about 2 years ago) I've lost about 50 lbs. Take that French doctors!
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    When my boyfriend stopped fu(%ing me and said he was no longer attracted to me. :noway: :embarassed:
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    One day I woke up and realized I weighed 250... The reality of being halfway to 300 was enough for me.
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    I had a swollen optic nerve and the eye doc made me see a neurologist and I had to have a spinal tap and MRI done. He said it was from excessive weight gain and I need to lose at least 34lbs. Then is when it hit me that I weighed more than when I was pregnant and that was 14 years ago. O.e.
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    My family history of diabetes and heart disease.
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    When I saw the # 222lbs.,...changed my life,the next day started walking!
  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    I realized I needed to lose weight when I got asked TWICE in ONE MONTH if I was pregnant.................

    If you got asked that quetion twice in under 30 days, you know there is a changed needed.
  • The first time I lost weight, I realized I had to finally buy a size of pants I didn't want to ever admit to owning. I lost 60lbs then, and want to now lose another 20lbs. I would love to get into a bikini next summer!
  • When I looked down and could not see my friend!!!