For anyone who knows anything about personal trainers

ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm considering getting one at my gym. However, money's tight and theyre pricey. How helpful would getting a half hour session once or twice a month be? Of course I would workout on my own between those times.


  • I would do an hour session one to two times a month. You can take what they go over with you during the hour and integrate it with your cardio routine. It works great for me!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Its definitely helpful because they teach you a lot about nutrition and to work the areas that you need to most. However, once or twice a month may/may not be enough. I have hired a trainer in the past and it has definitely helped me workout "better", but then cost was an issue and so I decided to hang out and watch other ppl being trained. Now, I can work on myself but also learn the right techniques. Its a personal choice but one that can really show the results.
  • ambee0803
    ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
    Maybe one hour a month to put together a workout plan and adjust it monthly
  • Hiya-

    I train with a trainer 2x per week, but yes, it is very pricey. I have sacrificed taking vacations over the last 6 months to be able to afford it.

    I think if you had 2 sessions per month, you may not see the best results you can get from a trainer. However, if you do get a trainer to kick start you (ie, 2 or 3 x per week) for the first month or so, they may be able to teach you things so you can train a lot on your own.

    I find having a trainer beneficial not only for technique and trageting the things I need, but also for motivation and keeping me on track. When I have invested $$, I am way more motivated to get up at 6am to train.

    So to answer your question- if you can motivate yourself to push yourself to the limit atleast 3 times a week without a trainer, then yes, you might find benefits in having a trainer only a few times a month. Have you got a friend to go to the gym with to split a trainer cost? That might be an avenue, and then when you train without your trainer, you have your friend to help spot you, motivate and push you. I would recommend go in for a few trial sessions- it really is amazing the results you can get from specific, targeted training.

    Good luck!!
  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I found a soultion to the pricey trainer issue. I got a group together and found a trainer willing to give a group rate. I now only pay $30/session once a week. It has really helped me stick with it and I am much better at working out on my own now. You just need to make sure that you commit to never cancelling your training session and find a reliable trainer. It has to be your number 1 priority, above even happy hour. :wink: I would also recommend asking other people about their experience with certain trainers. Finding a good match is also very important. Many gyms also offer a complimentary training session to meet the trainer and assess your goals.
    Don't be intimidated to talk to the "regulars" at your gym. They are often passionate about fitness and can offer a wealth of information.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I actually got a major in personal training. I believe that if you don't know anything about working out and nutrtion do get one becasue they can be helpful with sharing information with you. I would do two to 3 times a month with for an hour.
  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I know it does seem like a luxury but can you really put a price on your health. (Ok, I know it's a stretch but I really feel it is a great benefit)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    For my money the question is - what do you expect the trainer to do?

    If you have a pretty good idea what to do and how to do it - what to eat and how to cook it, etc. etc.,,, and you just need the trainer as a pusher and accountabili-buddy, then seeing one might be worthwhile on a monthly basis. Just to have somebody to observe your progress and steer a bit and keep you motivated.

    However - if you don't know what to do, don't have a good routine, don't understand how to achieve your goals - in that case a good trainer is worth every dime. They can help you develop a program that will work for you. Help you with proper gear and scheduling and nutrition and exercise form and motivation and so on. In that case you may want to splurge a bit and work with a trainer a little more regularly, at least until you know what you need to know.
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